Tilde | D: Decimal
*eli- | daemon-socket-hook*
| damaged-system-constant-error
| damaged-system-constant-error-code
| dark-blue
| dark-cyan
| dark-gray
| dark-gray-texture
| dark-green
| dark-magenta
| dark-red
| dark-yellow
border- | dashing |
line- | dashing |
major-grid-line- | dashing |
minor-grid-line- | dashing |
with-line- | dashing |
line- | dashings |
regression-line- | dashings |
mci- | dat |
Accessing existing | data rather than pushing chart values
Adding | data to a chart-widget
C API (routines and | data structures)
client-lisp- | data |
Control of | data collection
Controlling the operation of | data collection
| Data Representation
| Data Type Qualifiers
| Data types added to standard Common Lisp
| Data types and array types
| Data Types and Conversions
| data-object
| data-read-converter
| data-reader
| data-slot
| data-write-converter
| data-writer
extend- | data-to-middle-of-border
get-extern- | data-address
Help on the selected | data object
jlinker-error- | data |
Printing function meta | data and related topics
process-pool-work-item- | data |
remove-extern- | data-address
Special OLE | Data Types
The function | data type
warn-on-insufficient- | data |
XML-RPC | data api
*default-vector- | database-dir*
*default-vector- | database-name*
*use-xref- | database-only*
Clearing the | database |
list-all- | database-tables
logical-pathname-translations- | database-pathnames
make-vector- | database |
read-vector- | database |
The cross-reference | database |
vector- | database |
vector- | database-embedding-vectors
vector- | database-name
vector- | database-property-vectors
What is in and how to access the xref | database |
write-vector- | database |
*default- | database* |
When is xref information in a fasl file added to the | database? |
MariaDB | databases |
Representing characters in | databases in Aodbc
Callback style of | datagram socket connections
Connecting | datagram sockets
| Datagram Socket Connection
| Datagram socket connections
Declarative interface of | datagram socket connections
Explicit port interface of | datagram socket connections
rpc- | datagram-port
rpc- | datagram-server
socket- | datagram-file-active
socket- | datagram-internet-active
The Oracle | datatypes |
* | date-time-fmt*
ask-user-for- | date |
calendar- | date |
cell-style-current- | date |
cl:file-write- | date implementation
complete- | date-time
Conversions between | date-time and CL universal-time
| date-time
| date-time
| Date-time (ISO 8601) support in Allegro CL
| date-time classes
| date-time introduction
| date-time operators
| date-time variables
| date-time-hour
| date-time-hourf
| date-time-minute
| date-time-minutef
| date-time-second
| date-time-secondf
| date-time-to-ut
| date-time-yd-day
| date-time-year
| date-time-ymd-day
| date-time-ymd-month
| date-time-ymd-yd-before-year-0
| date-time-ymd-yd-century
| date-time-ymd-yd-year-in-century
| date-time-ywd-before-year-0
| date-time-ywd-century
| date-time-ywd-day
| date-time-ywd-decade-in-century
| date-time-ywd-week
| date-time-ywd-year-in-decade
| date-time-zone
| date-time-zone-hour
| date-time-zone-minute
| date-time.html
Day and | date calculation functions and their relation to time zones
decode- | date-time
envelope- | date |
file-access- | date |
file-write- | date |
General | date to universal time parsers
Getting a | date-time value as a string
highlight-current- | date |
load- | date |
merge- | date-times
Parsing ISO 8601 | date-time representations
Q. \[Express\] The | date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has expired. Why might this happen?
The | date-time class
ut-to- | date-time
Validating ISO 8601 | date-time representations
| date+ |
| date/= |
| date< |
| date<= |
| date= |
| date> |
| date>= |
ISO 8601 | dates |
type-error- | datum, type-error-expected-type
calendar- | day |
date-time-yd- | day |
date-time-ymd- | day |
date-time-ywd- | day |
| Day and date calculation functions and their relation to time zones
| day-difference
| day-number
| day-of-week
locale- | day |
* | daylight-saving-time-observed*
duration- | days |
| db-external-format
| db-grid-add-button-on-change
| db-grid-create-button-on-change
| db-grid-delete-button-on-change
| db-grid-remove-button-on-change
| db-hstmt
| db-non-blocking
| db-width
insert- | db |
update- | db |
with- | db-rows
| dbm-close
| dbm-delete
| dbm-fetch
| dbm-firstkey
| dbm-nextkey
| dbm-open
| dbm-store
with- | dbm-iterator
with-open- | dbm |
std- | dc-newline-in-handler
*generate- | dde-messages*
case-sensitive- | dde |
close- | dde |
close- | dde |
convert-returned- | dde-buffer
convert-returned- | dde-buffer
convert-returned- | dde-string
convert-returned- | dde-string
Correspondence between Windows commands and | DDE function names
Creating a port where Lisp is the | DDE client
| DDE Example
| DDE Functionality
| DDE Introduction
| DDE support in Allegro CL
| dde-info
| dde-info
| dde-message
| dde-port
| dde.html
dword-list-from- | dde-buffer
invoke-html-browser-using- | dde |
string-from- | dde-buffer
*case-sensitive- | dde* |
Excuting DML and | DDL |
*sharp-plus- | de-facto-standard-compatible*
include- | dead-locals-in-backtraces
| Dealing with an unexpected error in an application
System calls and library routines | dealing with time
Q. I have set the stack cushion (see sys:set-stack-cushion and sys:stack-cushion) to a reasonable value, but the soft stack limit is not being detected, and I get a lisp | death instead. Why is that?
* | debug-io*, *error-output*, *query-io*, *standard-input*, *standard-output*, *trace-output*
*load-source- | debug-info*
: | debug-control
| Debug Window
| Debug Window after an Error
| debug-font
| debug-history-limit
format- | debug |
save-source-level- | debug-info-switch
The Lisp | DeBug (ldb) stepper
*jlinker- | debug* |
do-default- | debugable-restart
* | debugger-hook*
Constructing mplog files from the | debugger on Windows
| debugger-api.html
Getting out of the | debugger |
How does the | debugger know about ghost frames?
invoke- | debugger |
Local variables and the | debugger |
The | Debugger API
Top-level and | debugger interface
Transferring Control to the | debugger: break-hook
use-ide- | debugger-on-all-processes
When will the | debugger display ghost frames?
| Debugging |
| Debugging an image build problem or failure
| Debugging background processes
| Debugging Common Lisp processes in Emacs
| Debugging enhancements
| Debugging Multiple Processes in the IDE
| debugging.html
When things go wrong - | debugging SOAP interfaces
Writing and | Debugging Common Lisp Programs
date-time-ywd- | decade-in-century
date-time-ywd-year-in- | decade |
| decf-atomic
incf, | decf |
| Deciding on necessary features
| Deciding on top-level (user interaction)
| Deciding what to provide help on
locale- | decimal-point
locale-mon- | decimal-point
Tilde D: | Decimal |
vk- | decimal |
| declaim |
| declaration |
| Declaration Identifiers
| Declaration Scope
| Declaration Specifiers
| declaration-information
define- | declaration |
Examples using the :explain | declaration |
float- | declaration-used-warning
Help with declarations: the :explain | declaration |
ineffective- | declaration-warning
Minimal | Declaration Processing Requirements
The excl:trusted-type | declaration |
| Declarations |
| Declarations and optimizations
Help with | declarations: the :explain declaration
Inline | declarations ignored
Other | declarations and optimizations
The LIFO section of the stack and dynamic-extent | declarations |
trust- | declarations-switch
trust-dynamic-extent- | declarations-switch
verify-type- | declarations-switch
Verifying | declarations |
Warnings are signaled for misspelling in type | declarations |
| Declarative interface of datagram socket connections
| Declarative interface of shared memory connections
| Declarative interface of stream sockets
| declare |
| Declared fixnums example
| declared-fixnums-remain-fixnums-switch
base64- | decode-stream
| decode-date-time
| decode-extended-time
| decode-float, scale-float, float-radix, float-sign, float-digits, float-precision, integer-decode-float
decode-float, scale-float, float-radix, float-sign, float-digits, float-precision, integer- | decode-float
| decode-universal-time
* | decoded-time-friday*
* | decoded-time-monday*
* | decoded-time-saturday*
* | decoded-time-sunday*
* | decoded-time-thursday*
* | decoded-time-tuesday*
* | decoded-time-wednesday*
| Decoded Time
get-universal-time, get- | decoded-time
Generated Constructors, | Decoders, and Encoders
Parsing, escape | decoding/encoding and the path
Support for gzip and bzip compression and | decompression |
| decrement-pixmap-name
blowfish- | decrypt |
rsa- | decrypt |
| Deducing the namespaces used in a WSDL file
| def-c-type
| def-c-typedef
| def-cg-ocx-control
| def-char-to-octets-macro
| def-ef-switch-to-runtime
| def-external-format
| def-foreign-call
| def-foreign-call
| def-foreign-call examples
| def-foreign-call syntax
| def-foreign-call: the :returning keyword argument
| def-foreign-constant
| def-foreign-constant
| def-foreign-type
| def-foreign-variable
| def-foreign-variable
| def-foreign-variable examples
| def-foreign-variable syntax
| def-function-spec-handler
| def-fwrapper
| def-hash-table-implementation
| def-japi-classes
| def-java-class
| def-java-class
| def-java-constructor
| def-java-macro
| def-java-method
| def-java-method
| def-java-static
| def-java-to-lisp-wrapper
| def-locale
| def-octets-to-char-macro
| def-remote-function
| def-remote-method
| def-stream-class
memtrace- | def |
strings-convert- | def-warning
The | Def-fwrapper/fwrap Facility
| defadvice |
*cl- | default-special-bindings*
* | default-cg-bindings*
* | default-cg-message-timeout*
* | default-cgjs-external-format*
* | default-database*
* | default-external-format*
* | default-file-type*
* | default-header-justification*
* | default-header-width*
* | default-inverted-texture-info*
* | default-lisp-listener-bindings*
* | default-message-interrupt-function*
* | default-module-class*
* | default-module-group-class*
* | default-odbc-external-format*
* | default-pathname-defaults*
* | default-printer-bottom-margin*
* | default-printer-left-margin*
* | default-printer-right-margin*
* | default-printer-top-margin*
* | default-process-quantum*
* | default-system-class*
* | default-texture-info*
* | default-vector-database-dir*
* | default-vector-database-name*
*fasl- | default-type*
*jlinker- | default-connection-pool*
*openai- | default-ask-chat-model*
*openai- | default-best-of*
*openai- | default-chat-model*
*openai- | default-echo*
*openai- | default-fine-tune-model*
*openai- | default-frequency-penalty*
*openai- | default-function-call*
*openai- | default-functions*
*openai- | default-initial-delay*
*openai- | default-logit-bias*
*openai- | default-logprobs*
*openai- | default-max-tokens*
*openai- | default-min-score*
*openai- | default-n*
*openai- | default-output-format*
*openai- | default-presence-penatly*
*openai- | default-retries*
*openai- | default-suffix*
*openai- | default-temperature*
*openai- | default-timeout*
*openai- | default-top-n*
*openai- | default-top-p*
*openai- | default-user*
*process-pool- | default-active-limit*
*read- | default-float-format*
*serp- | default-top-n*
choose- | default-printer
context-sensitive- | default-path
| default-256-color-palette-vector
| default-application-window-subkey
| default-background-color
| default-button
| default-button
| default-cell-3d-border
| default-cell-border-color
| default-cell-border-width
| default-clipboard-format
| default-closed-pixmap
| default-column-width
| default-command-line-arguments
| default-error-handler-for-delivery
| default-file-type
| default-foreground-color
| default-gray-palette-vector
| default-gray-pixmap-color-vector
| default-grid-sorter
| default-header-justification
| default-header-width
| default-height
| default-height-factor
| default-http-proxy
| default-init-function
| default-inverted-texture-info
| default-leaf-pixmap
| default-menu-on-click
| default-module
| default-module-class
| default-module-group
| default-opened-pixmap
| default-package
| default-page-height
| default-page-width
| default-palette-vector
| default-pane-class
| default-pathname
| default-pixmap-color-vector
| default-process-for-events
| default-section-border-color
| default-section-border-width
| default-system
| default-tab-height
| default-tab-width
| default-texture-info
| default-top-left
| default-width
| default-width-factor
disallow-running-in-non- | default-mode
do- | default-debugable-restart
do- | default-restart
double-click-as- | default-button
ensure- | default-process-pool
property- | default-value
property- | default-value-p
Q. How do I build an image with non- | default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. How do I build | default images provided by Franz with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. How do I build default images provided by Franz with non- | default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. What should I know when choosing non- | default heap locations?
set- | default-button
set- | default-command-line-arguments
setq- | default |
Setting the | Default Web Browser for CG/JS in Windows 11
The packages locked by | default |
use- | default-tooltips
Using the | default minimal top-level
*fasl-circle- | default* |
| Defaulting of Initialization Arguments
Argument | defaults |
Arguments to build-lisp-image 1 - | defaults inherited from the running image
Arguments to build-lisp-image 2 - | defaults not inherited from the running image
Arguments to build-lisp-image 3: | defaults taken from environment variables
body-column- | defaults |
body-row- | defaults |
column- | defaults |
column-header- | defaults |
column-header- | defaults |
footer-column- | defaults |
footer-row- | defaults |
header- | defaults |
header- | defaults-or-cell
Q. Why doesn't make-pathname merge the given :directory component with the directory component in : | defaults argument?
reset-profiler-display- | defaults |
row- | defaults |
row-header- | defaults |
row-header- | defaults |
subsection- | defaults |
subsection- | defaults |
*default-pathname- | defaults* |
| defclass |
| Defclass optimizations: fixed-index slots and defclass embellishers
Defclass optimizations: fixed-index slots and | defclass embellishers
| defclass-embellisher-class
push- | defclass-extra-form
| defcomponent |
| defconstant |
| defcstruct |
| defforeign |
| defforeign-list
| defgeneric |
| define-compiler-macro
| define-condition
| define-declaration
| define-method-combination
| Define-method-combination Arguments Lambda Lists
| define-modify-macro
| Define-modify-macro Lambda Lists
| define-project
| define-property
| define-remote-class
| define-rpc-client
| define-rpc-server
| define-setf-expander
| define-symbol-macro
Attempt to call -name- which is | defined as a macro
Creating user- | defined hash-table implementations
| Defined Operating System/Lisp constants by architecture
Emacs reports that a function | defined in the interface is undefined
Operating System Constants | defined in Allegro CL
Potential problems with user- | defined main() on Linux
User- | defined main()
Where are the bindings | defined? |
pprint-plist- | definers |
| Defining Classes
| Defining External-Formats
| Defining hierarchical packages
| Defining Interfaces
| Defining new classes
| Defining new stream classes
| Defining SOAP Methods
| Defining the init functionality
Example of | defining a new system class
Example of | defining new system operations
Persistence of | defining forms encountered by compile-file
| definition-mode functions and variables
Element | Definition |
Example of one system | definition referencing another
How to generate a SOAP client interface from a WSDL | definition |
Locale | Definition |
Namespace | Definition Operators
Package | definition locking
Package locking and package | definition locking
package- | definition-lock
The URI and IRI API | definition |
Type | Definition |
CBIND: Support for automatic generation of foreign function | definitions 2
Combining Several WSDL | Definitions in one Lisp Image
| Definitions |
| Definitions Dialog
| Definitions of some terms used in this document
Finding the | definitions of functions
Metaclasses for embellishing class | definitions |
Package | definitions |
SWIG: Support for automatic generation of foreign function | definitions 1
| defmacro |
| defmethod |
cl: | defpackage implementation
| defpackage |
| defparameter, defvar
| defpatch |
| defproperties |
| defsetf |
| Defsetf Lambda Lists
*expand- | defstruct-accessors-unsafely*
cl: | defstruct implementation
| defstruct |
| Defstruct accessors
| defsys-getf
| defsystem |
| Defsystem |
| Defsystem |
| Defsystem extension examples
| Defsystem introduction
| Defsystem methods that can be specialized
| Defsystem terminology
| defsystem-1
| defsystem.html
Extending | Defsystem |
Extending | defsystem syntax through shared-initialize methods
Predefined operations on systems and | defsystem variables
Using | Defsystem |
| deftype |
| Deftype Lambda Lists
| defun |
| defun-c-callable
| defun-foreign-callable
| defun-proto
defparameter, | defvar |
| defvar-cg
| defvar-nonbindable
*exit- | delay-for-browser-refresh*
--exit- | delay |
| delay-pop-up-menus-until-mouse-buttons-up
| delay-redraw
| delay-write-cell-value
menu-tooltip- | delay |
tooltip- | delay |
*general-wait- | delay* |
*jlinker-retry- | delay* |
*openai-default-initial- | delay* |
clear- | delayed-cell-value
clear- | delayed-cell-values
| delayed |
redraw- | delayed |
with- | delayed-interrupts
with- | delayed-redraw
write- | delayed-cell-values
| Delaying evaluation of a form in an init file
| Delaying linking the Allegro CL shared-library until runtime
| deletable |
* | delete-in-place*
cl: | delete, cl:delete-if, cl:delete-if-not, cl:delete-duplicates: multiprocessing issues
cl:delete, cl: | delete-if, cl:delete-if-not, cl:delete-duplicates: multiprocessing issues
cl:delete, cl:delete-if, cl: | delete-if-not, cl:delete-duplicates: multiprocessing issues
cl:delete, cl:delete-if, cl:delete-if-not, cl: | delete-duplicates: multiprocessing issues
db-grid- | delete-button-on-change
dbm- | delete |
| delete-breakpoint
| delete-class-grid-row
| delete-column
| delete-command
| delete-directory
| delete-directory-and-files
| delete-file
| delete-fine-tuned-model
| delete-letter
| delete-mailbox
| delete-named-profile
| delete-openai-file
| delete-package
| delete-row
| delete-selected-subsections
| delete-selection
