tailmerging ( | M) labels
Building shared libraries on | Mac OS X
displaying-on- | mac |
| Mac OS X (architecture specific)
--limit-connections-to-same- | machine |
Connect to the imap server on the | machine holding the email
limit-connections-to-same- | machine |
| machine-instance
| machine-type
| machine-version
The IDE working in a web browser on a different | machine than the Lisp
network- | machines |
Starting on UNIX | machines |
Starting on Windows | machines |
Installing on | macOS |
Installing OpenSSL on | macOS |
Linking to Allegro CL shared library on | macOS |
Starting the IDE on | macOS |
Attempt to call -name- which is defined as a | macro |
compiler- | macro-function
def-char-to-octets- | macro |
def-java- | macro |
def-octets-to-char- | macro |
define-compiler- | macro |
define-modify- | macro |
Define-modify- | macro Lambda Lists
define-symbol- | macro |
Deprecated | macro: excl::atomically
Deprecated | macro: sys:without-scheduling
Deprecated | macro: without-interrupts
| Macro Characters
| Macro Lambda Lists
| macro-function
make-dispatch- | macro-character
Removing advice from a function or | macro |
set-dispatch- | macro-character, get-dispatch-macro-character
set-dispatch-macro-character, get-dispatch- | macro-character
set- | macro-character, get-macro-character
set-macro-character, get- | macro-character
The #A reader | macro |
The tenuring | macro |
* | macroexpand-hook*
: | macroexpand |
cl: | macroexpand implementation
cl: | macroexpand-1 implementation
| macroexpand, macroexpand-1
macroexpand, | macroexpand-1
| Macroexpansion and Compilation of Fwrappers
compile- | macroexpansions-for-safety-switch
flet, labels, | macrolet |
symbol- | macrolet |
Advising | macros |
Deprecated | macros |
| macros |
| macros-called-by
New | macros and related functionality
Other Stream Implementation Functions and | Macros |
Reader | macros and cl:\*features\*
Test Harness | Macros |
Things to note about the compiler and | macros |
Modifications | Made to Trace
dark- | magenta |
light- | magenta |
| magenta |
parse- | mail-header
Select the inbox, that's where the incoming | mail arrives
The net. | mail interface for parsing and validating email addresses
The SMTP interface (used for sending | mail) |
address- | mailbox |
Check how many messages are in the | mailbox |
close- | mailbox |
copy-to- | mailbox |
create- | mailbox |
delete- | mailbox |
expunge- | mailbox |
| Mailbox Accessors
| Mailbox manipulation
| mailbox-flags
| mailbox-list
| mailbox-list-flags
| mailbox-list-name
| mailbox-list-separator
| mailbox-message-count
| mailbox-permanent-flags
| mailbox-recent-messages
| mailbox-separator
| mailbox-uidnext
| mailbox-uidvalidity
rename- | mailbox |
reset- | mailbox |
search- | mailbox |
select- | mailbox |
| Mailboxes |
Q. Is there a | mailing list for Allegro CL?
development- | main-window
development- | main-window
| main-form
| main-ide-window
| main-module
| main-window-maker
| main.html
Potential problems with user-defined | main() on Linux
Remarks on | main() on Unix
Remarks on | main() on Windows
User-defined | main() |
scrolled-to-end- | maintained |
array-row- | major-index
Compliance with | major mode conventions, including user-visible changes after installing the patch
draw- | major-grid-lines
draw- | major-labels
draw- | major-tics
| Major and minor tic marks, tic labels, and grid lines
| Major extensions
| major-grid-line-color
| major-grid-line-dashing
| major-grid-line-width
| major-label-angle
| major-label-color
| major-label-font
| major-label-frequency
| major-label-frequency-offset
| major-label-min-spacing
| major-label-wrapping
| major-tic-increment
| major-tic-length
| major-tic-width
margin-inside- | major-labels
minor-tics-per- | major-tic
on-print- | major-label
overlap- | major-and-minor-labels
row- | major-aref
call-method, | make-method
Changes You Might Need to | Make in Your Application for CG/JS Mode
cl: | make-array implementation
cl: | make-hash-table implementation
cl: | make-package implementation
cl:random and cl: | make-random-state
find-or- | make-application-window
find-or- | make-pop-up-window
| make-array
| make-barrier
| make-box
| make-box-from-corners
| make-box-relative
| make-box-relative-from-corner
| make-broadcast-stream
| make-buffer-input-stream
| make-buffer-output-stream
| make-compilation-unit-environment
| make-compile-file-environment
| make-concatenated-stream
| make-condition
| make-condition-variable
| make-control-table
| make-cstruct
| make-directory
| make-dispatch-macro-character
| make-dist-object
| make-echo-stream
| make-envelope-from-text
| make-escaped-string
| make-font
| make-font-ex
| make-fontmetrics
| make-foreign-pointer
| make-function-input-stream
| make-gate
| make-graphics-context
| make-hash-table
| make-hls
| make-imap-connection
| make-immediate-object
| make-instance
| make-instance optimization
| make-instances-obsolete
| make-list
| make-load-form
| make-load-form-saving-slots
| make-mark
| make-message-window
| make-mime-part
| make-package
| make-pathname
| make-pipe-stream
| make-pop-connection
| make-position
| make-process
| make-process-lock
| make-process-pool
| make-process-pool-work-item
| make-random-state
| make-rgb
| make-rpc-client
| make-rpc-server
| make-sequence
| make-sharable-lock
| make-socket
| make-ssl-client-context
| make-ssl-client-stream
| make-ssl-server-context
| make-ssl-server-stream
| make-string
| make-string-input-stream
| make-string-output-stream
| make-symbol
| make-synonym-stream
| make-temp-file-name
| make-texture-contents
| make-texture-info
| make-two-way-stream
| make-uri-space
| make-vector-database
| make-window
Q. Why doesn't | make-pathname merge the given :directory component with the directory component in :defaults argument?
The | make_shared program
main-window- | maker |
| maker-function
| Making a .dll
| Making a Client Call
| Making a Fortran .dll
| Making a Shared Memory Connection
*conforming-slot- | makunbound-style*
| makunbound |
slot- | makunbound |
lispval-to-aligned- | malloc-address
| malloc |
| malloc-cstruct
How newspace is | managed with scavenges
Getting information on memory | management using cl:room
new-project-show-project- | manager |
open-project-show-project- | manager |
Project | Manager Advanced Tab
Project | Manager Build Tab
Project | Manager CG/JS Tab
Project | Manager Dialog
Project | Manager Include Tab
Project | Manager Modules Tab
Project | Manager Options Tab
Project | Manager Version Info Tab
The Project | Manager Has a Tab for CG/JS Options
| Managing cursors
include- | manifest-file-for-visual-styles
Commands to | manipulate break levels:
Filesystem | manipulation functions
Mailbox | manipulation |
Message | manipulation |
CLOS slot | manipulators |
Check how | many messages are in the mailbox
dumplisp error: too | many regions
How | many bytes are being tenured?
How | many old areas are there after your application is loaded?
| Many bindings are to specific values, not to the variables' actual values
pop-up-menus-for- | many-sorted-choices
When there is a global gc, how | many bytes are freed up?
ask-for- | map |
| map |
| map-control-left-click-to-right-click
| map-into
| map-module
| map-module-action
| map-over-directory
| map-system
| mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon
mapc, mapcar, | mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon
mapc, | mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon
mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, | mapcon |
| maphash |
mapc, mapcar, mapcan, | mapl, maplist, mapcon
mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, | maplist, mapcon
| mapped-file-simple-stream
| mapped-file-simple-stream-buffer
pressed-color- | mapper |
unavailable-color- | mapper |
| Mapping SOAP Names to Lisp Names
| Mapping SOAP Structures to CLOS classes
border- | margin |
bottom- | margin |
column-label- | margin |
end- | margin |
inner-horizontal- | margin |
inner-vertical- | margin |
interior-horizontal- | margin |
interior-vertical- | margin |
layout-outer- | margin |
left- | margin |
| margin-above-footnote
| margin-above-legend
| margin-around-text
| margin-below-subtitle
| margin-below-title
| margin-inside-axis-label
| margin-inside-major-labels
| margin-inside-minor-labels
| margin-outer-bottom
| margin-outer-left
| margin-outer-right
| margin-outer-top
modal-dialog- | margin |
outer-horizontal- | margin |
outer-vertical- | margin |
restore-right- | margin |
right- | margin |
row-label- | margin |
The inspector and the right | margin |
title- | margin |
top- | margin |
*default-printer-bottom- | margin* |
*default-printer-left- | margin* |
*default-printer-right- | margin* |
*default-printer-top- | margin* |
*print-right- | margin* |
*status-bar-horizontal- | margin* |
*status-bar-vertical- | margin* |
*toolbar- | margin* |
text-edit- | margins |
| MariaDB databases
make- | mark |
| mark-position
Tilde Question- | Mark: Recursive Processing
| marker-lines
Major and minor tic | marks, tic labels, and grid lines
copy-pixels-with- | mask-to-stream
generate- | mask |
| mask |
| mask-contents
| mask-contents-ref
| mask-contents-set
| mask-field
| mask-handle
processor-affinity- | mask |
Example of | master and development directories
*parenthesis- | match-pop-up-milliseconds*
button- | match |
| match-re
| match-regexp
pathname- | match-p
parentheses- | matched |
*show-parenthesis- | matches-as-pop-up-window*
show-parenthesis- | matches-as-pop-up-window
| Matching mode in the regexp2 module
parenthesis- | matching-color
parenthesis- | matching-style
without-parenthesis- | matching |
The I[cl- | math-function] functions
Animating | mathematical functions
Graphing | Mathematical Functions
*openai-default- | max-tokens*
*outline- | max-indentation*
*pop-up-message- | max-height-factor*
*pop-up-message- | max-width-factor*
-- | max-clients
chart-items- | max-index
font- | max-char-width
| max, min
| max-clients
mci-device- | max-windows
plot-values- | max-index
process-pool- | max-active
process-pool- | max-work
| maximize-button
| maximize-ide
| maximize-ide-background-window
| maximum-symbol-completion-choices
The | maximum number of simultaneous processes
* | maxsamples* |
A finalized object | may still be pointed to by a weak vector or hash-table
Files Lisp must find to start up and files it | may need later
Files that | may be looked for on startup and after startup
Lisp | may not see a modification of an argument passed by address
You | May Need to Call cg-process-wait Rather than process-wait
You | May Need to Filter Events If Dragging Operations Are Sluggish
You | May Want to Use an Alternate Drawing Mode for Efficiency
| mb-to-native
| mb-to-string
native-to- | mb |
string-to- | mb |
vk- | mbutton |
About | MCI support in Common Graphics
cg- | mci.html
Introduction to | MCI functionality in Common Graphics
| MCI functionality
| mci-animation
| mci-cd-audio
| mci-close
| mci-compound-device-p
| mci-dat
| mci-delete
| mci-device
| mci-device-average-bytes-per-second
| mci-device-bits-per-sample
| mci-device-block-alignment
| mci-device-can-eject-p
| mci-device-can-freeze-p
| mci-device-can-play-p
| mci-device-can-record-p
| mci-device-can-reverse-p
| mci-device-can-save-p
| mci-device-can-stretch-p
| mci-device-channels
| mci-device-current-track
| mci-device-disc-size
| mci-device-error-function
| mci-device-fast-rate
| mci-device-file
| mci-device-format-tag
| mci-device-forward-p
| mci-device-has-audio-p
| mci-device-has-video-p
| mci-device-hpal
| mci-device-hwnd
| mci-device-id
| mci-device-input
| mci-device-inputs
| mci-device-length
| mci-device-level
| mci-device-max-windows
| mci-device-media-present-p
| mci-device-media-type
| mci-device-mode
| mci-device-name
| mci-device-normal-rate
| mci-device-number
| mci-device-number-of-tracks
| mci-device-output
| mci-device-outputs
| mci-device-palettes-p
| mci-device-position
| mci-device-ready-p
| mci-device-samples-per-second
| mci-device-set-audio-off
| mci-device-set-audio-on
| mci-device-set-door-closed
| mci-device-set-door-open
| mci-device-set-time-format
| mci-device-set-video-off
| mci-device-set-video-on
| mci-device-side
| mci-device-slow-rate
| mci-device-speed
| mci-device-start-position
| mci-device-stretch-p
| mci-device-time-format
| mci-device-track-length
| mci-device-track-position
| mci-device-type
| mci-device-type-constant
| mci-device-type-string
| mci-device-uses-files-p
| mci-notify
| mci-open
| mci-overlay
| mci-pause
| mci-play
| mci-record
| mci-resume
| mci-save
| mci-scanner
| mci-seek
| mci-send-string
| mci-sequencer
| mci-set-wave-options
| mci-set-window
| mci-step
| mci-stop
| mci-sysinfo
| mci-video-disc
| mci-wave-audio
hmac- | md5-final
hmac- | md5-init
hmac- | md5-string
hmac- | md5-update
| md4-file
| md4-final
| md4-init
| md4-string
| md4-update
| MD5, SHA*, HMAC, RC4, and other message digest support
| md5-file
| md5-final
| md5-init
| md5-string
| md5-update
set-tcp- | md5-sig
Q. I have misplaced the email telling | me the URL from which I can download your license?
What do the suspension points (...) | mean in a ghost frame?
Q. What does the "Temporarily scaling back lisp reserved region from XXX to YYY bytes." | mean? |
Switch can be t or nil | meaning always on or always off
| Meaningful ID's for chart items
| Meaningful ID's for chart objects
| Meaningful labels for chart items
mci-device- | media-present-p
mci-device- | media-type
| media-player
| media-player-command
| media-player-pane
| media-player-property
| member |
| member, member-if, member-if-not
member, | member-if, member-if-not
member, member-if, | member-if-not
| memlog |
| memlog-copy
| memlog-disable
| memlog-entry
| memlog-init
| memlog-show
| memlog-start
| memlog-state
| memlog-stop
| Memlog: A Facility for Minimally Intrusive Monitoring of Complex Application Behavior
The | memlog tracer
Callback style of shared | memory connections
Declarative interface of shared | memory connections
Explicit port interface of shared | memory connections
Getting information on | memory management using cl:room
Making a Shared | Memory Connection
| Memory Usage
| memory-bitmap-not-created
| memory-status
Q. My | memory gobbling loop causes the gc to perform badly. Why?
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, run out of | memory with a storage-condition. Why might this be happening?
Q. \[Windows only\] How do I move DLL in | memory so that it doesn't conflict with the Lisp heap?
Shared | Memory Connections
Shared | Memory Connections (Windows Only)
shared- | memory-rpc-port
shared- | memory-rpc-port-server
| memref |
| memref-int
| memtrace |
| memtrace-def
| memtrace-do
| memuntrace |
about-to-show- | menu |
add-to- | menu |
Adding Cut/Copy/Paste commands to a | menu-bar
close- | menu-and-submenus
copy- | menu-item
default- | menu-on-click
Edit | Menu |
eval- | menu-item
File | Menu |
Form | Menu |
funcall- | menu-item
funcall- | menu-item-with-rich-edit
funcall- | menu-item-with-window
handle- | menu-selection
Help | Menu |
Improved | menu-bar menus
Install | Menu |
| menu |
| menu |
| Menu Editor Dialog
| menu-bar
| menu-bar-height
| menu-bar-p
| menu-font
| menu-item
| menu-item-help
| menu-item-highlighted
| menu-item-p
| menu-items
| menu-items-for-combo-box-range
| menu-separator
| menu-tooltip-delay
open- | menu |
override- | menu-bars
pop-up-lettered- | menu |
pop-up- | menu |
pop-up- | menu |
pop-up-shortcut- | menu |
proxy- | menu-bar-window
pull-down- | menu |
Recent | Menu |
remove-from- | menu |
Run | Menu |
Search | Menu |
shortcut- | menu |
shortcut- | menu-class
system- | menu |
Tools | Menu |
update- | menu |
use-lettered- | menu |
View | Menu |
Windows | Menu |
rich-edit- | menubar |
| menup |
About | Menus and Dialogs in the IDE
close-window-and- | menus |
delay-pop-up- | menus-until-mouse-buttons-up
Improved menu-bar | menus |
pop-up- | menus-for-many-sorted-choices
; | Merg labels
| merge |
| merge-date-times
| merge-locale-categories
| merge-pathnames
| merge-uris
Q. Why doesn't make-pathname | merge the given :directory component with the directory component in :defaults argument?
tail-call-non-self- | merge-switch
tail-call-self- | merge-switch
The directory component of | merged pathnames
Tail | merging discussion
Tail- | merging explanation
*default-cg- | message-timeout*
*default- | message-interrupt-function*
*lisp- | message-window*
*pop-up- | message-max-height-factor*
*pop-up- | message-max-width-factor*
character- | message |
character- | message |
dde- | message |
envelope- | message-id
lisp- | message |
lisp- | message-print-length
lisp- | message-print-level
mailbox- | message-count
make- | message-window
MD5, SHA*, HMAC, RC4, and other | message digest support
| Message manipulation
| message-box
| message-font
| Message-handling routines that block
| Message-handling routines that run for a long time
| message-window
on-link- | message |
pop-up- | message-dialog
process- | message-interrupt-function
rpc- | message |
send-dummy- | message-to-window
status-bar- | message |
The start-up | message |
tray-item- | message |
window- | message |
with- | message-interrupts-disabled
with- | message-window
*print-startup- | message* |
Check how many | messages are in the mailbox
Error | Messages and Tags
Error | messages in simple-error instances
mailbox-recent- | messages |
| Messages |
Searching for | Messages |
*generate-dde- | messages* |
*system- | messages* |
| meta-key
print-function- | meta-info
Printing function | meta data and related topics
vk- | meta |
| Metaclasses for embellishing class definitions
ANSI Common Lisp and | MetaObject Protocol Documentation
jget- | meth |
add- | method |
Appendix: Effective | method determination and optimization: examples
Appendix: Effective- | method selection background
Appendix: Effective- | method selection in Allegro CL CLOS and Associated Optimizations
Applying | method combination to the sorted list of applicable methods
Avoid Prompting the User in a User-Close | Method |
Built-in | Method Combination Types
call- | method, make-method
call-method, make- | method |
call-next- | method |
CLOS Effective- | method selection: Fixed Slot Accesses
def-java- | method |
def-java- | method |
def-remote- | method |
define- | method-combination
Define- | method-combination Arguments Lambda Lists
find- | method |
Generic functions, | method combination, and discrimination
invalid- | method-error
JSON-RPC: how to add a new transport | method |
| method |
| Method Selection and Combination
| method-combination
| method-combination-error
| method-qualifiers
next- | method-p
no-applicable- | method |
no-next- | method |
profile-graph-show-full- | method-names
remove- | method |
Standard | Method Combination
standard- | method |
The print-object built-in stream | method |
Additional classes, | methods, functions, and variables
Always Do Exit Cleanup in User-Close | Methods |
Appendix: Operators associated with effective | methods |
Applying method combination to the sorted list of applicable | methods |
Built-in stream | methods and their uses
Call Wrapper | Methods |
Calling | Methods of Inner Classes
compute-applicable- | methods |
Controlling Access to | Methods |
Defining SOAP | Methods |
Defsystem | methods that can be specialized
Exporting | Methods |
Extending defsystem syntax through shared-initialize | methods |
Introduction to | Methods |
Lightweight Callback to Lisp | Methods |
| Methods |
Standard classes, | methods, values
Standard | methods and functions
Tracing setf, :before, and :after | methods and internal functions
Effective | methods |
extend-data-to- | middle-of-border
| middle-mouse-button
mouse- | middle-double-click
mouse- | middle-double-click
mouse- | middle-down
mouse- | middle-down
mouse- | middle-up
mouse- | middle-up
nc-mouse- | middle-double-click
nc-mouse- | middle-double-click
nc-mouse- | middle-down
nc-mouse- | middle-down
nc-mouse- | middle-up
nc-mouse- | middle-up
scroll-window-to- | middle |
Changes You | Might Need to Make in Your Application for CG/JS Mode
Dragging Loops | Might Need to Call process-pending-events
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, fail totally with a bus error or a segv. Why | might this be happening?
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, run out of memory with a storage-condition. Why | might this be happening?
Q. \[Express\] The date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has expired. Why | might this happen?
blink-off- | milliseconds |
blink-on- | milliseconds |
*parenthesis-match-pop-up- | milliseconds* |
make- | mime-part
| MIME support
| mime-part
| mime-part-boundary
| mime-part-constructed
| mime-part-constructed-p
| mime-part-description
| mime-part-encoding
| mime-part-headers
| mime-part-id
| mime-part-p
| mime-part-parameters
| mime-part-parts
| mime-part-subtype
| mime-part-type
| mime-part-writer
with- | mime-part-constructed-stream
*openai-default- | min-score*
chart-items- | min-index
major-label- | min-spacing
max, | min |
| min-pixels-between-widgets
| min-space-after
| min-space-before
minor-label- | min-spacing
plot-values- | min-index
| Minimal Compilation
| Minimal Declaration Processing Requirements
| Minimal top levels
Requiring the normal top-level in a | minimal top-level lisp
Using the default | minimal top-level
Memlog: A Facility for | Minimally Intrusive Monitoring of Complex Application Behavior
| minimize-button
: | minimum-recovery-bytes parameter for less than full global gc
cl:sleep and | minimum sleeping time
| Minimum required version of OpenSSL
| minimum-height
| minimum-size
| minimum-width
Parameters that control | minimum size
draw- | minor-grid-lines
draw- | minor-labels
draw- | minor-tics
Major and | minor tic marks, tic labels, and grid lines
margin-inside- | minor-labels
| minor-grid-line-color
| minor-grid-line-dashing
| minor-grid-line-width
| minor-label-angle
| minor-label-color
| minor-label-font
| minor-label-frequency
| minor-label-frequency-offset
| minor-label-min-spacing
| minor-label-wrapping
| minor-tic-increment
| minor-tic-length
| minor-tic-width
| minor-tics-per-major-tic
on-print- | minor-label
overlap-major-and- | minor-labels
draw-plus- | minus |
Sharpsign | Minus |
vk- | minus |
| minusp, plusp
date-time- | minute |
date-time-zone- | minute |
date-time- | minutef |
duration- | minutes |
| Misc |
| Misc |
Advanced | miscellaneous features
| Miscellaneous Caveats
| Miscellaneous extensions
| Miscellaneous Functionality
| Miscellaneous implementation details
| Miscellaneous pathname functions
| Miscellaneous programming aids
| Miscellaneous stream functions
| Miscellaneous top-level commands
| miscellaneous.html
OSI | miscellaneous higher-level functionality
OSI | miscellaneous low-level functionality
*print- | miser-width*
fasl-casemode- | mismatch |
| mismatch |
Q. I have | misplaced the email telling me the URL from which I can download your license?
Features present or | missing from \*features\* in Allegro CL
Q. Why is the compiler complaining about a | missing in-package form when I am certain that my **offline file** starts with one?
slot- | missing |
span- | missing-items
Warnings are signaled for | misspelling in type declarations
convert- | mixed-case-symbols
caret- | mixin |
check-box-column- | mixin |
column-selecting-row- | mixin |
column-sizing-row- | mixin |
combo-box-column- | mixin |
comtab- | mixin |
dialog- | mixin |
editable-text-column- | mixin |
hotspot- | mixin |
lamp-column- | mixin |
node-pane- | mixin |
pixmap-column- | mixin |
row-section-with-sort-gadget- | mixin |
row-selecting-column- | mixin |
row-sizing-column- | mixin |
scroll-bar- | mixin |
scroll-bar-pane- | mixin |
static-text-and-button-column- | mixin |
static-text-column- | mixin |
two-stroke- | mixin |
widget-column- | mixin |
widget-row- | mixin |
Security | mixins and subclasses
Allegro CL Executables: alisp, alisp8, | mlisp, mlisp8, allegro, allegro-ansi, allegro-express
Allegro CL Executables: alisp, alisp8, mlisp, | mlisp8, allegro, allegro-ansi, allegro-express
