Server download

This link takes you to the AllegroGraph download page. Clicking on the correct file (for an rpm or a tar.gz download) will initiate a download (after filling out a request form).

However, if you want to download using a command on your machine (like wget or curl), you need to know the download link and that is not readily apparent from just clicking on the filename on this page.

The download links for the tar and the rpm files are:

Here are the download commands, using curl or wget to download the tar files and using yum/dnf to download and install the rpm file (run only one, of course):

Also note near the bottom of the download page, there is an link to archived downloads Archived versions You can download archived versions here:

Download archive

Click that link and choose the desired release, including AllegroGraph 8.2.0, and you get to a page with links to download all relevant files. Hovering the cursor over the desired file, the right button menu should have a Copy Link Location choice. That location is suitable to use in a curl or wget command initiate a download from your machine rather than from the browser.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): downloading and installing

Installation on WSL is the same as on any UNIX server. But because the WSL UNIX directory structure can be hidden on Windows, it can be easier to download the necessary files with curl or wget run in a WSL UNIX shell rather than downloading using the browser (though that works as well). See the section above for information on downloading with curl or wget.

Server Installation

There are two methods of installation for the AllegroGraph server, one for administrators and one for non-administrators. Administrators can install the RPM file, and non-administrators can extract the files from a TAR.GZ file and install in a location of their choosing.

From the RPM (Red Hat/Fedora systems)

These instructions are for fresh AllegroGraph installations (see below for instructions on upgrading from one AllegroGraph version to a later one).

To execute the commands in this section, you must run the commands as "root".

Obtain agraph-8.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm from the Franz download page.

Install the RPM:

rpm -i agraph-8.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm 

Then run the configuration script:


The script asks several questions about configuring AllegroGraph. Please see Running the Configuration Script for advice on how to reply to the script. Note that the last few lines of the script show how to start and stop AllegroGraph on your server. These lines will be similar to this example:

You can start AllegroGraph by running:  
/sbin/service agraph start  
You can stop AllegroGraph by running:  
/sbin/service agraph stop 

To verify that AllegroGraph is running correctly, open a browser and direct it to the AllegroGraph WebView URL:


You may substitute your server's IP address for "localhost." The port number is the AllegroGraph port, which defaults to 10035. This opens the WebView interface, which lets you manage users and interactively examine the data in your repositories.

To uninstall AllegroGraph (see also Uninstalling the Server below):

rpm --erase agraph 

Note that the uninstallation does not remove other directories created by AllegroGraph, which may contain configuration files, catalogs or log files. Those live in /var/lib/agraph, /var/log/agraph, /var/run/agraph and /etc/agraph. Be careful when removing these directories.

Unless you are using the free version (which allows up to 5 million triples), you must add a license key to the configuration file. See below for more information. If you are using the free version, go to Client Installation below.

Upgrading an RPM installation

The steps to upgrading from one version of AllegroGraph a later one are as follows.

1. Backup all repositories

Before upgrading, backup all repositories with the agtool archive backup-all command (see the Repository Backup and Restore document). Some earlier versions of AllegroGraph have problems with agtool archive backup-all. If you have problems, either backup repos and also settings individually or contact [email protected] for assistance.

2. Stop the agraph service

When the backup-all command completes, the agraph service must be stopped so that the upgrade can take place.

/sbin/service agraph stop 

3. Install the new AllegroGraph version using the -U option

To install the new version of AllegroGraph to replace a currently installed version, use the -U option to rpm. As root, execute:

rpm -U agraph-8.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm 

4. Remove any patch files

Patches are only rarely provided for AllegroGraph versions, but if there are any patches, they must be removed before using the upgraded AllegroGraph version (the rpm upgrade does not remove patch files). Patch files are located the /usr/lib64/agraph/patches/ directory, and usually that directory is empty. If there are files there, move them out of that directory into a convenient temporary directory (in case you have to revert back to the earlier release):

mv /usr/lib64/agraph/patches/* [directory outside of AG rpm directories] 

Patch files for an AllegroGraph release are not needed by and will in fact cause problems for later releases. If you have questions about the status of the condition that was patched in the earlier release, contact [email protected].

5. Start the updated agraph service

/sbin/service agraph start 

6. Restore backed up repositories

Restore repositories backed-up in step 1 above with the agtool archive --supersede restore-all command, as described in the Repository Backup and Restore document. You must use the --supersede argument because the new installation will know about existing repositories. After this command completes, your data will be in the same state as when you stopped the service before upgrading.

The upgraded AllegroGraph version is now ready for use.

From the TAR.GZ (all systems)

The commands in this section do not require "root" access.

Obtain agraph-8.2.0-linuxamd64.64.tar.gz from the Franz download page. Place it in a directory of your choosing. Then extract the installation files:

tar zxf agraph-8.2.0-linuxamd64.64.tar.gz 

This creates the "agraph-8.2.0" subdirectory, where the installation script resides.

Running the installation script on untarred files

The installation script is install-agraph. It takes the path to a writable directory where you want to install AllegroGraph as a required argument. (This directory is called the AllegroGraph directory elsewhere in the documentation.) It also accepts the following options:

If supplied, AllegroGraph will be installed in the argument directory but the configuration program will not be run. This allows installing and configuring to be done without user input (by running the configuration script non-interactively, as described below). You can also run the configuration program, agraph-configure, interactively after the non-configuring installation finishes (as described in the Configuration section below).
If supplied, the contents and subdirectories of an existing installation directory specified as the required argument to install-agraph will be overwritten without further warning or request for confirmation, with the exception of the data subdirectory (which contains subdirectories for the various catalogs and files containing repository data). Repository data in the data directory will be available when the newly installed AllegroGraph server is started. Repositories in catalogs other than the root and system catalogs will only be accessible if the catalogs are defined in the new agraph.cfg configuration file.
Print information on the options to install-agraph.
--staging-dir directory-pathname
A directory (it will be created if necessary) where temporary files created during installation will be stored. The default is /tmp. Use this argument if /tmp has insuffient space to hold the temporary files. If temporary file space runs out, the installation will abort and partial installations will be deleted. All temporary files will be deleted when installation has completed. directory-pathname should be an absolute pathname. Temporary files are created when doing a distributed AllegroGraph install. See the Distributed Repositories Setup document.

When running install-agraph you can pass arguments to configure-agraph by putting -- after install-agraph args:


Here is how a typical interactive installation is initiated:

agraph-8.2.0/install-agraph /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0  
Installation complete.  
Now running configure-agraph. 

The script asks several questions about configuring AllegroGraph. Please see Running the Configuration Script for advice on how to reply to these questions. Note that the last few lines of the script show how to start and stop AllegroGraph on your server. These lines will be similar to this example:

You can start AllegroGraph by running:  
/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/bin/agraph-control --config /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg start  
You can stop AllegroGraph by running:  
/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/bin/agraph-control --config /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg stop 

Now, the server can be started as shown above:

/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/bin/agraph-control --config /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg start  
AllegroGraph 8.2.0 server  

To verify that AllegroGraph is running correctly, open a browser and direct it to the AllegroGraph WebView URL:


You may substitute your server's IP address for "localhost." The port number is the AllegroGraph port, which defaults to 10035. You will need to your default AllegroGraph username and password to log in. This opens the WebView interface, which lets you manage users and interactively examine the data in your repositories.

Unless you are using the free version (which allows up to 5 million triples), you must add a license key to the configuration file. See below for more information. If you are using the free version, go to Client Installation below.


The server installation instructions in the previous two sections link to this section to avoid repeating detailed information about the AllegroGraph configuration script. You should follow these directions until the script exits and then return to the installation instructions.

