:boxing ( | B) labels: Bgen1
Tilde | B: Binary
Capturing and | back reference
html-widget-can-go- | back |
html-widget-go- | back |
mouse- | back-down
mouse- | back-up
Q. What does the "Temporarily scaling | back lisp reserved region from XXX to YYY bytes." mean?
New flip-book style | backend |
The :tty | backend |
Source stepper | backends |
ancestor- | background-color
Appendix: Effective-method selection | background |
| background-color
| background-color-one
| background-color-two
| background-texture
body- | background-color
body- | background-color-one
body- | background-color-two
cell- | background-color
cell-selected- | background-color
Debugging | background processes
default- | background-color
effective- | background-color
Fwrapper | Background |
header- | background-color
Introduction and | background |
maximize-ide- | background-window
Modern mode | background |
outline-item-highlighted- | background-color
outline-item-selected- | background-color
Simple-stream | background |
system- | background-color
system-dialog- | background-color
system-highlight- | background-color
transparent-character- | background |
use- | background-streams
use-ide- | background-window
with- | background-color
with- | background-texture
| Backquote |
vk- | backquote |
Sharpsign | Backslash |
vk- | backslash |
vk- | backspace |
vk- | backtab |
| backtrace-frames-to-show
| backtrace-print-circle
| backtrace-print-length
| backtrace-print-level
| backtrace-safe-mode
Compiler | backtrace examples
Getting a | backtrace programmatically
Ghost frames in a brief | backtrace |
write- | backtrace-to-file
Can | backtraces involving system functions have ghost frames?
Compiler | backtraces |
Ghost frames in | backtraces |
include-dead-locals-in- | backtraces |
include-local-variables-in- | backtraces |
The :disasm module is needed for | backtraces |
Non- | backward compatible changes
| bad-drop
Q. My memory gobbling loop causes the gc to perform | badly. Why?
*opaque-rubber- | banding* |
*status- | bar-horizontal-margin*
*status- | bar-number-of-lines*
*status- | bar-vertical-margin*
add-common-status- | bar |
add-status- | bar |
Adding Cut/Copy/Paste commands to a menu- | bar |
Assigning an icon to a window title- | bar |
| bar-border-colors
| bar-chart-view
| bar-chart-view
| bar-colors
| bar-fill-textures
| bar-gradient-blend
| bar-gradient-direction
| bar-gradient-filling
| bar-gradient-intensity
| bar-spacing
| bar-thickness
| bar-width
common-status- | bar |
common-status- | bar-p
custom-status- | bar-font
display-status- | bar |
horizontal-scroll- | bar |
horizontal-scroll- | bar-pane
Improved menu- | bar menus
menu- | bar |
menu- | bar-height
menu- | bar-p
proxy-menu- | bar-window
remove-status- | bar |
scroll- | bar |
scroll- | bar-mixin
scroll- | bar-pane
scroll- | bar-pane-mixin
Sharpsign Vertical- | Bar |
split- | bar |
split- | bar-pane
status- | bar |
status- | bar |
status- | bar-font
status- | bar-message
status- | bar-number-of-lines
status- | bar-p
Tilde Vertical- | Bar: Page
title- | bar |
title- | bar-height
vertical-scroll- | bar |
vertical-scroll- | bar-pane
| barrier |
| barrier-arriver-count
| barrier-change-count
| barrier-disable
| barrier-enable
| barrier-name
| barrier-pass-through
| barrier-set-count
| barrier-unblock
| barrier-wait
make- | barrier |
The | barrier API
override-menu- | bars |
removed-status- | bars |
update-scroll- | bars-for-new-window-size
*print- | base*, *print-radix*
| base-char
| base-line-color
| base-line-drawn
| base-line-width
| base-string
| base-value
| Base64 support
| base64-decode-stream
| base64-encode-stream
| base64-string-to-integer
| base64-string-to-string
| base64-string-to-usb8-array
| Base64: an example of binary stream encapsulation
crlf- | base-ef
integer-to- | base64-string
jlinker-copy- | base |
print- | base |
read- | base |
rr- | base |
simple- | base-string
socket- | base-simple-stream
string-to- | base64-string
usb8-array-to- | base64-string
*read- | base* |
Building and Using an Allegro Common Lisp | Based DLL
Building Your Own Lisp | Based DLL
Deploying Your Lisp | Based DLL
Using An Example Allegro CL | Based DLL: fact.dll
| Basic Concepts
| Basic External-Format Types
| basic-lock
| basic-pane
The | Basic Operation of Allegro MySQL
lisp-to- | bat-file
Starting on Windows using | bat files
envelope- | bcc |
A finalized object may still | be pointed to by a weak vector or hash-table
Additional CG Processes Need to | Be Started in a Certain Way
Can other things | be changed while running?
click-must- | be-on-gadget
Defsystem methods that can | be specialized
Externals must | be resolved when the .so/.sl/.dylib/.dll file is created
Files that may | be looked for on startup and after startup
Foreign code cannot easily | be included at installation time
Q. Should Allegro CL on Windows | be installed in the Program Files directory?
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, fail totally with a bus error or a segv. Why might this | be happening?
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, run out of memory with a storage-condition. Why might this | be happening?
Q. What issues must I | be aware of when using excl.osi:fork
Switch can | be t or nil meaning always on or always off
The Web Browser's Full-Screen Mode Can | Be Used As Usual
What should | be in your .emacs file
The jLinker Java | Bean API
Packaging Lisp applications as Java | beans and servlets
If you modify a so/sl/dylib/dll file that has | been loaded, you must load the modified file!
The Allegro Presto facility has | been removed
* | beep-duration*
* | beep-frequency*
* | beep-loudness*
| beep |
Advice of class : | before |
ask- | before-assuming-package
ask- | before-auto-saving
| before-functions
date-time-ymd-yd- | before-year-0
date-time-ywd- | before-year-0
Discarding local variable information | before dumplisp
gc- | before-c-hooks
min-space- | before |
Tracing setf, : | before, and :after methods and internal functions
x509-certificate-not- | before |
| begin-drawing-path
rpc- | begin |
The problem with dots 1: find-package with names that | begin with dots
Blocking | behavior in simple-streams
Memlog: A Facility for Minimally Intrusive Monitoring of Complex Application | Behavior |
Other package changes and compile-time-too | behavior |
Other strange or unexplained | behavior |
Variables that affect the | behavior of :zoom
Websocket threading | behavior |
*global-gc- | behavior* |
move-window- | behind |
How many bytes are | being tenured?
Q. How can I tell what addresses are | being used in my process space?
Q. I have set the stack cushion (see sys:set-stack-cushion and sys:stack-cushion) to a reasonable value, but the soft stack limit is not | being detected, and I get a lisp death instead. Why is that?
margin- | below-subtitle
margin- | below-title
*openai-default- | best-of*
Q. What is the | best question to ask us as to my particular operating system and Allegro CL?
Q. \[Express\] What is the | best way to update the Express Edition?
An example of the difference | between SMP Lisp and non-SMP Lisp
Compatibility | between 32 and 64-bit versions of Allegro CL
Conversions | between date-time and CL universal-time
Correspondence | between Windows commands and DDE function names
Information sharing | between Common Lisp and Emacs
Interaction | between fwrap and trace
jLinker - A Dynamic Link | between Lisp and Java
min-pixels- | between-widgets
Modal CG utility dialogs are not shared | between processes
Passing strings | between Lisp and C
Valid connections | between octet-oriented and character-oriented
What is the difference | between using registers and using the stack?
draw- | bezier-curve
fill- | bezier-curve
:boxing (B) labels: | Bgen1 |
*openai-default-logit- | bias* |
| bidirectional-binary-socket-stream
| bidirectional-character-encapsulating-stream
| bidirectional-terminal-stream
Input, Output, and | Bidirectional Streams
Rot13b: An Example of | Bidirectional Stream Encapsulation
Parameters that control how | big newly allocated spaces are
| bignum |
| bignump |
Passing fixnums, | bignums, and integers
Base64: an example of | binary stream encapsulation
bidirectional- | binary-socket-stream
fundamental- | binary-input-stream
fundamental- | binary-output-stream
fundamental- | binary-stream
Generic functions for | binary streams
input- | binary-socket-stream
output- | binary-socket-stream
Tilde B: | Binary |
| bind-c-alternate
| bind-c-constant
| bind-c-export
| bind-c-function
| bind-c-sizeof
| bind-c-type
| bind-c-typedef
| bind-parameter
destructuring- | bind |
handler- | bind |
multiple-value- | bind |
restart- | bind |
| Binding input parameters
| Binding parameters
required-thread- | binding |
required-top-level- | binding |
Wide | binding |
Key | bindings in Common Lisp subprocess mode
Lisp listeners and special variable | bindings |
Many | bindings are to specific values, not to the variables' actual values
process-initial- | bindings |
Where are the | bindings defined?
with-cg- | bindings |
*cl-default-special- | bindings* |
*default-cg- | bindings* |
*default-lisp-listener- | bindings* |
*required-thread- | bindings* |
*required-top-level- | bindings* |
*zoom-print-special- | bindings* |
:who- | binds |
who- | binds |
The | bindstack index
64 | bit Allegro CL Implementations
Appendix: 8- | bit images
| bit |
| Bit Fields
| bit, sbit
| bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, | bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, | bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, | bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, | bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, | bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, | bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, | bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, | bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, | bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, | bit-xor
| bit-vector
| bit-vector-p
Compatibility between 32 and 64- | bit versions of Allegro CL
External-Formats in 8- | bit Lisp.
How to create an 8- | bit image which starts the IDE
Q. How can I specify very large heap sizes for 64- | bit versions of Lisp?
Q. What changes are needed to move from a 32- | bit to 64-bit Allegro CL?
Q. What changes are needed to move from a 32-bit to 64- | bit Allegro CL?
Q. Why does my 64- | bit foreign call cause a SIGSEGV?
Q. [32- | bit Lisp] How do I pass and return 64-bit integers through the FFI?
Q. [32-bit Lisp] How do I pass and return 64- | bit integers through the FFI?
set-8- | bit-input
short- | bit-vector-p
short-simple- | bit-vector-p
simple- | bit-vector
simple- | bit-vector-p
| bitmap-pane
| bitmap-stream
| bitmap-stream
| bitmap-window
device- | bitmap |
Drawing on | bitmap-streams
memory- | bitmap-not-created
set-splash- | bitmap |
use- | bitmap-stream
| bits-per-pixel
mci-device- | bits-per-sample
texture-info- | bits-per-pixel
| black |
| black-texture
button- | black-border
bar-gradient- | blend |
body-gradient- | blend |
icon-gradient- | blend |
*color-gradient- | blend* |
*alpha- | blending* |
| blink-off-milliseconds
| blink-on-milliseconds
caret- | blink-time
| block |
| block-information
mci-device- | block-alignment
Message-handling routines that | block |
pprint-logical- | block |
Tilde Less-Than-Sign: Logical | Block |
| Blocking and non-blocking modes
Blocking and non- | blocking modes
| Blocking behavior in simple-streams
db-non- | blocking |
| blowfish-decrypt
| blowfish-encrypt
| blowfish-init
Support for | Blowfish encryption
| blue |
dark- | blue |
light- | blue |
rgb- | blue |
Modified | BNF Syntax
| Boa Lambda Lists
| body-background-color
| body-background-color-one
| body-background-color-two
| body-border-color
| body-border-width
| body-column-count
| body-column-defaults
| body-columns
| body-gradient-blend
| body-gradient-direction
| body-gradient-filling
| body-gradient-intensity
| body-left-indentation
| body-row-count
| body-row-defaults
| body-row-height
| body-rows
class-grid- | body-column
class-grid- | body-column-section
class-grid- | body-row
class-grid- | body-row-section
ensuring-compiled- | body |
: | boe |
| bold |
| bold-text
same- | bold |
toggle- | bold |
load-utf8-if-no- | bom |
The unicode and fat External-Format Types; the unicode | BOM |
write- | bom-to-utf8-files
New flip- | book style backend
| boole |
| boole-* functions
| boolean |
*grid- | border-mouse-slack*
3d- | border-width
bar- | border-colors
body- | border-color
body- | border-width
| border |
| border-color
| border-dashing
| border-margin
| border-width
button-3d- | border |
button-black- | border |
cell-3d- | border |
cell-horizontal- | border-color
cell-vertical- | border-color
default-cell-3d- | border |
default-cell- | border-color
default-cell- | border-width
default-section- | border-color
default-section- | border-width
draw-legend- | border |
effective- | border-color
effective- | border-width
extend-data-to-middle-of- | border |
outer- | border-color
outer- | border-width
plain- | border-width
Q. Why does read-from-string ignore my first keyword argument (unless I also specify | both optional arguments)?
upper-case-p, lower-case-p, | both-case-p
*default-printer- | bottom-margin*
: | bottom |
| bottom |
| bottom-attachment
| bottom-margin
box- | bottom |
box- | bottom-center
box- | bottom-left
box- | bottom-right
grid- | bottom-right-click
margin-outer- | bottom |
range- | bottom |
set-box- | bottom |
virtual-screen- | bottom |
| Bound symbol example
Cannot (effectively) set a variable | bound by load
verify-symbol-value-is- | bound-switch
graph- | boundaries |
mime-part- | boundary |
| boundp |
slot- | boundp |
array-in- | bounds-p
| box |
| box |
| box-bottom
| box-bottom-center
| box-bottom-left
| box-bottom-right
| box-center
| box-center-x
| box-center-y
| box-height
| box-intersect
| box-intersect-p
| box-left
| box-left-center
| box-move
| box-right
| box-right-center
| box-to-drag
| box-top
| box-top-center
| box-top-left
| box-top-right
| box-union
| box-width
cell- | box |
center- | box-on-page
center- | box-on-screen
center- | box-on-window
center-to- | box |
center-to- | box-x-y
check- | box |
check- | box-column
check- | box-column-mixin
check- | box-pane
class-grid-check- | box-column
class-grid-combo- | box-column
clipping- | box |
combo- | box |
combo- | box-column
combo- | box-column-mixin
combo- | box-pane
copy- | box |
cross-section- | box |
draw- | box |
draw- | box-x-y
draw-rounded- | box |
draw-string-in- | box |
drop-combo- | box |
erase- | box |
erase- | box-x-y
erase-contents- | box |
erase-contents- | box-x-y
erase-contents-rounded- | box |
erase-rounded- | box |
fill- | box |
fill- | box-x-y
fill-rounded- | box |
focus- | box-color
font-face-combo- | box |
font-size-combo- | box |
get- | box |
get-fixed- | box |
get-screen- | box |
get-shape- | box |
get-shape-fixed- | box |
group- | box |
group- | box |
group- | box-pane
header- | box |
inflate- | box |
inside- | box-p
invert- | box |
invert- | box-x-y
line-segment-intersects- | box-p
line-segment-intersects- | box-x-y-p
lisp-group- | box |
list-view-cell- | box |
make- | box |
make- | box-from-corners
make- | box-relative
make- | box-relative-from-corner
menu-items-for-combo- | box-range
message- | box |
nclipping- | box |
ncopy- | box |
nget- | box |
nget-fixed- | box |
nget-shape- | box |
nget-shape-fixed- | box |
nmake- | box |
nmake- | box-from-corners
nmake- | box-relative
nmake- | box-relative-from-corner
no-focus- | box |
npage- | box |
nvisible- | box |
nvisible- | box-top-left
page- | box |
radial-line- | box-intersection
radial-line- | box-intersection-x-y
region- | box |
rich-edit-combo- | box |
scroll- | box |
scrollbar-area- | box |
section- | box |
set- | box-bottom
set- | box-left
set- | box-right
set- | box-top
show-focus- | box |
sub- | box-p
tab- | box |
undrop-combo- | box |
use-real-combo- | box |
visible- | box |
visible- | box-height
visible- | box-top-left
visible- | box-width
with-clipping- | box |
| box= |
show-check- | boxes |
with- | boxes |
with-positions-and- | boxes |
: | boxing (B) labels: Bgen1
| Boxing explanation
| boxp |
Tilde Left- | Brace: Iteration
Tilde Right- | Brace: End of Iteration
Tilde Left- | Bracket: Conditional Expression
Tilde Right- | Bracket: End of Conditional Expression
vk-close-square- | bracket |
vk-open-square- | bracket |
align- | branch-targets-switch
* | break-on-signals*
* | break-on-test-failures*
: | break |
About submitting a bug report from a | break in the IDE
| break |
| Break levels
| Break on exit
| break-condition
Commands to manipulate | break levels:
Enhanced | Break Key functionality
in- | break |
simple- | break |
Transferring Control to the debugger: | break-hook
add- | breakpoint |
delete- | breakpoint |
| Breakpoints vs slide points
with- | breakpoints-installed
: | brief, :moderate, :intermediate, and :verbose modes of :zoom
| brief-comtab
Ghost frames in a | brief backtrace
| bring-window-to-front
| broadcast-stream
| broadcast-stream-streams
condition-variable- | broadcast |
make- | broadcast-stream
* | browser-server-port*
*exit-delay-for- | browser-refresh*
-- | browser-server-port
--run-as-web- | browser-server
Any CG App Can Run in Desktop Mode or Web | Browser Mode
| browser-keychords
| browser-server-port
Class | Browser Dialog
Command Line Options When Running a CG App in a Web | Browser |
Common Graphics/IDE | Browser Version (CG/JS)
confirm-web- | browser-exit
display-pixmap-in- | browser-tab
find-in-files-show-html-files-in- | browser |
html- | browser |
html- | browser |
html-widget-for- | browser |
html-widget-pane-for- | browser |
invoke-html- | browser |
invoke-html- | browser-using-dde
invoke-private-html- | browser |
private-html- | browser-handle
Q. How do I install the IDE | Browser version (CG/JS)?
query-web- | browser-exit
request-a-dummy-reply-from-web- | browser |
run-as-web- | browser-server
run-in-web- | browser |
Setting the Default Web | Browser for CG/JS in Windows 11
tell-web- | browser-app-is-exiting
The IDE working in a web | browser on a different machine than the Lisp
The Web | Browser's Full-Screen Mode Can Be Used As Usual
use-cg-html- | browser |
use-private-html- | browser |
web- | browser-clipboard-action
web- | browser-has-disconnected
web- | browser-name
web- | browser-os
web- | browser-style-options
All Popular Web | Browsers Should Work
invoke-web- | browsers-with-keystrokes
: | bt |
The : | bt command for a quick look at the stack
| buddy-side
| buddy-widget
| buffer-input-simple-stream
| buffer-output-simple-stream
convert-returned-dde- | buffer |
convert-returned-dde- | buffer |
device- | buffer-length
dword-list-from-dde- | buffer |
file-selection- | buffer-size
get-output-stream- | buffer |
handle-multiple-packages-in- | buffer |
jlinker- | buffer-size
make- | buffer-input-stream
make- | buffer-output-stream
mapped-file-simple-stream- | buffer |
Pop-up | buffer handling
rps- | buffer-name
string-from-dde- | buffer |
with-input-from- | buffer |
with-output-to- | buffer |
double- | buffered |
with-double- | buffering |
Character input | buffers |
close-project-close-editor- | buffers |
*dribble- | bug-hooks*
About submitting a | bug report from a break in the IDE
| Bug fixes
| Bug reports
| Bug reports and fixes
dribble- | bug |
Q. Sometimes CL output is not logged in the dribble- | bug file. What do I do about this?
Reporting | bugs |
Where to report | bugs and send questions
Q. How should I report | bugs? |
Q. How should I report | bugs? |
additional- | build-lisp-image-arguments
Arguments to | build-lisp-image 1 - defaults inherited from the running image
Arguments to | build-lisp-image 2 - defaults not inherited from the running image
Arguments to | build-lisp-image 3: defaults taken from environment variables
| build-flags
| build-lisp-image
| build-module
| build-module
| build-number
| build-project
Debugging an image | build problem or failure
Including application patches in an image at | build time
presto- | build-lib
Project Manager | Build Tab
Q. How do I | build an image with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. How do I | build default images provided by Franz with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Q. \[Express\] How do I | build mlisp, alisp, or allegro images?
runtime- | build-option
The template of a call to | build-lisp-image
| Building an image to include patches
| Building and Using an Allegro Common Lisp Based DLL
| Building Images
| Building shared libraries on FreeBSD
| Building shared libraries on Linux
| Building shared libraries on Mac OS X
| Building shared libraries on Solaris
| Building the Companion DXL File: fact.dxl
| Building the Example DLL: fact.dll
| Building Your Own Lisp Based DLL
| building-images.html
| Built-In Cut, Copy, and Paste functionality
| Built-in Method Combination Types
| Built-in Schema Types
| Built-in stream methods and their uses
| built-in-class
Files Lisp needs to start up 1: .so (or dll) files | built with image
JSON-RPC | built-in allegroserve transport
JSON-RPC | built-in stream transport
The print-object | built-in stream method
Using a | built-in icon
toggle- | bullets |
| bundle-pathname
The | bundle program
update- | bundle-files
Updating the | bundle file
| bury-component
| bury-window
| Bus errors and segmentation violations
Q. Sometimes Allegro CL, particularly with large images, fail totally with a | bus error or a segv. Why might this be happening?
Using the IDE while user code is | busy |
*loaded- | but-uncreated-windows*
Q. I have set the stack cushion (see sys:set-stack-cushion and sys:stack-cushion) to a reasonable value, | but the soft stack limit is not being detected, and I get a lisp death instead. Why is that?
Q. \[Express\] The date in the license file (devel.lic) is in the future, | but when I run Allegro CL it says my license has expired. Why might this happen?
The Windows API and a Windows API program with windows | but without CG
| butlast, nbutlast
*toolbar- | button-spacing*
| button |
| button-3d-border
| button-black-border
| button-fills-cell
| button-function
| button-info
| button-info-p
| button-match
| button-p
| button-pane
| button-return
| button-style
cancel- | button |
cancel- | button |
close- | button |
db-grid-add- | button-on-change
db-grid-create- | button-on-change
db-grid-delete- | button-on-change
db-grid-remove- | button-on-change
default- | button |
default- | button |
double-click-as-default- | button |
first-x- | button |
help- | button |
help- | button-pressed
layout- | button-group-spacing
layout- | button-height
layout- | button-spacing
layout- | button-width
left-mouse- | button |
maximize- | button |
middle-mouse- | button |
minimize- | button |
mouse- | button-state
multi-picture- | button |
multi-picture- | button-pane
multi-picture- | button-scroll
multi-picture- | button-scroll-interval
multipic- | button-mouse-in
multipic- | button-mouse-out
picture- | button |
picture- | button-pane
radio- | button |
radio- | button-pane
right-mouse- | button |
second-x- | button |
set-default- | button |
static-text-and- | button-column
static-text-and- | button-column-mixin
toggle- | button |
update-multi-picture- | button |
command- | buttons |
delay-pop-up-menus-until-mouse- | buttons-up
hidden- | buttons |
unavailable- | buttons |
wait-for-mouse- | buttons-up
*ignore-mouse-x- | buttons* |
*object-editor-command- | buttons* |
*pass-structs- | by-value*
A finalized object may still be pointed to | by a weak vector or hash-table
Cannot (effectively) set a variable bound | by load
Conditions signaled | by the IMAP and Pop interfaces
Defined Operating System/Lisp constants | by architecture
division- | by-zero
draw- | by |
draw- | by-x-y
erase- | by |
erase- | by-x-y
Lisp may not see a modification of an argument passed | by address
Lisp unexpectedly sees a change to an argument passed | by address
locale-n-sep- | by-space
locale-p-sep- | by-space
lookup-module- | by-name
macros-called- | by |
Modifying arguments called | by address: use arrays
move- | by |
move- | by-x-y
Package prefixes reserved | by Allegro CL
package-locally-nicknamed- | by-list
package-used- | by-list
Parameters that use of multiple threads | by the GC
Passing structures | by value
Persistence of defining forms encountered | by compile-file
Q. How do I build default images provided | by Franz with non-default heap sizes and/or locations?
Special handling of certain errors | by :zoom
Step | by step execution of a sql statement
The packages locked | by default
Variables which control information printed | by compile-file
| byte, byte-size, byte-position
byte, | byte-size, byte-position
byte, byte-size, | byte-position
peek- | byte |
peek- | byte and unread-byte
peek-byte and unread- | byte |
read- | byte |
saved- | byte-file-position
signed- | byte |
stream-read- | byte |
stream-write- | byte |
unread- | byte |
unsigned- | byte |
write- | byte |
*tenured- | bytes-limit*
:minimum-recovery- | bytes parameter for less than full global gc
flip-monochrome- | bytes |
How many | bytes are being tenured?
mci-device-average- | bytes-per-second
Q. What does the "Temporarily scaling back lisp reserved region from XXX to YYY | bytes." mean?
When there is a global gc, how many | bytes are freed up?
Support for gzip and | bzip compression and decompression