do- | delete |
mci- | delete |
object-editor- | delete |
remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, | delete, delete-if, delete-if-not
remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, | delete-if, delete-if-not
remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, | delete-if-not
remove-duplicates, | delete-duplicates
vk- | delete |
confirm-grid-subsection- | deletion |
| delimited-string-to-list
list-to- | delimited-string
read- | delimited-list
*text-wrapping- | delimiters* |
Creating the | deliverable |
| Delivering Applications
A summary of the | delivery process
Compilation and | Delivery |
default-error-handler-for- | delivery |
| Delivery introduction
| delivery.html
Developing the application and preparing for | delivery |
Updating your application after | delivery |
process-cpu-msec-used- | delta |
process-times-resumed- | delta |
numerator, | denominator |
One library file cannot | depend on an already loaded library file
When all wait functions | depend on external events
LLM Functional | Dependencies |
| Deploying Your Lisp Based DLL
Application | deployment considerations
| deposit-field
*jlinker- | deprecated-warnings*
| Deprecated macro: excl::atomically
| Deprecated macro: sys:without-scheduling
| Deprecated macro: without-interrupts
| Deprecated macros
class-graph-initial- | depth |
| dequeue |
font- | descent |
| describe |
| describe-advice
| describe-fobject
| describe-object
xref- | describe |
Census point | description |
Disassembler output | description |
General | description of query functions and commands
mime-part- | description |
Simple-stream | Description |
Source record | description |
Variable transition record | description |
Strategy | descriptions necessary for encapsulation
| Descriptor vector sections
ha_ | descriptor |
Frame | descriptors |
| deselect-all-subsections
| deselect-sections-when-lose-focus
| deselect-sections-when-move-focus
| deselect-subsection
About | design considerations for event-driven applications
Using a form window to | design a grid widget
Condition | Designators |
| Designators |
An interactively | designed spreadsheet grid-widget
Getting started with an interactively | designed grid-widget
Including all | desired modules
Any CG App Can Run in | Desktop Mode or Web Browser Mode
| destroy-icon-handle
| destroy-pixmap-handle
| destroy-servlet
| Destructuring Lambda Lists
| destructuring-bind
| Details of cl:load-logical-pathname-translations
| Details of stream-line-column and charpos
| Details of the CG/JS version of CG and the IDE
Miscellaneous implementation | details |
Prerequisites and implementation | details |
Logical pathnames: general implementation | details |
Q. I have set the stack cushion (see sys:set-stack-cushion and sys:stack-cushion) to a reasonable value, but the soft stack limit is not being | detected, and I get a lisp death instead. Why is that?
Appendix: Effective method | determination and optimization: examples
Q. How is heap placement | determined and what can go wrong?
| Determining the :directory component
| Determining the :name component
| Determining the :type component
| Determining the Class Precedence List
Q. \[Express\] The date in the license file ( | devel.lic) is in the future, but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has expired. Why might this happen?
| Developing the application and preparing for delivery
Common Graphics and Integrated | Development Environment Documentation
Common Graphics and the Integrated | Development Environment
| development-main-window
| development-main-window
Example of master and | development directories
More on the | development environment
| Deviations from the RFC grammars and strict parsing
| device |
| Device Interface
| Device Level Functionality
| device-bitmap
| device-buffer-length
| device-clear-input
| device-clear-output
| device-close
| device-context
| device-file-length
| device-file-position
| device-finish-record
| device-open
| Device-open
| device-read
| device-to-dialog-units
| device-to-scaling-units
| device-to-stream-units
| device-write
| Device-writing Tips
dialog-to- | device-units
font- | device-p
From-scratch | device-open
Implementation Helpers for | device-read and device-write
Implementation Helpers for device-read and | device-write
mci-compound- | device-p
mci- | device |
mci- | device-average-bytes-per-second
mci- | device-bits-per-sample
mci- | device-block-alignment
mci- | device-can-eject-p
mci- | device-can-freeze-p
mci- | device-can-play-p
mci- | device-can-record-p
mci- | device-can-reverse-p
mci- | device-can-save-p
mci- | device-can-stretch-p
mci- | device-channels
mci- | device-current-track
mci- | device-disc-size
mci- | device-error-function
mci- | device-fast-rate
mci- | device-file
mci- | device-format-tag
mci- | device-forward-p
mci- | device-has-audio-p
mci- | device-has-video-p
mci- | device-hpal
mci- | device-hwnd
mci- | device-id
mci- | device-input
mci- | device-inputs
mci- | device-length
mci- | device-level
mci- | device-max-windows
mci- | device-media-present-p
mci- | device-media-type
mci- | device-mode
mci- | device-name
mci- | device-normal-rate
mci- | device-number
mci- | device-number-of-tracks
mci- | device-output
mci- | device-outputs
mci- | device-palettes-p
mci- | device-position
mci- | device-ready-p
mci- | device-samples-per-second
mci- | device-set-audio-off
mci- | device-set-audio-on
mci- | device-set-door-closed
mci- | device-set-door-open
mci- | device-set-time-format
mci- | device-set-video-off
mci- | device-set-video-on
mci- | device-side
mci- | device-slow-rate
mci- | device-speed
mci- | device-start-position
mci- | device-stretch-p
mci- | device-time-format
mci- | device-track-length
mci- | device-track-position
mci- | device-type
mci- | device-type-constant
mci- | device-type-string
mci- | device-uses-files-p
pathname-host, pathname- | device, pathname-directory, pathname-name, pathname-type, pathname-version
scaling-to- | device-units
stream-to- | device-units
texture-info-x- | device-units-per-m
texture-info-y- | device-units-per-m
touch-point- | device |
widget- | device |
with- | device-context
Add Component | Dialog |
Apropos | Dialog |
CG tab on Options | dialog |
Check for New Patches | Dialog |
Class Browser | Dialog |
Class Interface Editor | Dialog |
Clipboard | Dialog |
Creating an Object-Editor | Dialog or Class-Grid Programmatically
Definitions | Dialog |
device-to- | dialog-units
| dialog |
| dialog-field
| dialog-fields
| dialog-item
| dialog-item
| dialog-item-p
| dialog-items
| dialog-mixin
| dialog-print-array
| dialog-print-circle
| dialog-print-length
| dialog-print-level
| dialog-to-device-units
| dialog-to-screen-units
| dialog-units-p
Download Patches | Dialog |
Editor Color tab on Options | dialog |
Editor tab on Options | dialog |
exit- | dialog |
file- | dialog-source-types
Find | Dialog |
Find in Files | Dialog |
Fonts tab on Options | dialog |
Form | Dialog |
Form tab on Options | dialog |
Inspect | Dialog |
Menu Editor | Dialog |
modal- | dialog-margin
Navigator | Dialog |
New Form | Dialog |
New Project Directory | Dialog |
open- | dialog |
Options | Dialog |
Package List | Dialog |
pop-up-color- | dialog |
pop-up-find- | dialog |
pop-up-message- | dialog |
pop-up-modal- | dialog |
pop-up-printer-job- | dialog |
pop-up-printer-setup- | dialog |
pop-up-replace- | dialog |
pop-up-string- | dialog |
pop-up-strings- | dialog |
position-utility- | dialog |
Processes | Dialog |
Project Manager | Dialog |
Project Parent Directory | Dialog |
Project tab on Options | dialog |
Replace | Dialog |
return-nil-from-pop-up- | dialog |
return-t-from-pop-up- | dialog |
rich-edit- | dialog |
Runtime Analyzer Control | Dialog |
Runtime Analyzer Results | Dialog |
screen-to- | dialog-units
Select a Completion | Dialog |
set- | dialog-field
set- | dialog-fields
Shortcut Keys | Dialog |
show- | dialog-on-compiler-warnings
Site tab on Options | dialog |
Startup Action | Dialog |
Stepper | Dialog |
system- | dialog-background-color
Tab Order | Dialog |
The IDE tabs on the Options | dialog |
Trace | Dialog |
update- | dialog |
use-trace- | dialog-in-this-process
Window List | Dialog |
y-or-n- | dialog |
| dialogp |
*modal- | dialogs-disable-owner*
*modal- | dialogs-disable-owner-js*
About Menus and | Dialogs in the IDE
center-all-modal- | dialogs-on-screen
Modal CG utility | dialogs are not shared between processes
Q. Why on Linux does Allegro CL | die on startup?
An example of the | difference between SMP Lisp and non-SMP Lisp
day- | difference |
set- | difference, nset-difference
set-difference, nset- | difference |
What is the | difference between using registers and using the stack?
| Different versions of Allegro CL load foreign code differently
How to run two Emacs's connected to two | different Lisps
The IDE working in a web browser on a | different machine than the Lisp
update-instance-for- | different-class
Different versions of Allegro CL load foreign code | differently |
| digest-file
| digest-final
| digest-init
| digest-string
| digest-update
MD5, SHA*, HMAC, RC4, and other message | digest support
| digit-char
| digit-char-or-space-p
| digit-char-p
| digitizer-capabilities
| digitizer-is-ready
decode-float, scale-float, float-radix, float-sign, float- | digits, float-precision, integer-decode-float
locale-frac- | digits |
locale-int-frac- | digits |
array- | dimension |
array- | dimension-limit
short-array- | dimension-limit
Array | Dimensions |
array- | dimensions |
Q. Why can't I use ` | dir` with run-shell-command?
*default-vector-database- | dir* |
*locales- | dir* |
Allegro MySQL | Direct Connect Library
| direct-simple-stream
list-call- | direct-possibilities
normalize- | direct-slots
Oracle Interface: Allegro Oracle | Direct Connect
bar-gradient- | direction |
body-gradient- | direction |
| direction-of-increase
font- | direction |
icon-gradient- | direction |
*color-gradient- | direction* |
who- | directly-calls
cl:ensure- | directories-exist implementation
distribution- | directories |
ensure- | directories-exist
Example of master and development | directories |
initial-search- | directories |
--utilities- | directory |
ask-user-for- | directory |
ask-user-for-new-or-existing- | directory |
cl: | directory implementation
copy- | directory |
current- | directory |
delete- | directory |
delete- | directory-and-files
Determining the : | directory component
| directory |
| directory-size
| directory-subdirectories
file- | directory-p
Files Lisp needs to start up 2: the Allegro | directory |
home- | directory |
How the dumped image finds its Allegro | directory |
make- | directory |
map-over- | directory |
namestring, file-namestring, | directory-namestring, host-namestring, enough-namestring
New Project | Directory Dialog
pathname-as- | directory |
pathname-host, pathname-device, pathname- | directory, pathname-name, pathname-type, pathname-version
probe- | directory |
Project Parent | Directory Dialog
project-parent- | directory |
Q. Why doesn't make-pathname merge the given : | directory component with the directory component in :defaults argument?
Q. Why doesn't make-pathname merge the given :directory component with the | directory component in :defaults argument?
Restrictions on Examining a Pathname | Directory Component
special-windows- | directory |
start-in-allegro- | directory |
Temporary | directory and files
temporary- | directory |
The Allegro | directory |
The | directory component of merged pathnames
Tracking | directory changes
username-to-home- | directory |
utilities- | directory |
utility-file- | directory |
[allegro | directory]/src/aclstart.cl is the source code for startup
*temporary- | directory* |
*utilities- | directory* |
Q. Should Allegro CL on Windows be installed in the Program Files | directory? |
: | dirs |
*modal-dialogs- | disable-owner*
*modal-dialogs- | disable-owner-js*
barrier- | disable |
| disable-visual-styles
memlog- | disable |
process- | disable |
system- | disabled-color
with-events- | disabled |
with-message-interrupts- | disabled |
* | disallow-scheduling*
| disallow-running-in-non-default-mode
The : | disasm module is needed for backtraces
cl: | disassemble implementation
| disassemble |
| disassemble-profile
| Disassembler output description
A | disassembly with profiling example
Profiles in a function | disassembly |
mci-device- | disc-size
mci-video- | disc |
| discard-all-source-file-info
| discard-all-xref-info
| discard-in-java
| discard-local-name-info
| discard-pending-events
| discard-process-pool
| discard-process-pool-work-item
process-pool- | discarded-count
| Discarding local variable information before dumplisp
| disconnect |
| disconnect |
web-browser-has- | disconnected |
API for connecting and | disconnecting |
Generic functions, method combination, and | discrimination |
gf- | discriminator |
gf- | discriminator-cache
gf- | discriminator-type
gf- | discriminator-value
Appendix: Generic Function | Discriminators |
Appendix #\newline | discussion |
OLE/OCX low-level internals | discussion |
Summary of the | discussion of locals
Tail merging | discussion |
copy-pprint- | dispatch |
Dynamic | Dispatch of Generated Lisp Functions
Lisp Functions to | Dispatch Java Events
make- | dispatch-macro-character
pprint- | dispatch |
Pretty Print | Dispatch Tables
set- | dispatch-macro-character, get-dispatch-macro-character
set-dispatch-macro-character, get- | dispatch-macro-character
set-pprint- | dispatch |
Trivial Stream | Dispatch |
*print-pprint- | dispatch* |
Caches for fast | dispatching |
array- | displacement |
| display-controls
| display-form-grid
| display-html
| display-instance
| display-pixmap-in-browser-tab
| display-special-instance
| display-status-bar
| display-toolbars
outline- | display-pane
reset-profiler- | display-defaults
When will the debugger | display ghost frames?
*zoom- | display* |
No ghost frames are | displayed. Do all functions appear on the stack?
The ghost frame has no ...'s; are all possible frames | displayed? |
| Displaying help
| displaying-on-mac
| dist-object-p
make- | dist-object
scroll-parent-section- | distance |
| Distinguished values: unknown-p and none-p
| distributed-files
Conditions on | distributing Allegro Runtime created applications
| Distributing patches
| distribution-directories
vk- | divide |
| division-by-zero
Building and Using an Allegro Common Lisp Based | DLL |
Building the Example | DLL: fact.dll
Building the Example DLL: fact. | dll |
Building Your Own Lisp Based | DLL |
Deploying Your Lisp Based | DLL |
| dll.html
Externals must be resolved when the .so/.sl/.dylib/. | dll file is created
Files Lisp needs to start up 1: .so (or | dll) files built with image
If you modify a so/sl/dylib/ | dll file that has been loaded, you must load the modified file!
Lisp as a | DLL example
LNKACL | DLL Exported Routines
Making a . | dll |
Making a Fortran . | dll |
Q. \[Windows only\] How do I move | DLL in memory so that it doesn't conflict with the Lisp heap?
Using An Example Allegro CL Based | DLL: fact.dll
Using An Example Allegro CL Based DLL: fact. | dll |
Excuting | DML and DDL
: | dn |
* | dns-configured*
* | dns-domain*
* | dns-mode*
configure- | dns |
| dns-ipaddr-to-hostname
| dns-lookup-hostname
| dns-nameserver
| dns-nameserver-ipaddr
| dns-nameserver-name
| dns-nameserver-received
| dns-nameserver-sent
| dns-query
| dns-response
| dns-response-additional
| dns-response-answer
| dns-response-authority
| dns-response-flags
| dns-response-flags-value
| dns-response-id
| dns-rr
| dns-rr-answer
| dns-rr-class
| dns-rr-name
| dns-rr-time-to-live
| dns-rr-type
| dns.html
Always | Do Exit Cleanup in User-Close Methods
Core files: when they are useful and what to | do with them
| do, do*
| do-all-uris
| do-click
| do-command
| do-default-debugable-restart
| do-default-restart
| do-delete
| do-get
| do-head
| do-keypress
| do-keypresses
| do-options
| do-periodically
| do-post
| do-put
| do-symbols, do-external-symbols, do-all-symbols
do-symbols, | do-external-symbols, do-all-symbols
do-symbols, do-external-symbols, | do-all-symbols
| do-trace
| do-windows
How | do I find out when scavenges happen?
How to | do CLOS start up optimizations
memtrace- | do |
No ghost frames are displayed. | Do all functions appear on the stack?
Q. | Do you have an interface to Python?
Q. How | do I build an image with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. How | do I build default images provided by Franz with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. How | do I control the stack size on Windows?
Q. How | do I get ANSI ACL (rather than Modern ACL) to start when I double-click on an lpr file?
Q. How | do I get the latest version of AllegroCache?
Q. How | do I install patches?
Q. How | do I install the IDE Browser version (CG/JS)?
Q. How | do I install the license file?
Q. On which x86 (i.e., Intel Pentium and friends) Linux versions | do the currently supported versions of Allegro CL run?
Q. Sometimes CL output is not logged in the dribble-bug file. What | do I do about this?
Q. Sometimes CL output is not logged in the dribble-bug file. What do I | do about this?
Q. [32-bit Lisp] How | do I pass and return 64-bit integers through the FFI?
Q. \[Express\] How | do I build mlisp, alisp, or allegro images?
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Can I install the Express Edition if I | do not have access to the internet?
Q. \[Windows only\] How | do I move DLL in memory so that it doesn't conflict with the Lisp heap?
rpc- | do-invoke
rpc- | do-request
ssl- | do-handshake
Strict external formats which | do not allow improper characters
What | do the suspension points (...) mean in a ghost frame?
What to | do with patch files
do, | do* |
Q. I am getting stack overflows and occasional Lisp failure when I sort on large arrays. Why and what can I | do? |
Q. I can not access the URL for retrieving my license. What should I | do? |
Definitions of some terms used in this | document |
| Document Object Model (DOM) in Allegro Common Lisp
Format of this | document |
html-widget-new- | document |
Notation conventions used in this | document |
on-new- | document |
windows-command-for- | document-type
About Common Graphics and IDE | documentation |
Allegro CL | documentation table of contents
Allegro CL | documentation: list of overview HTML documents
ANSI Common Lisp and MetaObject Protocol | Documentation |
Changes to the | documentation |
Common Graphics and Integrated Development Environment | Documentation |
| Documentation enhancements
| Documentation introduction
| documentation, (setf documentation)
Emacs | Documentation |
Introduction to the Allegro CL | documentation |
Operators, Symbols, Variables | Documentation |
documentation, (setf | documentation) |
*load- | documentation* |
| Documenting object-oriented protocols
Allegro CL documentation: list of overview HTML | documents |
ask-my- | documents |
format-ask-my- | documents-prompt
Parsing XML | documents |
Valid XML | documents |
Well-formed XML | documents |
autoload-file- | does-not-exist-error
file- | does-not-exist-error
How | does the compiler treat local variables?
How | does the debugger know about ghost frames?
Q. | Does Allegro CL run on operating system *X*?
Q. How | does Lisp start up, in terms of shared-library linking and loading?
Q. What | does the "Temporarily scaling back lisp reserved region from XXX to YYY bytes." mean?
Q. Why | does it take so long to load a file that interns several thousand symbols in a package?
Q. Why | does my 64-bit foreign call cause a SIGSEGV?
Q. Why | does read-from-string ignore my first keyword argument (unless I also specify both optional arguments)?
Q. Why | does read-from-string signal an end-of-file error even when I pass the eof-error-p argument as nil?
Q. Why | does the right Alt key not work the same as the left Alt key?
Q. Why on Linux | does Allegro CL die on startup?
Q. \[Express\] | Does the Express Edition expire?
What if the Emacs-Lisp interface | does not start?
What Lisp | does when it starts up
What user-homedir-pathname | does on Windows
Q. Why | doesn't make-pathname merge the given :directory component with the directory component in :defaults argument?
Q. Why | doesn't tracing a self-calling function trace the inner calls?
Q. \[Windows only\] How do I move DLL in memory so that it | doesn't conflict with the Lisp heap?
| dolist |
Tilde | Dollarsign: Monetary Floating-Point
Document Object Model ( | DOM) in Allegro Common Lisp
| DOM introduction
| DOM Ref: 1.1.1. The DOM Structure Model
DOM Ref: 1.1.1. The | DOM Structure Model
| dom.html
Examples using the | DOM |
Index for | DOM |
* | domain-search-list*
The Allegro CL | Domain Naming System Package
The | Domain Naming System Utility
*dns- | domain* |
mci-device-set- | door-closed
mci-device-set- | door-open
Sharpsign | Dot |
The Consing | Dot |
| dotimes |
The problem with | dots 1: find-package with names that begin with dots
The problem with dots 1: find-package with names that begin with | dots |
The problem with | dots 2: names and nicknames that end with dots
The problem with dots 2: names and nicknames that end with | dots |
| dotted-address-p
| dotted-to-ipaddr
ipaddr-to- | dotted |
| double-buffered
| double-click-as-default-button
| double-click-event
| double-click-time
| double-float-p
| double-float-to-shorts
| Double-Quote
| double-sided
long- | double |
mouse- | double-click
mouse- | double-click
mouse-left- | double-click
mouse-middle- | double-click
mouse-middle- | double-click
mouse-right- | double-click
mouse-right- | double-click
nc-mouse- | double-click
nc-mouse- | double-click
nc-mouse-left- | double-click
nc-mouse-middle- | double-click
nc-mouse-middle- | double-click
nc-mouse-right- | double-click
nc-mouse-right- | double-click
on- | double-click
Q. How do I get ANSI ACL (rather than Modern ACL) to start when I | double-click on an lpr file?
short-float, single-float, | double-float, long-float
short-float-epsilon, ..., | double-float-epsilon, ...
short-float-epsilon, ..., | double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, ...
short-float-epsilon, ..., double-float-epsilon, | double-float-negative-epsilon, ...
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, | double-float-epsilon, double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon, single-float-epsilon, single-float-negative-epsilon, double-float-epsilon, | double-float-negative-epsilon, long-float-epsilon, long-float-negative-epsilon
shorts-to- | double-float
with- | double-buffering
*infinity- | double* |
*nan- | double* |
*negative-infinity- | double* |
cell-key- | down |
| down-key-names
| down-keys
key-is- | down-p
key-was- | down-p
mouse-back- | down |
mouse- | down |
mouse-forward- | down |
mouse-left- | down |
mouse-left- | down |
mouse-middle- | down |
mouse-middle- | down |
mouse-right- | down |
mouse-right- | down |
move- | down-one-outline-item
nc-mouse- | down |
nc-mouse-left- | down |
nc-mouse-left- | down |
nc-mouse-middle- | down |
nc-mouse-middle- | down |
nc-mouse-right- | down |
nc-mouse-right- | down |
pull- | down-menu
System start up and shut | down |
up- | down-control
up- | down-control
up- | down-control-pane
virtual-key- | down |
virtual-key- | down |
vk- | down |
char-upcase, char- | downcase |
string-upcase, ..., nstring- | downcase, nstring-capitalize
string-upcase, ..., nstring-upcase, nstring- | downcase, nstring-capitalize
string-upcase, string- | downcase, string-capitalize, nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize
string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize, nstring-upcase, nstring- | downcase, nstring-capitalize