The program which configures AllegroGraph is configure-agraph. It is called automatically by install-agraph described above unless the --no-configure option is specified. It can be called to configure an unconfigured AllegroGraph (this is necessary when AllegroGraph is installed with the RPM method). In this section we describe interactive configuration. See below for information on running configure-agraph non-interactively.

NOTE: The Linux user account ("agraph") and the AllegroGraph superuser account ("test:xyzzy") are not interchangeable: the first is a regular operating system account, the second is used only by AllegroGraph and has nothing to do with the operating system. Each has a specific role to play.

  • If you are logged in as root, the installation script will prompt you to name a non-root account for AllegroGraph to run under. (It would be a security risk to let AllegroGraph run as root.) This account defaults to "agraph" and is designated in agraph.cfg as "RunAs agraph". The "agraph" account has no password and is used only by AllegroGraph server.

  • The installation script will always prompt for the name and password of your initial AllegroGraph superuser. (In the paragraphs below this user appears as "test" with password "xyzzy".) This is the account that gives access to your triple stores. It appears in your initial agraph.cfg as "SuperUser name:password". The first time AllegroGraph runs, it will use this line to create the superuser account. After that you can delete the entry from the configuration file for added security.

The AllegroGraph installation script creates an AllegroGraph configuration file (agraph.cfg) with settings appropriate to your environment. The script creates the minimal configuration files to get you started. The configuration file may be edited later.

The configuration script asks several questions. The default answers are usually adequate, and can be reconfigured later if necessary.

Welcome to the AllegroGraph configuration program.  This script will  
help you establish a baseline AllegroGraph configuration.  
You will be prompted for a few settings.  In most cases, you can hit return  
to accept the default value.  
Location of configuration file to create:  
Directory to store data and settings:  
Directory to store log files:  
Location of file to write server process id:  

If you are logged on as the root operator when you run the script, it will ask you to identify a non-root user account that AllegroGraph will run under. You can usually take the default value:

User to run as:  
User 'agraph' doesn't exist on this system.  
Create agraph user:  

The configuration script will then ask for a user name and password to be your AllegroGraph superuser. This account is internal to AllegroGraph, and is not your server logon account. The example below shows the user "test" with password "xyzzy". This is the account expected by the tutorial examples, so it is convenient to create that account now. User account management is easy to perform through the AllegroGraph WebView interface, so this initial user/password combination is easily changed later.

Now you must set up an initial user account for AllegroGraph.  This  
account will have "super user" privileges within AllegroGraph.  
SuperUser account name:  
[super]: test  
SuperUser account password:  
SuperUser account password (again):  

Finally, you are asked for the instance timeout seconds. This is the length of time (in seconds) a database will stay open without being accessed. The default is 3600, which is 60 x 60 , that is one hour in seconds.

Instance timeout seconds:  

The value will be written into the agraph.cfg file like InstanceTimeout 3600. If you remove that line from the file, the timeout interval will be one hour (3600 seconds) as well.

The script writes out the agraph.cfg file in the <yourInstallDirectory>/lib directory for the TAR.GZ installation, and in the /etc/agraph subdirectory for the RPM installation. These are the default locations. Make a note of where your agraph.cfg file resides.

/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg has been created.   
If desired, you may modify the configuration.  

The script concludes with a display of start and stop commands customized to your installation. These commands vary between the TAR.GZ installation and the RPM installation, and depending on the location of your AllegroGraph installation directory. Make a note of the start and stop commands for your installation (see Server Control in Server Configuration and Control for more information on the agraph-control program).

You can start AllegroGraph by running:  
/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/bin/agraph-control --config /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg start  
You can stop AllegroGraph by running:  
/home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/bin/agraph-control --config /home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg stop 

There are many additional configuration directives. You can add them to the configuration file and they will take effect when the server is started (or restarted). See the Server Configuration and Control document. If you want the connection to the server to be an SSL/TLS connection, see the SSL/TLS Quick Start document.

