Index U Main index page
The following links go to index entry pages beginning with the indicated letter. Other indexes things which are named entirely by non-alphabetic characters. Thus, for example, *all-processes* is indexed under A, ignoring the *.
Index U
#u a dispatch macro character
for parse-uri . See Allegro CL implementation notes
in uri.html .
umask : function, excl.osi package
unadvise : Macro, excl package
unadvise-1 : Function, excl package
:unarrest : tpl-command
unavailable-buttons : Generic Function, cg package
unavailable-color-mapper : Generic Function, cg package
unbound-slot [in ansi spec]: unbound-slot
unbound-slot-instance [in ansi spec]: unbound-slot-instance
unbound-variable [in ansi spec]: unbound-variable
uncache-cursor : Generic Function, cg package
uncache-instances-with-pretty-names : Generic Function, cg package
uncache-pixmap : Generic Function, cg package
unchecked-pixmap : Generic Function, cg package
uncompile : Function, excl package
undefined consequences [in ansi spec]: Error Terminology
undefined-function [in ansi spec]: undefined-function
undefsystem : Macro, excl package
underflows, floating-point see
Floating-point infinities and NaNs, and
floating-point underflow and overflow
in implementation.html
underline : Generic Function, cg package
Underscore (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde Underscore: Conditional Newline
underscores in logical pathnames :
see Logical pathnames: general
implementation details in pathnames.html , see also
undo-command : Generic Function, cg package
undrop-combo-box : Function, cg package
undrop-outline : Generic Function, cg package
unexport [in ansi spec]: unexport
ungrab-gate : Generic Function, net.rpc package
:unhide : tpl-command
unhide-frames : function, debug package
unhide-functions : function, debug package
unhide-package-internals : function, debug package
unhide-packages : function, debug package
unicode See
Unicode in
iacl.html .
unicode byte-order mark see
The unicode and fat External-Format Types;
the unicode BOM in iacl.html
unicode-combining-class : Function, excl package
unicode-nfd : Function, excl package
*unicode-version* : variable, excl package
uniform-resizing : Generic Function, cg package
unintern [in ansi spec]: unintern
unintern-uri : Function, net.uri package
union [in ansi spec]: union, nunion
unique-id : Generic Function, package
Universal Resource Indicator (URI) support in
Allegro CL See uri.html .
Universal time [in ansi spec]: Universal Time
universal-time-to-string : Function, excl package
universal-to-unix-time : function, excl.osi package
unix-to-universal-time : function, excl.osi package
unknown-p : function, debug package
unless [in ansi spec]: when, unless
unlink : function, excl.osi package
unload-foreign-library : function, foreign-functions package
unlock-stream : function, excl.osi package
unpress-automatically : Generic Function, cg package
unread-byte : function, excl package
unread-char (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
unread-char [in ansi spec]: unread-char
unread-char : function, cl package
unregister-assert-enable : Function, excl package
unregister-foreign-callable : function, foreign-functions package
unregister-function : function, foreign-functions package
unregister-lisp-value : function, foreign-functions package
unregister-touch-window : Generic Function, cg package
unregister-value : function, foreign-functions package
unsafe [in ansi spec]: Error Terminology
unsafe call [in ansi spec]: Safe and Unsafe Calls
unschedule-finalization : Function, excl package
unset-parameter-null : function, package
unsetenv : function, excl.osi package
unsigned-byte [in ansi spec]: unsigned-byte
unsigned-long-long : Class, foreign-functions package
unsigned-nat and nat types see
The :nat and :unsigned-nat types
in implementation.html
:unspecific [in ansi spec]: :UNSPECIFIC as a Component Value
unspecified consequences [in ansi spec]: Error Terminology
unspecified values [in ansi spec]: Error Terminology
unsubclass-widget : Generic Function, cg package
until : macro, excl package
untrace (macro, common-lisp package):
The tracer
in debugging.html
untrace [in ansi spec]: trace, untrace
:untrace : tpl-command
unuse-package [in ansi spec]: unuse-package
unwind-protect [in ansi spec]: unwind-protect
:up [in ansi spec]: Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Directory Component
:up : tpl-command
up-down-control : Generic Function, cg package
up-down-control : class, cg package
up-down-control-pane : class, cg package
update-all-class-interface-widgets : Function, cg package
update-allegro : Function, system package
update-atomic : macro, excl package
update-bundle-files : Function, excl package
update-chart-widget : Function, cg package
update-db : Macro, dbi.mysql package
update-dependent (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
update-dialog : Generic Function, cg package
update-drawable : Generic Function, cg package
update-instance-for-different-class [in ansi spec]: update-instance-for-different-class
update-instance-for-redefined-class [in ansi spec]: update-instance-for-redefined-class
update-lamp : Function, cg package
update-menu : Generic Function, cg package
update-module : generic function, defsystem package
update-multi-picture-button : Generic Function, cg package
update-on-resize : Generic Function, cg package
update-scroll-bars-for-new-window-size : Generic Function, cg package
update-system : generic function, defsystem package
update-widgets-of-image-file : Function, cg package
update-window : Function, cg package
(the programs on UNIX/Windows which rebuild images after patches are
downloaded. See Updating Allegro CL and the update program in installation.html .