| Download Patches Dialog
Q. I have misplaced the email telling me the URL from which I can | download your license?
| dpb |
*start- | drag-slack*
box-to- | drag |
| drag-and-drop
| drag-and-drop-mouse-moved
| drag-cursor
| drag-images
| drag-on-alt-click
on- | drag |
scroll-on- | drag |
scroll-on- | drag-factor
wait-for- | drag |
cell- | draggable-p
| draggable-headers
| draggable-p
tabs-are- | draggable |
color-when- | dragging |
| Dragging Loops Might Need to Call process-pending-events
| dragging-thickness
draw-at- | dragging-thickness
now- | dragging |
scroll-parent-section-while- | dragging |
two-stroke- | dragging |
You May Need to Filter Events If | Dragging Operations Are Sluggish
| draw-arrowhead
| draw-at-dragging-thickness
| draw-bezier-curve
| draw-box
| draw-box-x-y
| draw-by
| draw-by-x-y
| draw-cell
| draw-cell-focus
| draw-circle
| draw-circle-arc
| draw-circle-sector
| draw-ellipse
| draw-ellipse-arc
| draw-ellipse-sector
| draw-focus
| draw-grid
| draw-grid-section
| draw-high-low-values
| draw-icon
| draw-icons
| draw-legend
| draw-legend-border
| draw-line
| draw-line-x-y
| draw-lines
| draw-major-grid-lines
| draw-major-labels
| draw-major-tics
| draw-minor-grid-lines
| draw-minor-labels
| draw-minor-tics
| draw-on-printer
| draw-plus-minus
| draw-polygon
| draw-polyline
| draw-regression-lines
| draw-rounded-box
| draw-scrollbar-area
| draw-string-in-box
| draw-text-file
| draw-to
| draw-to-x-y
| draw-wrapped-string
grid- | draw-string
lisp-widget- | draw-focus
profile-outline- | draw-values-close-under-mouse
What to | draw on
| drawable |
| drawable |
| drawable-pane
| drawable-stream
update- | drawable |
Considerations for | drawing on particular kinds of windows
About | drawing graphics in Common Graphics
begin- | drawing-path
cg- | drawing.html
class-grid- | drawing-pane
| Drawing an icon
| Drawing functions
| Drawing lines, filling areas, and erasing
| Drawing on bitmap-streams
| Drawing on printers
| Drawing on the screen
| Drawing on windows in general
| Drawing pixmaps and icons
| Drawing text and fonts
end- | drawing-path
grid- | drawing-pane
grid- | drawing-pane
grid- | drawing-pane-class-for-grid
icon- | drawing-view
line- | drawing-view
The current | drawing style
with- | drawing-path
You May Want to Use an Alternate | Drawing Mode for Efficiency
base-line- | drawn |
| draws-the-entire-scrolling-page
* | dribble-bug-hooks*
| dribble |
| dribble-bug
| dribble-for-dxl-header
Q. Sometimes CL output is not logged in the | dribble-bug file. What do I do about this?
About design considerations for event- | driven applications
| driver-collate-p
| driver-copies
| driver-name
| driver-version
bad- | drop |
drag-and- | drop |
drag-and- | drop-mouse-moved
| drop-combo-box
| drop-cursor
| drop-get
| drop-outline
| drop-put
| drop-sources
good- | drop |
no- | drop-cursor
no- | drop-cursor
on- | drop |
where-to- | drop |
| droppable-onto-self
| droppable-p
load-file-on- | dropped-path
top-level- | dropper |
| dropping |
| dropping-outline
outline- | dropping-pane
| ds~t
po- | ds~t
po-~ | ds~t
~ | ds~t
| dst |
po- | dst |
po-~ | dst |
~ | dst |
| dual-channel-simple-stream
| dual-fonts-for-languages
ide- | dual-fonts-for-languages
install- | dual-channel-character-strategy
The PXML- | DUAL Module
| dummy-forward-struct
request-a- | dummy-reply-from-web-browser
send- | dummy-message-to-window
How the | dumped image finds its Allegro directory
How the | dumped image finds loaded library files
How to use the | dumped image
Logical pathnames and the | dumped image
The emacs-lisp interface and | dumped images
When the | dumped image starts 1: values of global variables
When the | dumped image starts 2: command-line arguments
When the | dumped image starts 3: reading init files
When the | dumped image starts 4: restart actions
When the | dumped image starts 5: the two restart functions
Comparison with excl: | dumplisp |
Discarding local variable information before | dumplisp |
| dumplisp |
| dumplisp |
| dumplisp |
| Dumplisp |
| dumplisp and multiprocessing
| dumplisp error: too many regions
| dumplisp.html
excl: | dumplisp will fail under some conditions
Introduction to excl: | dumplisp, a tool for saving an image
release- | dumplisp-virtual-image
The Emacs-Lisp interface and excl: | dumplisp |
Uses of excl: | dumplisp |
Virtual | dumplisp: for very large images and pseudo-forks on Windows
| Duplicate entry points are never a problem
cl:delete, cl:delete-if, cl:delete-if-not, cl:delete- | duplicates: multiprocessing issues
remove- | duplicates, delete-duplicates
remove-duplicates, delete- | duplicates |
add- | duration |
| duration |
| duration |
| duration-days
| duration-hours
| duration-minutes
| duration-months
| duration-seconds
| duration-weeks
| duration-years
subtract- | duration |
The | duration class
time-interval- | duration |
*beep- | duration* |
Adding/Subtracting | Durations |
allow- | during-modality
An unhandled error occurred | during initialization:
Checking format forms | during compilation
EOF encountered error | during a load
| dword-list-from-dde-buffer
Building the Companion | DXL File: fact.dxl
Building the Companion DXL File: fact. | dxl |
dribble-for- | dxl-header
The | dxl header
Externals must be resolved when the .so/.sl/. | dylib/.dll file is created
If you modify a so/sl/ | dylib/dll file that has been loaded, you must load the modified file!
| Dynamic Control of the Arrangement of Output
| Dynamic Dispatch of Generated Lisp Functions
| Dynamic Environments
| Dynamic Linkage Java Reference
| Dynamic naming
| Dynamic Runtime
| dynamic-extent
jLinker - A | Dynamic Link between Lisp and Java
Processes and their | dynamic environments
The | dynamic interface specification
The LIFO section of the stack and | dynamic-extent declarations
trust- | dynamic-extent-declarations-switch
Creating a | Dynamically Linked Lisp/Java Application