This concludes the discussion of running the configuration script interactively. Please return to the installation instructions (above here for RPM installation, above here for TAR.GZ installation) and continue from there.

Running the configuration script non-interactively

You can run the configure-agraph script non-interactively, which allows you, for example, to run it from another script. To do so you specify --non-interactive on the configure-agraph command line along with additional arguments which provide answers to the questions that the script would have asked. See just above for information on the questions and answers.

If an error occurs, a message is output and the script exits with a non-zero status code. Most arguments are optional and have reasonable defaults but either --super-password or --super-password-file must be specified.

Minimal non-interactive configuration (the default super-user name is 'super'):

./configure-agraph --non-interactive --super-password xyzzy 

Install + configure one-liner:

./install-agraph <AGRAPH-DIR> -- --non-interactive --super-user test --super-password xyzzy 

Here are the arguments in addition to --non-interactive:

--config-file <path>
Location of the configuration file to create (defaults to $configfile).
--data-dir <path>
Directory to store data and settings (defaults to $datadir).
--log-dir <path>
Directory to write log files (defaults to $logdir). This argument corresponds to the LogDir top-level directive in the config file. See the description in Server Configuration and Control.
--pid-file <path>
Where to store the AllegroGraph PID file (defaults to $pidfile). This argument corresponds to the PidFile top-level directive in the config file. See the description in Server Configuration and Control.
--runas-user <user>
Which user to run the server under. Only applicable when starting AllegroGraph as root. This argument corresponds to the RunAs top-level directive in the config file. See the description in Server Configuration and Control.
Tells the script to create the user named in --runas-user if it does not already exists.
Specifies the default port to be used by the server. Defaults to 10035. This argument corresponds to the Port top-level directive in the config file. See the description in Server Configuration and Control.
--super-user <name>
Name of AllegroGraph-internal user that gets super user privileges (defaults to 'super'). This argument corresponds to the SuperUser top-level directive in the config file. See the description in Server Configuration and Control.
--super-password <password>
Password of this super user. See the SuperUser top-level directive in Server Configuration and Control. The password is specified in that directive along with the super user name.
--super-password-file <path>
Allows you to specify a file containing the super user password, so that it doesn't appear in the command line.
--license-file <path>
Tells the script to append the License Key from a provided file to the end of the config file.

The file and directory defaults when running as root are


The defaults when not running as root are


Return to configuration description above or to the installation instructions (above here for RPM installation, above here for TAR.GZ installation) and continue from there.

Installing the License Key

When you download the free version of AllegroGraph, no License Key is provided or required. The free version lets you load a maximum of 5,000,000 triples, and has no expiration date.

Franz issues a special License Key to users of the paid version of AllegroGraph. The License Key defines a maximum number of triples and an expiration date for the license, and is issued to an individual client company. Your License Key will be issued by the Franz sales department, and will arrive in your email. A typical license key looks like this (non-working) example:

# Limit: 0 # Cores: 16 # Cluster nodes: 1 # Cluster cores: - # Expiration: 2020-08-31 # Upgrade expiration: no-expiration # Versions: < 7.2 Licensee [DETAILS ABOUT LICENSEE] A8937G882X2K2H5S6H364F6G294C999N4U2R3T5E3RA99U75683N8F2SA75B2Y8Z6V7Z3J7W SAMPLELICENSEFROMDOCUMENTATION769H5Y5K2K9U2N2V8X8D3Z858279A8575P9N624F3D A3327P9P6U6N543U2R254J2M3EA79F7X42228V3W6W692F527J7R3G774S289M9A9Z4RA46G 6K8BA77CA75M4A6Z8JA53G8Z8D9T362S68A7558U8Z2F3T6N653W3938585Z433SA79F2D7D 277W4C956S8MA39V2T895Y5Q6V2B256C3G8762444D6C2Q597G9X36582V9T2A5U9M7K844A 279G4K244B9V8M469V4D662V27852F8T9W454W8S6S4J3C375U6H6Q8V7495A57A3H4M2345 3A8N3F5H5V2N4T484G9W33469N3T6F4F5U6X5J9W67889H472W8B3U9X8E9H6R3N2R6A3S9G 3Z327D245X2D5N2W8V3V8K9F2S569E3D9A6R3A2ZA95A6T3R8H749F2D889N4K9T4N8X9Z9E 5F8H5Q2X7W9P4V972A5F53873D464N2N4CA427864T7H7S283A

The "License Key" consists of fields at the beginning starting with #'s. These fields (the number varies depending on the exact license) describe what is allowed by the license. Contact you sales representative for exact details, but we give some general descriptions below. The LicenseCode verifies the other values. Do not modify any portion of the License Key as then it will not match the LicenseCode and AllegroGraph will fail to start up.

The license values

Maximum number of cores

If Cores limit or Cluster cores have integer values, only that number of cores can be used to run AllegroGraph. If the system detects more cores, startup may fail with an error message saying the number of cores available is too large. If this happens, add the line

UseLicensedCores true 

to your configuration file (see the UseLicensedCores configuration directive in the Server Configuration and Control document).

Installing the License Key

To install your License Key, copy the entire block of text (all lines starting with #, the Licensee line, and the whole LicenseCode section including the tags) and paste it into your agraph.cfg file. (In the TAR.GZ installation example above, the agraph.cfg file was located at */home/joe/tmp/ag8.2.0/lib/agraph.cfg. The default location in the RPM installation is /etc/agraph/agraph.cfg*.) The License Key can go into any part of the file as long as it is outside of a catalog definition. Save the file and restart the AllegroGraph server.

Alternatively, you can install the License Key from a file by passing it as an argument to the configure-agraph script:

configure-agraph --license-file <path> 

This can be done when running install-agraph as well:

install-agraph INSTALL-AGRAPH-ARGS -- --license-file <path>  

If there is any problem with your License Key, AllegroGraph will print an error message and the server will fail to start. Contact [email protected] if you have problems with your license key. Meanwhile, you can always run the free (five million triple limit) version by removing or commenting out the license portion of the configuration file.

Now go to Client Installation below.

Moving the Server

You can move the installed AllegroGraph Server to a different location simply by moving the directory where it is installed (don't forget to stop the server before doing so).

Uninstalling the Server

When installing from a tar.gz file, it is not necessary to uninstall the older AllegroGraph versions from a computer, but when installing from an RPM distribution, it is required unless you install the new distribution with the -U option. (You may wish to uninstall earlier versions installed with tar.gz even though it is not necessary to save space and reduce clutter.)

The main issue with uninstalling is ensuring you do not delete files or directories that you may need with the new installation or, if you are ceasing to use AllegroGraph, you may need if you start using it again.

You should save:

It is recommended that you copy all files and directories you wish to keep to a new directory named somthing like agraph-vXXX-saved-files/ (where XXX is the version number without dots, like v45). This directory should not be a subdirectory of any AllegroGraph directory. Also, tools described in Repository Backup and Restore like agraph-backup can be used to save the contents of the settings directories and also databases.

RPM uninstall

Once everything is saved, you uninstall a RPM installation with the command

# rpm --erase agraph 

This command will not remove directories created by AllegroGraph, which may contain configuration files, catalogs or log files. Those live in /var/lib/agraph, /var/log/agraph, /var/run/agraph and /etc/agraph. You should already have saved what you need, but make sure before deleting these remaining directories.

tar.gz uninstall

You uninstall by deleting the AllegroGraph installation directory using standard OS tools. On UNIX, for example, you would do so with a command like

% rm -rf my-old-allegrograph-install-directory/ 

Note that unlike RPM uninstallation, this command removes everything from the directory and the directory itself. There is no way to recover files or directories which you intended to keep but which where not copied elsewhere once the command is executed.

You should also remove other directories pointed to by the old configuration file such as TransactionLogDirs and TransactionLogArchives etc. once you have saved material in those directories you wish to keep.

Cluster Installation

AllegroGraph supports distributed repositories, where data is spread over a number of coordinated repositories (called shards) running on one or more servers. See the documents Distributed Repositories Tutorial and Distributed Repositories Setup for more information on clusters.

As described in those documents, distributed repositories are specified with a file whose default name is agcluster.cfg. The contents of this file are described in detail in Distributed Repositories Setup and the Distributed Repositories Tutorial has an example which, though short, is typical of actual use cases. (Though complex setups are supported, they are rarely necessary.)

Tarball cluster installation

If you downloaded a tar file containing the distribution, and you untarred it into a directory which we refer to as <IA-DIR> (for install-agraph directory, and typically named agraph-8.2.0), then you can install AllegroGraph on all desired served at once. You must create an agcluster.cfg file and an agraph.cfg file and have them handy (in the examples, we assume they are in the current directory).

You can install a clustered AllegroGraph with a command command like

    <IA-dir>/install-agraph --cluster-config ./agcluster.cfg --agraph-config ./agraph.cfg  <SERVER-DIR> 

where <SERVER-DIR> is the directory where you want the server to reside. The parent of that directory must exist on each host where you are installing a server. The directory itself will be created.

In response to this command, AllegroGraph will be installed on each host and the agcluster.cfg file and agraph.cfg will be copied to the lib/ subdirectory of the AllegroGraph directory on each host.

If it is detected that the correct version of AllegroGraph is already installed in the desired location on a server, it will not be re-installed but the agcluster.cfg file will be copied to that location.

agtool installation

The agtool program is available as a separate download and can be installed on any x86-64 Linux machine. It uses arguments to specify the server and repository it should work on so AllegroGraph itself can be installed and run on any other machine available through the network. The downloadable agtool is the same as the one included with the installation. See agtool for installation instructions. You do not need to download agtool as you can use the one included with the distribution.

Client Installation

AGWebView and the REST/HTTP interface need no further installation. They can be used as soon as the AllegroGraph server is running.

The Lisp client requires installing an appropriate version of Allegro CL and loading the AllegroGraph client fasl (compiled Lisp) file agraph.fasl. See the Lisp Quick Start document for information on the installation and use of the Lisp client.

Python Client

The Python client works with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3+.

The AllegroGraph Python client files are in agraph-8.2.0-client-python.tar.gz which you may obtain from the Franz Agraph client download page. Download and place it in a directory of your choosing. Then extract the files:

tar zxf agraph-8.2.0-client-python.tar.gz 

This creates the agraph-8.2.0-client-python subdirectory.


Python versions 2.6+ and 3.3+ are supported.

The Python client depends on a few third-party Python modules. These will be downloaded from PyPI_ during installation and compiled on the target systems. Since some of the required packages use native extensions, it is necessary to have a proper development environment set up so that the compilation may succeed. This environment must include:

Below we describe more detailed setup instructions for some of the supported systems.


The required packages are available in binary form for Windows, so it is not necessary to install any compilers or headers.

RHEL 6/7 and compatible systems

On RHEL-like systems the requirements mentioned above can be satisfied by following these steps (note that root privileges are required):


Ubuntu offers three variants of curl, built using different SSL libraries. These variants differ in their licensing and SSL related capabilities (see for more details). The list of packages that need to be installed depends on the chosen SSL implementation.

The following package is required in all cases to use Python 2:

# This will bring in Python, dev headers and GCC as dependencies  
apt-get install python-pip 

For Python 3 this becomes:

apt-get install python3-pip 

To use the OpenSSL backend in curl::

apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev 

For GnuTLS:

apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgnutls28-dev 

For NSS:

apt-get install libcurl4-nss-dev libnss3-dev 
Arch Linux

On Arch the following packages are needed to use the client with Python 2:

pacman -S gcc python2 python2-pip libcurl 

For Python 3 use:

pacman -S gcc python python-pip libcurl 


NOTE: It is highly recommended to perform the install in a virtual environment. See and for more information.

The client can be installed with the following command

pip install ./agraph-{property agraph-version}-client-python 

This will also download and install all required third-party packages.


To validate the installation make sure that you have access to an AllegroGraph server and run the following Python script::

from franz.openrdf.connect import ag_connect  
with ag_connect('repo', host='HOST', port='PORT',  
                user='USER', password='PASS') as conn:  
    print conn.size() 

Substitute appropriate values for the HOST/PORT/USER/PASS placeholders. If the script runs successfully a new repository named repo will be created.


There is a Python tutorial, described here. The tutorial examples can be run anywhere that Python 2.6 or 2.7 works. The tutorial assumes that AllegroGraph and Python 2.6 or 2.7 have been installed and configured. The tutorial examples currently do not work with Python 3.x.

The tutorial examples provide a good test of the installation for Python 2.6 or 2.7.

Java Client

The AllegroGraph Java client files are in


which you may obtain from the Franz download page. Place it in a directory of your choosing.

The AllegroGraph Java client is a Maven artifact. To use it, install it into your local Maven repository by executing the following command in the directory containing unpacked client files:

 mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/agraph-java-client-*.jar -DpomFile=pom.xml  

Edit your agraph.cfg configuration file (agraph.cfg). You'll find it in the <yourInstallDirectory>/lib directory for the TAR.GZ installation, or in the system's /etc/agraph/ directory for the RPM installation. These are the default locations. Make a note of the port number, which defaults to 10035.

Port 10035 

In this file you'll see an entry describing the rootcatalog. It will be similar to this:

  Main /yourInstallDirectory/data/rootcatalog  

The Java tutorial examples require this RootCatalog plus an additional catalog subdirectory that you must add to the config file. The tutorial example code expects to find a catalog called "java-catalog" so please don't change the name. You can specify any writable directory as the location of the repository data.

<Catalog java-catalog>  
  Main /yourInstallDirectory/data/java-catalog  

You'll have to stop and restart the AllegroGraph Server to force it to load the edited configuration file.

Navigate to the AllegroGraph 8.2.0 Java Client/tutorials/sesame directory. This directory contains a Maven project. To run the tutorial, type:

 mvn java:exec 

The examples run for about 2.5 minutes and touch most AllegroGraph features. It is also possible to run only specific examples:

mvn java:exec -Dexec.args="1 2 3 5 8 13 21" 

If you are running AllegroGraph on another host or using non-default values for the port number, user name, or password, you will have to set the following environment variables prior to running the tutorial: AGRAPHHOST, AGRAPHPORT, AGRAPHUSER, AGRAPHPASS.

The explanation of these examples is in the AllegroGraph Java Tutorial.

If the tutorial examples throw an error in example6(), see the discussion of Session Port Setup.

Jena Client

The Jena client is a variant of the Java client. Simply follow the Java client setup (above). The Jena tutorial can be found in tutorials/jena.

The explanation of these examples is in the AllegroGraph Jena Tutorial.

Session Port Setup

If you connect to AllegroGraph on a remote server (using an SSH client, for example), it is possible that you will see a connection error when you reach the sixth tutorial example. The solution is to add a SessionPorts entry in agraph.cfg, specifying a range of ports for AllegroGraph to use, as in:

Port 10035  
SessionPorts 9091-9100 

Any range of unused ports will do. Ten ports are sufficient for initial installation and testing. Don't forget to restart AllegroGraph after editing the config file.

Then you must configure your SSH client to map the same range of ports from your local computer to the remote server. Local port 9091 must map to remote port 9091, etc. This should clear up the connection issue.

If the problem persists, it is possible that a firewall is obstructing the required ports.

If you are running AllegroGraph and the client on the same computer, the allocation of session ports is handled automatically and transparently.