:variable ( | V) labels
| Valid connections between octet-oriented and character-oriented
| Valid XML documents
| validate-edited-slot-value
| validate-lisp-source
| validate-window
The net.mail interface for parsing and | validating email addresses
| Validating ISO 8601 date-time representations
| Validity of value of end arguments to sequence functions not checked
:UNSPECIFIC as a Component | Value |
:WILD as a Component | Value |
abort, continue, muffle-warning, store- | value, use-value
abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use- | value |
add-outline-item- | value |
Allegro CL print variables can follow the CL print variable | value |
base- | value |
cell- | value |
change-outline-item- | value-availability
chart- | value |
chart- | value-returner
clear-cached-cell- | value |
clear-delayed-cell- | value |
close-outline-item- | value |
constant- | value |
delay-write-cell- | value |
dns-response-flags- | value |
effective- | value-axis-range
Error keywords returned as the second | value |
fetch-control- | value |
fslot- | value |
fslot- | value-c
fslot- | value-fp
fslot- | value-typed
Getting a date-time | value as a string
gf-discriminator- | value |
global-symbol- | value |
high-low- | value-style
How to set the | value so a listener sees it?
Icon files suitable as a | value for icon-file
index-from-outline-item- | value |
initialize- | value |
inspector- | value-font
lisp- | value |
list-view-cell- | value |
load-time- | value |
move-outline-item- | value |
multiple- | value-bind
multiple- | value-call
multiple- | value-list
multiple- | value-prog1
multiple- | value-setq
nth- | value |
open-outline-item- | value |
optimize-fslot- | value-switch
Optimizing slot- | value calls with fixed indices
Passing structures by | value |
pixmap- | value-test
plot- | value |
plot- | value-axis
plot- | value-returner
property-default- | value |
property-default- | value-p
property- | value |
Q. I have set the stack cushion (see sys:set-stack-cushion and sys:stack-cushion) to a reasonable | value, but the soft stack limit is not being detected, and I get a lisp death instead. Why is that?
read-cell- | value |
receive- | value |
redisplay-outline-item- | value |
register-lisp- | value |
register- | value |
remove-outline-item- | value |
replace-outline-item- | value |
row-header- | value-type
save-on-new-widget- | value |
send- | value |
set-chart- | value |
set-plot- | value |
slot- | value |
slot- | value-using-class-name
Specifying the initial | value of *package*
spreadsheet- | value-printer
store- | value |
symbol- | value |
top-clipboard- | value-of-type
unregister-lisp- | value |
unregister- | value |
use- | value |
Using Two | Value Axes
validate-edited-slot- | value |
Validity of | value of end arguments to sequence functions not checked
| value |
| value-axis
| value-axis
| value-axis-2
| value-from-item
| value-plist
| value-spacing
| value-types
verify-symbol- | value-is-bound-switch
widget-set- | value |
widget- | value-equal
with-slot- | value |
write-cell- | value |
Accessing Lisp values from C: lisp_ | value() |
*null- | value* |
*pass-structs-by- | value* |
Accessing existing data rather than pushing chart | values |
Accessing Lisp | values from C: lisp_value()
Additional types of chart | values |
Another example using arrays to pass | values |
cache-all-cell- | values |
cache-cell- | values |
clear-cached-cell- | values |
clear-delayed-cell- | values |
Distinguished | values: unknown-p and none-p
draw-high-low- | values |
hash-table- | values |
inspector-number-of-hash-table- | values |
Many bindings are to specific | values, not to the variables' actual values
Many bindings are to specific values, not to the variables' actual | values |
multiple- | values-limit
plot- | values |
plot- | values-max-index
plot- | values-min-index
Pointers for choosing speed and safety | values |
process-pool-work-item- | values |
profile-outline-draw- | values-close-under-mouse
Q. Sometimes TIME results produce negative | values. Why?
Standard classes, methods, | values |
Standard | values |
The convert argument | values |
Using Lisp functions and | values from C
| values |
| values |
| values-are-stacked
| values-list
When the dumped image starts 1: | values of global variables
write-delayed-cell- | values |
ansi- | var-font
: | variable (V) labels
Allegro CL print variables can follow the CL print | variable value
Cannot (effectively) set a | variable bound by load
condition- | variable |
condition- | variable-broadcast
condition- | variable-signal
condition- | variable-wait
condition- | variable-wait-count
def-foreign- | variable |
def-foreign- | variable |
def-foreign- | variable examples
def-foreign- | variable syntax
Discarding local | variable information before dumplisp
Lisp listeners and special | variable bindings
Local | variable introduction
make-condition- | variable |
The \*system\* | variable |
unbound- | variable |
| Variable transition record description
| variable-information
:printer- | variables |
Additional classes, methods, functions, and | variables |
Allegro CL print | variables can follow the CL print variable value
An initial example with lots of local | variables |
Arguments to build-lisp-image 3: defaults taken from environment | variables |
color-for-global- | variables |
common-lisp-mode functions and | variables |
Condition | Variables |
date-time | variables |
definition-mode functions and | variables |
Frame | variables |
Functions and | variables for Interacting with a CL subprocess
Gsgc functions and | variables |
include-local- | variables-in-backtraces
Index of classes, operators, and | variables |
Index of RPC operators, classes, and | variables |
Initialization Functions and | Variables |
JSON-RPC client operators and | variables |
JSON-RPC server operators and | variables |
Live ranges of local | variables |
LLM API | variables |
Local | variables and evaluation
Local | variables and the debugger
Many bindings are to specific values, not to the | variables' actual values
Operators, Symbols, | Variables Documentation
Operators, | variables, and classes in the Shell module
Other stepping commands and | variables |
Polling and setting environment | variables |
Predefined operations on systems and defsystem | variables |
Process functions and | variables |
Removed | Variables |
Search lists | variables |
Setting global | variables in initialization files
Specifiers for aux | variables |
Stream | Variables |
Test Harness | Variables |
The | Variables for Special Icons Are Now Functions
Top-level | variables |
Top-level | variables |
| Variables |
| Variables and functions
| Variables explanation
| Variables that affect the behavior of :zoom
| Variables which control information printed by compile-file
Websocket | variables |
When the dumped image starts 1: values of global | variables |
WSDL Functions and | Variables |
How does the compiler treat local | variables? |
What are local | variables? |
| Various utility objects in XML-RPC
| vary-font
*default- | vector-database-dir*
*default- | vector-database-name*
*jlinker-unix- | vector-p*
*simple- | vector-sort-strategy*
A finalized object may still be pointed to by a weak | vector or hash-table
bit- | vector |
bit- | vector-p
cl:write- | vector implementation
CVO (code- | vector only) spaces
default-256-color-palette- | vector |
default-gray-palette- | vector |
default-gray-pixmap-color- | vector |
default-palette- | vector |
default-pixmap-color- | vector |
Descriptor | vector sections
font- | vector-p
initial-palette- | vector |
initial-pixmap-color- | vector |
make- | vector-database
read- | vector |
read- | vector-database
short-bit- | vector-p
short-simple-bit- | vector-p
short-simple- | vector-p
short- | vector |
short- | vector-p
simple-bit- | vector |
simple-bit- | vector-p
simple- | vector |
simple- | vector-p
The endian-swap keyword argument to read- | vector and write-vector
The endian-swap keyword argument to read-vector and write- | vector |
| vector |
| vector |
| vector-database
| vector-database-embedding-vectors
| vector-database-name
| vector-database-property-vectors
| vector-pop
| vector-push, vector-push-extend
vector-push, | vector-push-extend
weak- | vector |
with-underlying-simple- | vector |
write- | vector |
write- | vector-database
| vectorp |
Example of weak | vectors and finalizations
record-code- | vectors |
vector-database-embedding- | vectors |
vector-database-property- | vectors |
| Vectors |
Weak | vectors, finalizations, static arrays, etc.
*print- | verbose-source-context*
:brief, :moderate, :intermediate, and : | verbose modes of :zoom
client-lisp- | verbose |
| verbose |
*aclssl- | verbose* |
*compile-print*, *compile- | verbose* |
*jlinker- | verbose* |
*load-print*, *load- | verbose* |
get-ssl- | verify-result
| verify-argument-count-switch
| verify-car-cdr-switch
| verify-format-argument-count-switch
| verify-funcalls-switch
| verify-non-generic-switch
| verify-stack-switch
| verify-symbol-value-is-bound-switch
| verify-type-declarations-switch
| Verifying declarations
cl:lisp-implementation- | version implementation
Common Graphics/IDE Browser | Version (CG/JS)
common-graphics-implementation- | version |
Details of the CG/JS | version of CG and the IDE
driver- | version |
file- | version-info
ide-implementation- | version |
jlinker- | version |
lisp-implementation-type, lisp-implementation- | version |
machine- | version |
Minimum required | version of OpenSSL
mysql- | version |
openssl- | version |
os- | version-info
pathname-host, pathname-device, pathname-directory, pathname-name, pathname-type, pathname- | version |
portable-fasl-file- | version-warning
Project Manager | Version Info Tab
project-file- | version-info
Q. How do I get the latest | version of AllegroCache?
Q. How do I install the IDE Browser | version (CG/JS)?
Q. What is the current | version of Allegro CL?
Release Notes for | version 11.0
rpc- | version |
set-file- | version-info
software-type, software- | version |
spec- | version |
Support for Internet Protocol | version 6 (IPv6)
x509-certificate- | version |
*aclssl- | version* |
*jlinker- | version* |
*process-pool- | version* |
*socket- | version* |
*unicode- | version* |
Setting the | VERSIONINFO of the application executable on Windows
Compatibility between 32 and 64-bit | versions of Allegro CL
Different | versions of Allegro CL load foreign code differently
Previous | versions of Allegro CL
Previous | versions of Emacs
Q. How can I specify very large heap sizes for 64-bit | versions of Lisp?
Q. On which x86 (i.e., Intel Pentium and friends) Linux | versions do the currently supported versions of Allegro CL run?
Q. On which x86 (i.e., Intel Pentium and friends) Linux versions do the currently supported | versions of Allegro CL run?
Q. Which | versions and platforms have symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) extensions?
XML | versions |
*status-bar- | vertical-margin*
cell- | vertical-border-color
cell- | vertical-justification
cell- | vertical-padding
inner- | vertical-margin
interior- | vertical-margin
outer- | vertical-margin
Sharpsign | Vertical-Bar
Tilde | Vertical-Bar: Page
tooltip- | vertical-offset
| vertical-arrow-cursor
| vertical-justification
| vertical-padding
| vertical-scroll-bar
| vertical-scroll-bar-pane
| vertical-scrollbar-thickness
| vertical-spacing
Q. How can I specify | very large heap sizes for 64-bit versions of Lisp?
Virtual dumplisp: for | very large images and pseudo-forks on Windows
; | Vflt labels
mci-device-has- | video-p
mci-device-set- | video-off
mci-device-set- | video-on
mci- | video-disc
| video-player
| video-player-pane
bar-chart- | view |
bar-chart- | view |
chart-or-plot- | view |
chart- | view |
chart- | view |
icon-drawing- | view |
keep-focus-in- | view |
line-drawing- | view |
line-graph- | view |
line-graph- | view |
list- | view |
list- | view |
list- | view-cell-box
list- | view-cell-value
list- | view-column
list- | view-item
list- | view-item-position
list- | view-pane
list- | view-sort
Low Level | View |
plot- | view |
plot- | view |
scroll-current-index-into- | view |
scroll-subsection-into- | view |
scroll-text-cursor-into- | view |
| View Menu
| Viewing the Lisp clipboard contents
Alternate chart | views |
Bus errors and segmentation | violations |
release-dumplisp- | virtual-image
| Virtual dumplisp: for very large images and pseudo-forks on Windows
| virtual-exterior
| virtual-key-down
| virtual-key-down
| virtual-key-up
| virtual-key-up
| virtual-screen-bottom
| virtual-screen-height
| virtual-screen-left
| virtual-screen-right
| virtual-screen-top
| virtual-screen-width
with- | virtual-timeout
Q. \[Express\] \[Windows\] Is my antivirus software correct that the Express Edition is a | virus? |
| visibility-change
Compliance with major mode conventions, including user- | visible changes after installing the patch
console-is- | visible |
first- | visible-line
set-first- | visible-line
| visible-box
| visible-box-height
| visible-box-top-left
| visible-box-width
| visible-portion
| visible-range
a- | visual-style-is-active
disable- | visual-styles
include-manifest-file-for- | visual-styles
| vk-add
| vk-alt
| vk-altgraf
| vk-applications
| vk-backquote
| vk-backslash
| vk-backspace
| vk-backtab
| vk-cancel
| vk-capslock
| vk-close-square-bracket
| vk-comma
| vk-control
| vk-decimal
| vk-delete
| vk-divide
| vk-down
| vk-end
| vk-enter
| vk-escape
| vk-f1
| vk-f10
| vk-f11
| vk-f12
| vk-f13
| vk-f14
| vk-f15
| vk-f16
| vk-f2
| vk-f3
| vk-f4
| vk-f5
| vk-f6
| vk-f7
| vk-f8
| vk-f9
| vk-hash
| vk-home
| vk-insert
| vk-lbutton
| vk-left
| vk-left-alt
| vk-left-control
| vk-left-shift
| vk-left-windows
| vk-mbutton
| vk-meta
| vk-minus
| vk-multiply
| vk-numlock
| vk-numpad0
| vk-numpad1
| vk-numpad2
| vk-numpad3
| vk-numpad4
| vk-numpad5
| vk-numpad6
| vk-numpad7
| vk-numpad8
| vk-numpad9
| vk-open-square-bracket
| vk-pagedown
| vk-pageup
| vk-pause
| vk-period
| vk-plus
| vk-printscrn
| vk-quote
| vk-rbutton
| vk-return
| vk-right
| vk-right-alt
| vk-right-control
| vk-right-shift
| vk-right-windows
| vk-scrllock
| vk-semicolon
| vk-separator
| vk-shift
| vk-slash
| vk-space
| vk-subtract
| vk-sysrq
| vk-tab
| vk-up
| vk-xbutton1
| vk-xbutton2
; | Vmem labels
| void-external-format
; | Vreg labels
Breakpoints | vs slide points
mp:process-wait | vs mp:wait-for-input-available