Q. \[Express\] How do I build | mlisp, alisp, or allegro images?
stream-units-per- | mm |
; | Mnot labels
tmp- | mnt-frobber
| mod |
| mod, rem
* | modal-dialogs-disable-owner*
* | modal-dialogs-disable-owner-js*
center-all- | modal-dialogs-on-screen
center- | modal-children
flag- | modal-completion
is- | modal |
| Modal CG utility dialogs are not shared between processes
| modal-dialog-margin
| modal-window
pop-up- | modal-dialog
allow-during- | modality |
: | mode Option Removal
A note on support for ANSI | mode |
Allegro CL Modern | Mode |
ANSI | mode problems
Any CG App Can Run in Desktop | Mode or Web Browser Mode
Any CG App Can Run in Desktop Mode or Web Browser | Mode |
Application | mode |
backtrace-safe- | mode |
calendar- | mode |
Changes You Might Need to Make in Your Application for CG/JS | Mode |
common-lisp- | mode functions and variables
Compliance with major | mode conventions, including user-visible changes after installing the patch
definition- | mode functions and variables
disallow-running-in-non-default- | mode |
editor- | mode |
External-Format Runtime | Mode |
Importing ANSI | mode code into Modern mode
Importing ANSI mode code into Modern | mode |
Importing ANSI/Modern- | mode code into a Modern/ANSI-mode Lisp
Importing ANSI/Modern-mode code into a Modern/ANSI- | mode Lisp
Importing Modern | mode code into ANSI mode
Importing Modern mode code into ANSI | mode |
in-case- | mode |
js- | mode |
Key bindings in Common Lisp subprocess | mode |
Matching | mode in the regexp2 module
mci-device- | mode |
Modern | Mode |
Modern | mode background
Running the Lisp IDE in CG/JS | Mode |
set-case- | mode |
simple- | mode |
small-canvas- | mode |
Some Advantages of CG/JS | Mode |
stretch- | mode |
The Web Browser's Full-Screen | Mode Can Be Used As Usual
You May Want to Use an Alternate Drawing | Mode for Efficiency
*current-case- | mode* |
*dns- | mode* |
*ide-is-in-js- | mode* |
*secure- | mode* |
delete-fine-tuned- | model |
Document Object | Model (DOM) in Allegro Common Lisp
DOM Ref: 1.1.1. The DOM Structure | Model |
Large Language | Model Introduction
Placement of newspace and oldspace: the simple | model |
The 4.3.x UNIX | model for foreign functions
The Class | Model |
The Funcall | Model |
The programming | model |
*openai-default-ask-chat- | model* |
*openai-default-chat- | model* |
*openai-default-fine-tune- | model* |
API for Large Language | Models |
list-openai- | models |
Two Calling | Models |
:brief, : | moderate, :intermediate, and :verbose modes of :zoom
Allegro CL | Modern Mode
ANSI/ | Modern code portability
Importing ANSI mode code into | Modern mode
Importing ANSI/ | Modern-mode code into a Modern/ANSI-mode Lisp
Importing ANSI/Modern-mode code into a | Modern/ANSI-mode Lisp
Importing | Modern mode code into ANSI mode
| Modern Mode
| Modern mode background
Q. How do I get ANSI ACL (rather than | Modern ACL) to start when I double-click on an lpr file?
:all t and :all nil | modes of :zoom
:brief, :moderate, :intermediate, and :verbose | modes of :zoom
:catches and :specials | modes of :zoom
:function t and :function nil | modes of :zoom
:relative t and :relative nil | modes of :zoom
Allegro CL Case | Modes |
Blocking and non-blocking | modes |
Loading and case | modes |
Shell | modes |
user- | modifiable |
Lisp may not see a | modification of an argument passed by address
Syntactic | modification of Common Lisp source code
| Modifications Made to Trace
If you modify a so/sl/dylib/dll file that has been loaded, you must load the | modified file!
| modified |
| Modified BNF Syntax
Atomic read- | modify-write primitives
define- | modify-macro
Define- | modify-macro Lambda Lists
get-atomic- | modify-expansion
If you | modify a so/sl/dylib/dll file that has been loaded, you must load the modified file!
