ANSI Common Lisp 7 Objects 7.7 Dictionary of Objects
7.7.7 update-instance-for-redefined-class |
Standard Generic Function |
- Syntax:
added-slots discarded-slots
&rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys
- Method Signatures:
(instance standard-object)
added-slots discarded-slots
&rest initargs
- Arguments and Values:
instance - an object.
added-slots - a list.
discarded-slots - a list.
property-list - a list.
initargs - an initialization argument list.
result - an object.
- Description:
The generic function update-instance-for-redefined-class
is not intended to be called by programmers. Programmers may write
methods for it. The generic function
update-instance-for-redefined-class is called by the mechanism
activated by make-instances-obsolete.
The system-supplied primary method on
update-instance-for-redefined-class checks the validity of
initargs and signals an error if an initarg
is supplied that is not declared as valid. This method then
initializes slots with values according to the initargs,
and initializes the newly added-slots with values according
to their :initform forms. It does this by calling the generic
function shared-initialize with the following arguments:
the instance,
a list of names of the newly added-slots to instance,
and the initargs
it received. Newly added-slots are those local slots for which
no slot of the same name exists in the old version of the class.
When make-instances-obsolete is invoked or when a class has been
redefined and an instance is being updated, a property-list is created
that captures the slot names and values of all the discarded-slots with
values in the original instance. The structure of the
instance is
transformed so that it conforms to the current class definition. The
arguments to update-instance-for-redefined-class are this
transformed instance, a list of added-slots to the
instance, a list discarded-slots from the
instance, and the property-list
containing the slot names and values for
slots that were discarded and had values. Included in this list of
discarded slots are slots that were local in the old class and are
shared in the new class.
The value returned by update-instance-for-redefined-class is ignored.
- Examples:
(defclass position () ())
(defclass x-y-position (position)
((x :initform 0 :accessor position-x)
(y :initform 0 :accessor position-y)))
;;; It turns out polar coordinates are used more than Cartesian
;;; coordinates, so the representation is altered and some new
;;; accessor methods are added.
(defmethod update-instance-for-redefined-class :before
((pos x-y-position) added deleted plist &key)
;; Transform the x-y coordinates to polar coordinates
;; and store into the new slots.
(let ((x (getf plist 'x))
(y (getf plist 'y)))
(setf (position-rho pos) (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(position-theta pos) (atan y x))))
(defclass x-y-position (position)
((rho :initform 0 :accessor position-rho)
(theta :initform 0 :accessor position-theta)))
;;; All instances of the old x-y-position class will be updated
;;; automatically.
;;; The new representation is given the look and feel of the old one.
(defmethod position-x ((pos x-y-position))
(with-slots (rho theta) pos (* rho (cos theta))))
(defmethod (setf position-x) (new-x (pos x-y-position))
(with-slots (rho theta) pos
(let ((y (position-y pos)))
(setq rho (sqrt (+ (* new-x new-x) (* y y)))
theta (atan y new-x))
(defmethod position-y ((pos x-y-position))
(with-slots (rho theta) pos (* rho (sin theta))))
(defmethod (setf position-y) (new-y (pos x-y-position))
(with-slots (rho theta) pos
(let ((x (position-x pos)))
(setq rho (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* new-y new-y)))
theta (atan new-y x))
- Exceptional Situations:
The system-supplied primary method on
update-instance-for-redefined-class signals an error if an
initarg is supplied that is not declared as valid.
- See Also:
Section 4.3.6 Redefining Classes,
Section 7.1.4 Rules for Initialization Arguments,
Section 7.1.2 Declaring the Validity of Initialization Arguments
- Notes:
Initargs are declared as valid by using the :initarg
option to defclass, or by defining methods for
update-instance-for-redefined-class or shared-initialize.
The keyword name of each keyword parameter specifier in the lambda list of
any method defined on
update-instance-for-redefined-class or
shared-initialize is declared as a valid initarg name
for all classes for which that method is applicable.
- Allegro CL Implementation Details: