Q. On which x86 (i. | e., Intel Pentium and friends) Linux versions do the currently supported versions of Allegro CL run?
Tilde | E: Exponential Floating-Point
* | e* |
| Earlier International Allegro CL Compatibility
Foreign code cannot | easily be included at installation time
sizing-west- | east-cursor
case, ccase, | ecase |
| echo-stream
| echo-stream-input-stream, echo-stream-output-stream
echo-stream-input-stream, | echo-stream-output-stream
make- | echo-stream
*openai-default- | echo* |
| ed |
| edge-position
system- | edge-highlight-color
system- | edge-shadow-color
* | edit-allowed-types*
*text- | edit-comtab*
: | edit |
| Edit Menu
| edit-end-trigger
| edit-in-place
| edit-start-trigger
find-rich- | edit-pane
find-text- | edit-pane
funcall-menu-item-with-rich- | edit |
lisp- | edit-pane
lisp- | edit-window
rich- | edit |
rich- | edit |
rich- | edit-combo-box
rich- | edit-dialog
rich- | edit-get-color
rich- | edit-get-font
rich- | edit-menubar
rich- | edit-multipic
rich- | edit-new
rich- | edit-open
rich- | edit-pane
rich- | edit-print
rich- | edit-range
rich- | edit-ruler
rich- | edit-ruler-pane
rich- | edit-save
rich- | edit-save-as
rich- | edit-selected-range
text- | edit-indentation
text- | edit-margins
text- | edit-pane
text- | edit-pane-send-enter-to-server
text- | edit-window
class-grid- | editable-text-column
class-grid-numeric- | editable-text-column
| editable-files
| editable-in-place
| editable-text
| editable-text-column
| editable-text-column-mixin
| editable-text-pane
multi-line- | editable-text
| edited-class
| edited-instances
| edited-slot
| edited-slots
| edited-type
validate- | edited-slot-value
About rich text | editing in Common Graphics
| Editing Common Lisp Programs
slot- | editing-class-grid
start-text- | editing-on-grid-widget-focus
Express | Edition installation and license file issues
Professional/Enterprise | Edition installation and license file issues
Q. \[Express | Edition\] Can I use the SSL interface in Allegro CL Express Edition?
Q. \[Express\] Does the Express | Edition expire?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Can I install the Express | Edition if I do not have access to the internet?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Is my antivirus software correct that the Express | Edition is a virus?
Q. \[Express Edition\] Can I use the SSL interface in Allegro CL Express | Edition? |
Q. \[Express\] How long can I use the Express | Edition? |
Q. \[Express\] What is the best way to update the Express | Edition? |
*object- | editor-command-buttons*
An example of creating an object- | editor and a class-grid
cg-object- | editor-and-class-grid.html
Class Interface | Editor Dialog
close-project-close- | editor-buffers
Creating an Object- | Editor Dialog or Class-Grid Programmatically
| Editor Color tab on Options dialog
| Editor tab on Options dialog
| Editor Workbook
| editor-font
| editor-mode
| editor-string-search-lines-of-padding
highlight-selected- | editor-tab
Menu | Editor Dialog
new-project-show- | editor |
new-text- | editor |
object- | editor |
object- | editor |
object- | editor-delete
object- | editor-new
object- | editor-pane
object- | editor-pane
object- | editor-revert
object- | editor-save
object- | editor-search
object- | editor-select
object- | editor-widget-on-change
open-project-show-files-in- | editor |
property- | editor-type
Creating object- | editors and class-grids
Introduction to object- | editors and class-grids
create-newline- | ef |
crlf-base- | ef |
def- | ef-switch-to-runtime
| ef-composee-ef
ef-composee- | ef |
| ef-composer-ef
ef-composer- | ef |
| ef-name
| ef-nicknames
| ef-nulls
| ef-width
generate-filled- | ef-templates
switch- | ef-to-runtime
Examining the current settings and their | effect |
Appendix: | Effective method determination and optimization: examples
Appendix: | Effective-method selection background
Appendix: | Effective-method selection in Allegro CL CLOS and Associated Optimizations
Appendix: Operators associated with | effective methods
CLOS | Effective-method selection: Fixed Slot Accesses
| Effective methods
| effective-background-color
| effective-border-color
| effective-border-width
| effective-foreground-color
| effective-value-axis-range
Cannot ( | effectively) set a variable bound by load
You May Want to Use an Alternate Drawing Mode for | Efficiency |
Functions for | efficient input and output of sequences
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, | eighth, ninth, tenth
mci-device-can- | eject-p
array- | element-type
| Element Definition
stream- | element-type
upgraded-array- | element-type
* | eli-daemon-socket-hook*
| eli.html
draw- | ellipse |
draw- | ellipse-arc
draw- | ellipse-sector
| ellipse-start-and-end
erase-contents- | ellipse |
erase-contents- | ellipse-sector
erase- | ellipse |
erase- | ellipse-arc
erase- | ellipse-sector
fill- | ellipse |
fill- | ellipse-sector
| elt |
cg- | emacs-comtab
Debugging Common Lisp processes in | Emacs |
| Emacs Documentation
| Emacs hooks
| Emacs reports that a function defined in the interface is undefined
| Emacs reports that it encountered an error when loading .emacs
Emacs reports that it encountered an error when loading . | emacs |
How to run two | Emacs's connected to two different Lisps
If you are new to | Emacs |
Information sharing between Common Lisp and | Emacs |
Introduction to the | Emacs-Lisp interface
new-start- | emacs-lisp-interface
open-files-in-gnu- | emacs |
Previous versions of | Emacs |
Quirks of the | Emacs-Lisp Interface
Running Lisp as a subprocess of | Emacs |
Security of the | Emacs-Lisp Interface
start- | emacs-lisp-interface
Starting Allegro CL as a subprocess of | Emacs |
Starting Lisp as a subprocess of | Emacs the first time
Starting Lisp within | Emacs after the first time
Starting the | Emacs-Lisp interface
The | Emacs-Lisp Interface
The | emacs-lisp interface and dumped images
The | Emacs-Lisp interface and excl:dumplisp
Troubleshooting the | Emacs-Lisp interface
Using the IDE with | Emacs |
What if the | Emacs-Lisp interface does not start?
What should be in your . | emacs file
Connect to the imap server on the machine holding the | email |
Q. I have misplaced the | email telling me the URL from which I can download your license?
test- | email-address
The net.mail interface for parsing and validating | email addresses
| embed |
An Example Web Page for | Embedding a CG/JS Application
ask- | embedding |
vector-database- | embedding-vectors
defclass- | embellisher-class
Defclass optimizations: fixed-index slots and defclass | embellishers |
Metaclasses for | embellishing class definitions
* | empty-rtf-string*
| empty-color
queue- | empty-p
* | enable-package-locked-errors*
barrier- | enable |
| Enable-assertion functionality
| enable-events
process- | enable |
register-assert- | enable |
rpc- | enable-client
rpc- | enable-port
set-assert- | enable |
The assert- | enable interface
unregister-assert- | enable |
assert- | enabled-p
events- | enabled |
Runtime analysis with multiprocessing | enabled |
with-events- | enabled |
with-ldb-stepping- | enabled |
rpc-socket-port-with- | enabler |
rpc-socket-server-with- | enabler |
with-rpc-port- | enabler |
with-rpc-server- | enabler |
list-assert- | enables |
list-assert- | enables-set
bidirectional-character- | encapsulating-stream
compose- | encapsulating-streams
| Encapsulating composing external-formats
| Encapsulating Streams
| Encapsulating streams examples
Base64: an example of binary stream | encapsulation |
| Encapsulation terminology
Rot13b: An Example of Bidirectional Stream | Encapsulation |
Strategy descriptions necessary for | encapsulation |
Examples of stream | encapsulations |
* | enclose-printer-errors*
base64- | encode-stream
| encode-extended-time
| encode-universal-time
Generated Constructors, Decoders, and | Encoders |
mime-part- | encoding |
Parsing, escape decoding/ | encoding and the path
Emacs reports that it | encountered an error when loading .emacs
EOF | encountered error
EOF | encountered error during a load
Persistence of defining forms | encountered by compile-file
blowfish- | encrypt |
rsa- | encrypt |
Support for Blowfish | encryption |
Support for | encryption |
Support for rsa | encryption |
client- | end-all
edit- | end-trigger
ellipse-start-and- | end |
| end-drawing-path
| end-margin
| end-of-file
| end-of-letter-p
| end-page
| end-transaction
| end1-position
| end2-position
jlinker- | end |
line- | end |
process-pool-report- | end |
process-pool-work-item- | end-time
Q. Why does read-from-string signal an | end-of-file error even when I pass the eof-error-p argument as nil?
scrolled-to- | end |
scrolled-to- | end-maintained
socket-chunking- | end-of-file
The problem with dots 2: names and nicknames that | end with dots
Tilde Greater-Than-Sign: | End of Justification
Tilde Right-Brace: | End of Iteration
Tilde Right-Bracket: | End of Conditional Expression
Tilde Right-Paren: | End of Case Conversion
time-interval- | end |
Validity of value of | end arguments to sequence functions not checked
vk- | end |
with-line- | end |
The | endian-swap keyword argument to read-vector and write-vector
| endp |
| Enhanced Break Key functionality
Compiler | enhancements |
Debugging | enhancements |
Documentation | enhancements |
Other | enhancements |
Performance | enhancements |
Socket | enhancements |
| Enhancing the IDE with pixmaps
| Enough C-c's (on Unix) will always interrupt
| enough-pathname
| enough-uri
namestring, file-namestring, directory-namestring, host-namestring, | enough-namestring
Objects that survive long | enough are tenured to oldspace
| enqueue |
cl: | ensure-directories-exist implementation
| ensure-default-process-pool
| ensure-directories-exist
| ensure-foreign-type
| ensure-generic-function
| ensure-lisp-clipboard
| ensure-portable-walking-environment
| Ensuring code is not loaded into an SMP Lisp
| ensuring-compiled-body
text-edit-pane-send- | enter-to-server
vk- | enter |
| Entering and Exiting the ldb stepper
Professional/ | Enterprise Edition installation and license file issues
draws-the- | entire-scrolling-page
Filling the | entire widget
The User Can Zoom the | Entire CG App
Typelib | entity: CoClass
Typelib | entity: Enum
Typelib | entity: Interface
CG re- | entrancy |
Re- | entrancy, parallelism and connection pooling
The most popular FAQ | entries |
The most recent FAQ | entries |
Duplicate | entry points are never a problem
| Entry points are updated automatically
get- | entry-point
get- | entry-points
memlog- | entry |
remove- | entry-point
Typelib entity: | Enum |
compile-lambda-expr-in- | env |
| envelope-bcc
| envelope-cc
| envelope-date
| envelope-from
| envelope-in-reply-to
| envelope-message-id
| envelope-reply-to
| envelope-sender
| envelope-subject
| envelope-to
make- | envelope-from-text
Arguments to build-lisp-image 3: defaults taken from | environment variables
augment- | environment |
Common Graphics and Integrated Development | Environment Documentation
Common Graphics and the Integrated Development | Environment |
ensure-portable-walking- | environment |
| Environment Objects
| Environment objects
make-compilation-unit- | environment |
make-compile-file- | environment |
Modifying the state of the Common Lisp | environment |
More on the development | environment |
Polling and setting | environment variables
The Global | Environment |
The Null Lexical | Environment |
with-java- | environment |
*compilation-unit- | environment* |
*compile-file- | environment* |
*evaluation- | environment* |
*interpreter- | environment* |
Dynamic | Environments |
| Environments functionality
| Environments in Allegro CL
| Environments introduction
| Environments support in Allegro Common Lisp
| environments.html
General information about | environments in Allegro CL
Introduction to | Environments |
Kinds of | environments |
Lexical | Environments |
Processes and their dynamic | environments |
| EOF encountered error
| EOF encountered error during a load
Q. Why does read-from-string signal an end-of-file error even when I pass the | eof-error-p argument as nil?
*exit-on- | eof* |
| eol-convention
| Ephemeral functions in results
short-float- | epsilon, ..., double-float-epsilon, ...
short-float- | epsilon, ..., double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, ...
short-float-epsilon, ..., double-float- | epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, ...
short-float- | epsilon, ..., long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, ..., long-float- | epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, ..., long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative- | epsilon |
short-float- | epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative- | epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float- | epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative- | epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float- | epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative- | epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float- | epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative- | epsilon |
short-float-epsilon, ..., double-float- | epsilon, ... |
short-float-epsilon, ..., double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative- | epsilon, ... |
| eq |
| eql |
| eql |
char=, ..., char- | equal, char-not-equal, ...
char=, char/=, ..., char- | equal, char-not-equal, ...
| equal |
font- | equal |
jclass-name- | equal |
Q. Why is | equal hash table access slow when the keys are structure objects?
rgb- | equal |
Sharpsign | Equal-Sign
string=, string/=, string<, string>, string<=, string>=, string- | equal, string-not-equal, string-lessp, string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp
string=, string/=, string<, string>, string<=, string>=, string-equal, string-not- | equal, string-lessp, string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp
tree- | equal |
widget-value- | equal |
char=, ..., char-equal, char-not- | equal, ... |
char=, char/=, ..., char-equal, char-not- | equal, ... |
char=, char/=, char<, char>, char<=, char>=, char- | equal, ... |
chart-item-id- | equality-test
chart-object-id- | equality-test
range- | equality-test
| equalp |
ipaddr- | equalp |
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit- | eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
| erase |
| erase-box
| erase-box-x-y
| erase-by
| erase-by-x-y
| erase-circle
| erase-circle-arc
| erase-circle-sector
| erase-contents-box
| erase-contents-box-x-y
| erase-contents-circle
| erase-contents-circle-sector
| erase-contents-ellipse
| erase-contents-ellipse-sector
| erase-contents-polygon
| erase-contents-rounded-box
| erase-ellipse
| erase-ellipse-arc
| erase-ellipse-sector
| erase-line
| erase-line-x-y
| erase-polygon
| erase-polyline
| erase-rounded-box
| erase-to
| erase-to-x-y
po- | erase |
Drawing lines, filling areas, and | erasing |
| errno-stream-error
syscall-error- | errno |
*debug-io*, * | error-output*, *query-io*, *standard-input*, *standard-output*, *trace-output*
* | error-protect-tests*
*gb-18030-transcoding- | error-action*
*jlinker- | error-p*
*utf-8s-transcoding- | error-action*
: | error |
aclssl-load- | error |
An unhandled | error occurred during initialization:
arithmetic- | error |
arithmetic- | error-operands, arithmetic-error-operation
arithmetic-error-operands, arithmetic- | error-operation
autoload-file-does-not-exist- | error |
cell- | error |
cell- | error-name
compiler-not-available- | error |
control- | error |
damaged-system-constant- | error |
damaged-system-constant- | error-code
Dealing with an unexpected | error in an application
Debug Window after an | Error |
default- | error-handler-for-delivery
dumplisp | error: too many regions
Emacs reports that it encountered an | error when loading .emacs
EOF encountered | error |
EOF encountered | error during a load
errno-stream- | error |
| error |
| error |
| Error keywords returned as the second value
| Error Messages and Tags
| Error messages in simple-error instances
Error messages in simple- | error instances
| Error Terminology
| error-icon
| error-icon
file-does-not-exist- | error |
file- | error |
file- | error-pathname
file-incompatible-fasl- | error |
gb-18030-transcoding- | error |
gb-18030-transcoding- | error-char
Gsgc failure including System | Error |
invalid-method- | error |
jlinker- | error |
jlinker- | error-action
jlinker- | error-data
jlinker- | error-identifier
jlinker-port- | error |
jlinker-timeout- | error |
mci-device- | error-function
method-combination- | error |
More on cl:stream- | error |
mysql- | error |
mysql-protocol- | error |
no-external-format- | error |
odbc- | error |
openssl-load- | error |
OS | error code 0xc on Windows
other-client- | error |
package- | error |
package- | error-package
package-locked- | error |
parse- | error |
po- | error |
po- | error |
process-pool-work-item- | error |
Profiling | error: could not read text section
program- | error |
purespace-write- | error |
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, fail totally with a bus | error or a segv. Why might this be happening?
Q. Why does read-from-string signal an end-of-file | error even when I pass the eof-error-p argument as nil?
Q. Why does read-from-string signal an end-of-file error even when I pass the eof- | error-p argument as nil?
reader- | error |
report-unexpected- | error-and-exit
sharable-lock- | error |
sharable-lock-interrupted- | error |
sharable-lock-recursion- | error |
sharable-lock-unlock- | error |
simple- | error |
simple-type- | error |
socket- | error |
stream-closed- | error |
stream- | error |
stream- | error-action
stream- | error-code
stream- | error-identifier
stream- | error-stream
stream- | error-string
syscall- | error |
syscall- | error-errno
test- | error |
test-no- | error |
type- | error |
type- | error-datum, type-error-expected-type
type-error-datum, type- | error-expected-type
utf-8s-transcoding- | error |
utf-8s-transcoding- | error-char
winapi- | error |
winapi- | error-code
*clear-input-on- | error* |
*show-console-on-standalone- | error* |
Bus | errors and segmentation violations
client-lisp- | errors |
| Errors |
| Errors |
| Errors |
| Errors in an initialization file
| Errors running Allegro CL
| errors.html
Faults and | Errors |
Gc | errors |
gc | errors |
ignore- | errors |
Locally circumventing package locked | errors |
MySQL | Errors |
Package locked | errors |
Some common | errors |
Special handling of certain | errors by :zoom
Storage-condition | errors |
Type | errors in sequence functions: fastseq and safeseq
*enable-package-locked- | errors* |
*enclose-printer- | errors* |
*test- | errors* |
| errorset |
Multiple | Escape Characters
mysql- | escape-sequence
Parsing, | escape decoding/encoding and the path
print- | escape |
Single | Escape Character
Tilde Circumflex: | Escape Upward
vk- | escape |
*print- | escape* |
make- | escaped-string
Printer | Escaping |
car, cdr, caar, cadr, | etc. |
Thread-unsafe standard Lisp operations: *features*, *modules*, require/provide, external-format loading, | etc. |
Weak vectors, finalizations, static arrays, | etc. |
typecase, ctypecase, | etypecase |
char*-to- | euc |
| EUC Module
| euc-to-char*
| euc-to-string
string-to- | euc |
*top-level-read- | eval-print-loop-wrapper*
| eval |
| eval-from-string
| eval-in-listener-thread
| eval-menu-item
| eval-string
| eval-when
top-level-read- | eval-print-loop
* | eval* |
*read- | eval* |
: | evalmode |
* | evaluation-environment*
Delaying | evaluation of a form in an init file
| Evaluation |
| Evaluation of Subforms to Places
Local variables and | evaluation |
ide- | evaluator-listener
CG/JS-Related Notes | Even When Not Using CG/JS on Windows
Q. Why does read-from-string signal an end-of-file error | even when I pass the eof-error-p argument as nil?
| evenp, oddp
* | event-loop-processes*
*single-cg- | event-handling-process*
*use-single-cg- | event-handling-process*
About design considerations for | event-driven applications
About | event-handling in Common Graphics
click- | event |
double-click- | event |
| event |
| Event Handling
| Event Polling
| event-function
| event-handlers
| event-loop
| event-synonym
exit- | event-loop
gesture- | event |
idle-until-the-next- | event |
Implemented Sub-Classes of AWT | Event Handlers
inside- | event-loop
kill-focus- | event |
mouse- | event-p
nc- | event |
non- | event-properties
process-pending-events-if- | event-handler
process-single- | event |
redisplay- | event |
running-in- | event-handler-on-gtk
set- | event-function
set-focus- | event |
touch- | event |
use-single-cg- | event-handling-process
Websocket | event handlers
cg- | events.html
default-process-for- | events |
discard-pending- | events |
Dragging Loops Might Need to Call process-pending- | events |
enable- | events |
| events-enabled
Lisp Functions to Dispatch Java | Events |
process-pending- | events |
process-pending- | events-if-event-handler
When all wait functions depend on external | events |
with- | events-disabled
with- | events-enabled
You May Need to Filter | Events If Dragging Operations Are Sluggish
| every, some, notevery, notany
make-font- | ex |
| exact-font
| Examining the current settings and their effect
Restrictions on | Examining a Pathname Directory Component
A Complete Code | Example |
A complete | example |
A cross-referencer | example |
A disassembly with profiling | example |
A Simple Client | Example |
A simple | example of multiprocessing
A Simple RPC | Example |
An | example of creating an object-editor and a class-grid
An | example of inspect
An | example of providing help
An | example of the difference between SMP Lisp and non-SMP Lisp
An | example using Telnet to communicate with a running Lisp process
An | Example Web Page for Embedding a CG/JS Application
An initial complete chart-widget | example |
An initial | example with lots of local variables
Another | example using arrays to pass values
Argument count checking | example |
Argument type for a specialized function | example |
Base64: an | example of binary stream encapsulation
Bound symbol | example |
Building the | Example DLL: fact.dll
Clipboard | example |
DDE | Example |
Declared fixnums | example |
| Example of defining a new system class
| Example of defining new system operations
| Example of master and development directories
| Example of one system definition referencing another
| Example of weak vectors and finalizations
| Example showing live range
Fwrapper and argument access | example |
Ldb stepping | example run
Lisp as a DLL | example |
Process-pool | example |
Rot13b: An | Example of Bidirectional Stream Encapsulation
Search list | example |
Simple fwrap | example |
Stepping | example |
Test suite | example |
The simple network paging protocol | example |
TicTacToe | example |
Trace | example |
Using An | Example Allegro CL Based DLL: fact.dll
With-current-source-form | example |
Allegro CL RPC | examples |
AllegroServe | examples |
Appendix: Effective method determination and optimization: | examples |
Common Graphics and IDE | examples |
Compiler backtrace | examples |
def-foreign-call | examples |
def-foreign-variable | examples |
Defsystem extension | examples |
Encapsulating streams | examples |
| Examples |
| Examples |
| Examples |
| Examples |
| Examples |
| Examples |
| Examples introduction