| Modifying arguments called by address: use arrays
| Modifying existing chart items
| Modifying the state of the Common Lisp environment
The standard readtable is read-only, affect on with-standard-io-syntax and | modifying the readtable in init files and with -e
*default- | module-class*
*default- | module-group-class*
build- | module |
build- | module |
c- | module |
Compatibility issues in the regexp2 | module |
compile- | module |
compile- | module-action
default- | module |
default- | module-class
default- | module-group
EUC | Module |
find- | module |
form- | module |
form- | module |
fortran- | module |
Including the SSL | module: issues with OpenSSL libraries
library- | module |
library- | module |
lisp- | module |
load- | module |
load- | module-action
Long form | module-specifications
lookup- | module-by-name
main- | module |
map- | module |
map- | module-action
Matching mode in the regexp2 | module |
| module |
| module |
| module-container
| module-file
| module-p
| Module-specifications
named- | module-groups
Operators in the util-string | module |
Operators, variables, and classes in the Shell | module |
Performance notes in the regexp2 | module |
project- | module |
project- | module |
shell- | module.html
Short form | module-specifications
text- | module |
The :disasm | module is needed for backtraces
The Allegro FTP client | module |
The Operating System Interface (OSI) | module |
The package and | module for RPC
The PXML-DUAL | Module |
The PXML-SAX | Module |
The regexp2 | module |
The SAX-LXML | Module |
The shell | module interface
The tester | module API
update- | module |
User-level API in the regexp2 | module |
all-runtime- | modules |
find-required- | modules |
include- | modules-for-cgjs-logging
include- | modules-for-starting-local-client
Including all desired | modules |
| modules |
| modules |
Project Manager | Modules Tab
runtime- | modules |
save-whether-to-show-subproject- | modules |
Thread-unsafe standard Lisp operations: *features*, * | modules*, require/provide, external-format loading, etc.
How to load | modules |
* | modules* |
locale- | mon |
locale- | mon-decimal-point
locale- | mon-grouping
locale- | mon-thousands-sep
*decoded-time- | monday* |
locale-format- | monetary |
locale-print- | monetary |
Tilde Dollarsign: | Monetary Floating-Point
| monitor-info
Memlog: A Facility for Minimally Intrusive | Monitoring of Complex Application Behavior
flip- | monochrome-bytes
calendar- | month |
cell-style-other- | month |
date-time-ymd- | month |
duration- | months |
CLOS and | MOP |
CLOS and | MOP conformance
SMP and the | MOP |
| More information on patches
| More on cl:stream-error
| More on the :focus, :arrest, and :unarrest commands
| More on the :processes command
| More on the development environment
| More on the position argument
| most-positive-fixnum, most-negative-fixnum
most-positive-fixnum, | most-negative-fixnum
The | most popular FAQ entries
The | most recent FAQ entries
with-at- | most-one-form
with- | motionless-text-control
*grid-border- | mouse-slack*
*ignore- | mouse-x-buttons*
capture- | mouse |
cell- | mouse-in
cell- | mouse-out
cell-style-under- | mouse |
color-under- | mouse |
delay-pop-up-menus-until- | mouse-buttons-up
drag-and-drop- | mouse-moved
grab- | mouse-wheel`
highlight-item-under- | mouse |
hotspot-under- | mouse |
ignore-redundant- | mouse-moves
left- | mouse-button
link-at- | mouse-cursor
list-item- | mouse-in
middle- | mouse-button
| Mouse cursors
| mouse-back-down
| mouse-back-up
| mouse-button-state
| mouse-captured-p
| mouse-double-click
| mouse-double-click
| mouse-down
| mouse-event-p
| mouse-forward-down
| mouse-forward-up
| mouse-in
| mouse-left-double-click
| mouse-left-down
| mouse-left-down
| mouse-left-up
| mouse-left-up
| mouse-middle-double-click
| mouse-middle-double-click
| mouse-middle-down
| mouse-middle-down
| mouse-middle-up
| mouse-middle-up
| mouse-move-filter
| mouse-moved
| mouse-moved
| mouse-out
| mouse-right-double-click
| mouse-right-double-click
| mouse-right-down
| mouse-right-down
| mouse-right-up
| mouse-right-up
| mouse-up
| mouse-wheel
| mouse-wheel-present
| mouse-wheel-scroll-lines
multipic-button- | mouse-in
multipic-button- | mouse-out
nc- | mouse-double-click
nc- | mouse-double-click
nc- | mouse-down
nc- | mouse-left-double-click
nc- | mouse-left-down
nc- | mouse-left-down
nc- | mouse-left-up
nc- | mouse-left-up
nc- | mouse-middle-double-click
nc- | mouse-middle-double-click
nc- | mouse-middle-down
nc- | mouse-middle-down
nc- | mouse-middle-up
nc- | mouse-middle-up
nc- | mouse-moved
nc- | mouse-moved
nc- | mouse-right-double-click
nc- | mouse-right-double-click
nc- | mouse-right-down
nc- | mouse-right-down
nc- | mouse-right-up
nc- | mouse-right-up
nc- | mouse-up
now-under- | mouse |
on-list-item- | mouse-in
on- | mouse-in
on- | mouse-out
outline-item- | mouse-in
outline-item- | mouse-out
profile-outline-draw-values-close-under- | mouse |
profile-outline-item-under- | mouse-color
release- | mouse |
right- | mouse-button
show-help-string-under- | mouse |
use- | mouse-clicks-to-copy-lisp-forms
wait-for- | mouse-buttons-up
widget-under- | mouse |
window-under- | mouse |
with- | mouse-captured
with- | mouse-confined
| movable |
rows-are- | movable |
box- | move |
deselect-sections-when- | move-focus
list-widget- | move-item
mouse- | move-filter
| move-by
| move-by-x-y
| move-down-one-outline-item
| move-ide-windows-on-screen-resize
| move-outline-item-value
| move-stream-origin
| move-subsection
| move-to
| move-to-x-y
| move-up-one-outline-item
| move-window
| move-window-behind
| move-window-into-parent
| move-window-relative
nbox- | move |
Q. What changes are needed to | move from a 32-bit to 64-bit Allegro CL?
Q. \[Windows only\] How do I | move DLL in memory so that it doesn't conflict with the Lisp heap?
widgets-to- | move |
drag-and-drop-mouse- | moved |
mouse- | moved |
mouse- | moved |
nc-mouse- | moved |
nc-mouse- | moved |
:zoom analogs and stack | movement commands
ignore-redundant-mouse- | moves |
* | mozilla-library-path*
find- | mozilla-gtk-path
| mozilla-library-path
| mp:process-wait vs mp:wait-for-input-available
mp:process-wait vs | mp:wait-for-input-available
Constructing | mplog files from the debugger on Windows
| mplog |
The multiprocessing logging ( | mplog) facility
process-cpu- | msec-used
process-cpu- | msec-used-delta
abort, continue, | muffle-warning, store-value, use-value
| muffle-warning
layout- | multi-line-widget-height
| multi-async-http-servlet
| multi-column-p
| multi-item-list
| multi-item-list-pane
| multi-line-editable-text
| multi-line-lisp-text
| multi-picture-button
| multi-picture-button-pane
| multi-picture-button-scroll
| multi-picture-button-scroll-interval
update- | multi-picture-button
| multicolor |
| multipic-button-mouse-in
| multipic-button-mouse-out
rich-edit- | multipic |
About using | multiple windowing processes in a Common Graphics application
Debugging | Multiple Processes in the IDE
handle- | multiple-packages-in-buffer
| Multiple chart objects
| Multiple Escape Characters
| Multiple Possible Textual Representations
| Multiple statement handles
| Multiple Threads
| multiple-selections
| multiple-value-bind
| multiple-value-call
| multiple-value-list
| multiple-value-prog1
| multiple-value-setq
| multiple-values-limit
Parameters that use of | multiple threads by the GC
Running tests in | multiple threads (Lisp processes)
select-on- | multiple-characters
select-on- | multiple-characters-callback
select-on- | multiple-characters-item-test
select-on- | multiple-characters-time-limit
Using | multiple threads in global gc's
vk- | multiply |
A simple example of | multiprocessing |
cl:delete, cl:delete-if, cl:delete-if-not, cl:delete-duplicates: | multiprocessing issues
dumplisp and | multiprocessing |
Foreign functions and | multiprocessing |
Lisp Listeners and | multiprocessing |
| Multiprocessing |
| Multiprocessing |
| Multiprocessing introduction
| multiprocessing.html
MySQL and | multiprocessing |
Q. Which versions and platforms have symmetric | multiprocessing (SMP) extensions?
Runtime analysis with | multiprocessing enabled
Symmetric | Multiprocessing in Allegro CL
Symmetric | Multiprocessing introduction
The | multiprocessing logging (mplog) facility
Top-level interaction with | multiprocessing |
click- | must-be-on-gadget
Externals | must be resolved when the .so/.sl/.dylib/.dll file is created
Files Lisp | must find to start up and files it may need later
If you modify a so/sl/dylib/dll file that has been loaded, you | must load the modified file!
Q. What issues | must I be aware of when using excl.osi:fork
Users of your app | must have necessary software installed
| MX queries
ask- | my-documents
format-ask- | my-documents-prompt
Q. I still have problems with | my license file. Can I contact you for assistance?
Q. How can I tell what addresses are being used in | my process space?
Q. How can I tell where | my image's heaps are located, and what size they are?
Q. I can not access the URL for retrieving | my license. What should I do?
Q. | My lisp immediately crashes a few seconds after startup. What's causing this?
Q. | My memory gobbling loop causes the gc to perform badly. Why?
Q. What is the best question to ask us as to | my particular operating system and Allegro CL?
Q. Why does | my 64-bit foreign call cause a SIGSEGV?
Q. Why does read-from-string ignore | my first keyword argument (unless I also specify both optional arguments)?
Q. Why is the compiler complaining about a missing in-package form when I am certain that | my **offline file** starts with one?
Q. \[Express\] The date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says | my license has expired. Why might this happen?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Is | my antivirus software correct that the Express Edition is a virus?
Allegro | MySQL Direct Connect Library
Allegro | MySQL introduction
| mysql |
| MySQL and multiprocessing
| MySQL and stored procedures
| MySQL Errors
| MySQL Examples
| MySQL programming interface
| mysql-affected-rows
| mysql-connected
| mysql-error
| mysql-escape-sequence
| mysql-external-format
| mysql-fields
| mysql-insert-id
| mysql-protocol-error
| mysql-server-cap
| mysql-version
| mysql.html
The Basic Operation of Allegro | MySQL |
* | mysql* |