Index Other Main index page
The following links go to index entry pages beginning with the indicated letter. Other indexes things which are named entirely by non-alphabetic characters. Thus, for example, *all-processes* is indexed under A, ignoring the *.
Index Other
# [in ansi spec]: Sharpsign
#! - having compile-file skip the line with these characters : see
the script argument in
compile-file in compiling.html .
#! - having compile-file skip the line with these characters : see
compile-file in compiling.html .
#! - initial characters of a shell script : see
using a shell script in startup.html .
#! - initial characters of a UNIX shell script : see
Starting on
UNIX using a shell script in .
#+ (reader macro) version>=: see
Reader macros and
cl:*features* in implementation.html
#- (reader macro) version>=: see
Reader macros and
cl:*features* in implementation.html
$1 : Variable, package
$2 : Variable, package
$3 : Variable, package
$4 : Variable, package
$5 : Variable, package
$6 : Variable, package
$7 : Variable, package
$8 : Variable, package
$9 : Variable, package
' [in ansi spec]: Single-Quote
( [in ansi spec]: Left-Parenthesis
() [in ansi spec]: NIL
) [in ansi spec]: Right-Parenthesis
* [in ansi spec]: * , *, **, ***
** [in ansi spec]: *, **, ***
*** [in ansi spec]: *, **, ***
+ [in ansi spec]: Built-in Method Combination Types , + , +, ++, +++
++ [in ansi spec]: +, ++, +++
+++ [in ansi spec]: +, ++, +++
, [in ansi spec]: Comma
- [in ansi spec]: - , -
-! (command-line argument): see
Command line arguments in
-: (command-line argument): see
Command line arguments in
. [in ansi spec]: The Consing Dot
.. [in ansi spec]: Re-Reading Abbreviated Expressions , *print-lines*
... [in ansi spec]: Re-Reading Abbreviated Expressions , pprint-pop
/ [in ansi spec]: / , /, //, ///
// [in ansi spec]: /, //, ///
/// [in ansi spec]: /, //, ///
/= [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
1+ [in ansi spec]: 1+, 1-
1- [in ansi spec]: 1+, 1-
:: (pattern matching top-level command): see
Command and expression history
in top-level.html
; [in ansi spec]: Semicolon
< [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
<= [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
= [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
== : Variable, cg package
=== : Variable, cg package
=~ : function, package
> [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
>= [in ansi spec]: =, /=, <, >, <=, >=
_ (an underscore): in logical pathnames,
see Logical pathnames: general
implementation details in pathnames.html , see also
` [in ansi spec]: Backquote
Copyright (c) Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL 11.0