upgraded array element type [in ansi spec]: Array Upgrading
upgraded-array-element-type [in ansi spec]: upgraded-array-element-type
upgraded-complex-part-type [in ansi spec]: upgraded-complex-part-type
upload-openai-file : function, gpt package
upper-case-p [in ansi spec]: upper-case-p, lower-case-p, both-case-p
uppercase-object : Function, cg package
uri : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri : Class, net.uri package
URI support in Allegro CL See
uri.html .
uri-authority : Function, net.uri package
uri-fragment : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-host : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-ipv6 : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-p : Function, net.uri package
uri-parsed-path : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-path : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-plist : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-port : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-query : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-scheme : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-space : Function, net.uri package
uri-to-pathname : Function, net.uri package
uri-to-string : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri-userinfo : Function, net.uri package
uri-zone-id : Generic Function, net.uri package
uri= : Function, net.uri package
urn : Class, net.uri package
urn-f-component : Generic Function, net.uri package
urn-nid : Generic Function, net.uri package
urn-nss : Generic Function, net.uri package
urn-q-component : Generic Function, net.uri package
urn-r-component : Generic Function, net.uri package
usable-height : Generic Function, cg package
usable-left : Generic Function, cg package
usable-top : Generic Function, cg package
usable-width : Generic Function, cg package
usb8-array-to-base64-string : Function, excl package
usb8-array-to-hex-string : Function, excl package
*use-alternate-websocket-nudge* : Variable, cg package
use-antialiased-text-in-tree-graphs : generic-function, ide package
use-background-streams : Function, excl package
use-bitmap-stream : Generic Function, cg package
use-cg-html-browser : Generic Function, ide package
use-cg-timer : Generic Function, cg package
use-color-gradients-in-tree-graphs : generic-function, ide package
use-default-tooltips : Generic Function, cg package
use-ide-background-window : Generic Function, ide package
use-ide-debugger-on-all-processes : generic-function, ide package
use-ide-parent-window : Generic Function, ide package
use-lettered-menu : Generic Function, cg package
use-mouse-clicks-to-copy-lisp-forms : Generic Function, cg package
use-native-size : Generic Function, cg package
use-package [in ansi spec]: use-package
use-pixmap-handles : Generic Function, cg package
use-pll-file : Function, excl package
use-private-html-browser : Function, ide package
use-real-combo-box : Generic Function, cg package
:use-remap (gsgc switch):
Gsgc switches
in gc.html
use-single-cg-event-handling-process : Function, cg package
*use-single-cg-event-handling-process* : variable, cg package
use-trace-dialog-in-this-process : function, ide package
*use-unicode-winapi-for-cg* : variable, excl package
use-value [in ansi spec]: use-value , abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value
*use-xref-database-only* : variable, cross-reference package
user [in ansi spec]: Packages No Longer Required
user-close : Generic Function, cg package
user-collate-p : Generic Function, cg package
user-copies : Generic Function, cg package
User-defined main() : see main.html
user-homedir-pathname [in ansi spec]: user-homedir-pathname
user-homedir-pathname on Windows : see
What user-homedir-pathname
does on Windows in implementation.html .
user-modifiable : Generic Function, cg package
user-name : Function, system package
user-scroll : Generic Function, cg package
username-to-home-directory : Function, excl package
ut-to-date-time : function, package
ut-to-string-formatter : Function, excl package
utf-8s-transcoding-error : class, excl package
*utf-8s-transcoding-error-action* : variable, excl package
utf-8s-transcoding-error-char : Function, excl package
utf-8s-transcoding-warning : class, excl package
utf8-generating-surrogate-pair : class, excl package
utilities-directory : Function, cg package
*utilities-directory* : Variable, cg package
utility-file-directory : Generic Function, cg package
utility-path : Function, cg package
utime : function, excl.osi package
Copyright (c) Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL 11.0