| Examples of profiling
| Examples of stream encapsulations
| Examples of using the Pretty Printer
| Examples using advice
| Examples using Allegro CL
| Examples using the :explain declaration
| Examples using the DOM
| Examples using the Oracle interface
| examples.html
Fwrap | Examples |
jLinker | examples |
JSON-RPC: | examples |
MySQL | Examples |
ODBC | examples |
SOAP | examples |
Some final standalone | examples |
SSL | examples |
XML-RPC | examples |
XML-RPC | examples |
Table of | examples |
| exceptional-floating-point-number-p
Comparison with | excl:dumplisp
Comparison with | excl:generate-application
Deprecated macro: | excl::atomically
| excl:dumplisp will fail under some conditions
Introduction to | excl:dumplisp, a tool for saving an image
Q. What issues must I be aware of when using | excl.osi:fork
The Emacs-Lisp interface and | excl:dumplisp
The | excl:trusted-type declaration
Uses of | excl:dumplisp
*sert- | exclude-fields*
| exclude-or-include-chart-object
| exclusive-locker-count
set- | exclusive-or, nset-exclusive-or
set-exclusive-or, nset- | exclusive-or
with- | exclusive-lock
| Excuting DML and DDL
Q. Why can't I get update. | exe to run on Windows?
set- | exe-icons
set- | exe-icons-nt
generate- | executable |
generate- | executable: a wrapper for generate-application
get- | executable-handle
Setting the VERSIONINFO of the application | executable on Windows
The | executable and image names
The | executable, the image, and additional files
Allegro CL | Executables: alisp, alisp8, mlisp, mlisp8, allegro, allegro-ansi, allegro-express
| execute-command
One step | execution of an sql statement
Order of | Execution |
Step by step | execution of a sql statement
pprint-exit-if-list- | exhausted |
autoload-file-does-not- | exist-error
cl:ensure-directories- | exist implementation
ensure-directories- | exist |
file-does-not- | exist-error
Accessing | existing data rather than pushing chart values
ask-user-for- | existing-pathname
ask-user-for-new-or- | existing-directory
Modifying | existing chart items
Retrieving | Existing External-Formats
slot- | exists-p
* | exit-cleanup-forms*
* | exit-delay-for-browser-refresh*
* | exit-on-eof*
--confirm- | exit |
-- | exit-delay
-- | exit-server-on-client-exit
--exit-server-on-client- | exit |
: | exit |
Always Do | Exit Cleanup in User-Close Methods
Break on | exit |
client- | exit |
confirm- | exit |
confirm-web-browser- | exit |
| exit |
| exit-cg
| exit-dialog
| exit-event-loop
| exit-ide
| exit-server-on-client-exit
exit-server-on-client- | exit |
| exit-tests
How to | exit for sure
How to | exit Lisp
os- | exit-request
other-client- | exit |
pprint- | exit-if-list-exhausted
process- | exit-actions
query- | exit |
query-os- | exit |
query-web-browser- | exit |
report-unexpected-error-and- | exit |
save-options-on- | exit |
Commands for killing processes and | exiting Lisp
Entering and | Exiting the ldb stepper
tell-web-browser-app-is- | exiting |
| exp, expt
* | expand-defstruct-accessors-unsafely*
*tilde- | expand-namestrings*
| expand-window
define-setf- | expander |
get-atomic-modify- | expansion |
get-setf- | expansion |
type-error-datum, type-error- | expected-type
| Expiration warnings
Q. \[Express\] Does the Express Edition | expire? |
Q. \[Express\] The date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has | expired. Why might this happen?
: | explain labels
Examples using the : | explain declaration
| explain-compiler-settings
Help with declarations: the : | explain declaration
Boxing | explanation |
Calls and types | explanation |
| Explanation introduction
Tail-merging | explanation |
Variables | explanation |
Compiler | explanations |
compiler- | explanations.html
Inlining | explanations |
| Explicit port interface of datagram socket connections
| Explicit port interface of shared memory connections
| Explicit port interface of stream sockets
| explicit-page-height
| explicit-page-width
show-tooltip- | explicitly |
Tilde E: | Exponential Floating-Point
bind-c- | export |
| export |
| export-remote-symbol
LNKACL DLL | Exported Routines
| Exporting Methods
| expose-component
compile-lambda- | expr-in-env
Allegro CL 11.0 | Express Installation
Allegro CL Executables: alisp, alisp8, mlisp, mlisp8, allegro, allegro-ansi, allegro- | express |
| Express Edition installation and license file issues
| express-installation.html
Q. \[ | Express Edition\] Can I use the SSL interface in Allegro CL Express Edition?
Q. \[Express Edition\] Can I use the SSL interface in Allegro CL | Express Edition?
Q. \[ | Express\] Does the Express Edition expire?
Q. \[Express\] Does the | Express Edition expire?
Q. \[ | Express\] How do I build mlisp, alisp, or allegro images?
Q. \[ | Express\] How long can I use the Express Edition?
Q. \[Express\] How long can I use the | Express Edition?
Q. \[ | Express\] The date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has expired. Why might this happen?
Q. \[ | Express\] What is the best way to update the Express Edition?
Q. \[Express\] What is the best way to update the | Express Edition?
Q. \[ | Express\] \[Windows\] Can I install the Express Edition if I do not have access to the internet?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Can I install the | Express Edition if I do not have access to the internet?
Q. \[ | Express\] \[Windows\] Is my antivirus software correct that the Express Edition is a virus?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Is my antivirus software correct that the | Express Edition is a virus?
cl:function-lambda- | expression implementation
Command and | expression history
function-lambda- | expression |
Regular | Expression API
Regular | Expression handling in Allegro CL
Regular | expression syntax summary
Tilde Left-Bracket: Conditional | Expression |
Tilde Right-Bracket: End of Conditional | Expression |
*save-function-lambda- | expression* |
Feature | Expressions |
Re-Reading Abbreviated | Expressions |
Commands and | expressions |
exp, | expt |
| expunge-mailbox
| extend-data-to-middle-of-border
vector-push, vector-push- | extend |
decode- | extended-time
encode- | extended-time
| Extended Interface Functionality
| extended-char
| extended-key
| Extending Defsystem
| Extending defsystem syntax through shared-initialize methods
Defsystem | extension examples
| Extensions to Common Lisp operators
Major | extensions |
Miscellaneous | extensions |
Q. Which versions and platforms have symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) | extensions? |
dynamic- | extent |
The LIFO section of the stack and dynamic- | extent declarations
trust-dynamic- | extent-declarations-switch
| exterior |
| exterior-height
| exterior-top-left
| exterior-width
ide- | exterior |
normal- | exterior |
nvirtual- | exterior |
set-console- | exterior |
virtual- | exterior |
get- | extern-code-address
get- | extern-data-address
remove- | extern-code-address
remove- | extern-data-address
*default-cgjs- | external-format*
*default- | external-format*
*default-odbc- | external-format*
all- | external-formats
Basic | External-Format Types
color-for- | external-allegro-symbols
color-for- | external-cg-symbols
color-for- | external-cl-symbols
compose- | external-formats
Composed | External-Formats
composed- | external-format-p
db- | external-format
def- | external-format
Defining | External-Formats
do-symbols, do- | external-symbols, do-all-symbols
Encapsulating composing | external-formats
| External formats
| External formats and locales
| external-format
| External-Format API
| External-Format Overview
| External-Format Runtime Mode
| External-Format Usage
| external-format-for-save
| external-format-for-saved-files
| External-Formats in 8-bit Lisp.
find-composed- | external-format
find- | external-format
font- | external-leading
Internal and | External Symbols
locale- | external-format
mysql- | external-format
no- | external-format-error
Older Allegro CL | External-Format Compatibility
Retrieving Existing | External-Formats
stream- | external-format
Strict | external formats which do not allow improper characters
The unicode and fat | External-Format Types; the unicode BOM
Thread-unsafe standard Lisp operations: *features*, *modules*, require/provide, | external-format loading, etc.
void- | external-format
When all wait functions depend on | external events
| Externalizable Objects
| Externals must be resolved when the .so/.sl/.dylib/.dll file is created
push-defclass- | extra-form
touch-point- | extra |
| extract-icon-from-file