
This document lists all HTTP services, along with some documentation. See REST/HTTP interface for further documentation.

URL Summary

Server based HTTP services

These services operate on the server itself. These include user and role management, general settings and starting sessions.

catalogs get
  /  [CATNAME] put delete
    / protocol get
    / repositories get
      /  [REPOSITORY] put delete
        / backup post
        / ensureNotLingering post
        / namespaces get delete
          /  [NS] post put delete
        / scripts get
          /  [PATH*] get put delete
        / session post
        / uuid get
        / warmstandby get put delete
          / startServer post
          / switchRole post
configfile get
googleKey get put
initfile get put delete
jobs get delete
largeOperationWarning get put
logfile get
namespaces get
nd/computeSubtype get
processes get
  /  [NAME] get delete
    / telnet post
protocol get
queryPlanners get
reconfigure post
reopenLog post
repositories get
  /  [REPOSITORY] put delete
    / backup post
    / ensureNotLingering post
    / namespaces get delete
      /  [NS] post put delete
    / scripts get
      /  [PATH*] get put delete
    / session post
    / uuid get
    / warmstandby get put delete
      / startServer post
      / switchRole post
roles get
  /  [NAME] put delete
    / access get put delete
    / permissions get
      /  [TYPE] get put delete
    / security-filters/ [TYPE] get post delete
scripts get
  /  [PATH*] get put delete
serverWarnings get delete
session get post
users get
  /  [NAME] put delete
    / access get put delete
    / data get
      /  [KEY] get put delete
    / effectiveAccess get
    / effectivePermissions get
    / password post
    / permissions get
      /  [TYPE] get put delete
    / roles get
      /  [ROLE] put delete
    / security-filters/ [TYPE] get post delete
uuids get
version get
  / date get
  / info get
  / revision get

Repository based HTTP services

These services operate against a particular store or session.

catalogs/ [CATNAME] /repositories/ [REPONAME] get post
        / access get
        / begin post
        / blankNodes post
        / bulkMode get put delete
        / callimachus post
        / commit post
        / contexts get
        / createSecondaryIndices get put delete
        / encodedIds post
          / prefixes get post delete
            / hasAny get
            / isInUse get
            / isRegistered get
        / eval post
        / freetext get post
          / indices get
            /  [INDEXNAME] get post put delete
              / borderChars get
              / indexFields get
              / indexLiterals get
              / indexResources get
              / innerChars get
              / minimumWordSize get
              / predicates get
              / stopWords get
              / tokenizer get
              / wordFilters get
        / functor post
        / geo/box get
          / circle get
          / haversine get
          / polygon get put
          / types get post
            / cartesian post
            / id get
            / spherical post
        / indices get
          /  [TYPE] put delete
          / optimize post
        / jobs get
          /  [JOB-ID] delete
          / purge-deleted-triples post delete
        / mapping get delete
          / all delete
          / predicate post put delete
            / cartesian post
            / spherical post
          / type post put delete
            / cartesian post
            / spherical post
        / materializeEntailed put delete
        / mongoParameters get post
        / namespaces get delete
          /  [PREFIX] post put delete
        / nd/geospatialDatatypeAutomation get put delete
        / needsCommit get
        / neighborMatrices/ [NAME] put
        / noCommit get put delete
        / queries/ [NAME] get post delete
        / rollback post
        / session/autoCommit get post
          / close post
          / description get
          / isActive get
          / ping get
        / settings/purge-rate-limit get post
        / size get
        / snaGenerators/ [NAME] put
        / solrParameters get post
        / sparql get post
        / spin/function get
            /  [URI] get put delete
          / magicproperty get
            /  [URI] get put delete
        / statement put
        / statements post put delete
          / delete post
          / duplicates get delete
          / id get
          / query get post
        / storeID get
        / suppressDuplicates get put delete
        / tripleCache get put delete
        / unique/ [COLUMN] get post
        / useSecondaryIndices get put delete
        / warmup put
close post

API Reference

Front end

catalogs get

Returns a set of catalogs that are available on this server. For each catalog, id and uri properties are returned, giving respectively the name of the catalog and the URL under which it is found. Properties named readable and writable indicate, for each catalog, whether the current user has read or write access to it.

catalogs / [CATNAME] put

If dynamic catalogs are enabled for the server (see the DynamicCatalogs directive), this can be used to create a new catalog.


  • expectedStoreSize , integer
    specify the default expected size for repositories in this catalog.
catalogs / [CATNAME] delete

Deletes a catalog. Only dynamic catalogs (those created through HTTP) can be deleted in this way.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / protocol get

Returns the protocol version of the Sesame interface. The protocol described in this document is 4.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories get

Return a list of repositories available in the catalog.


  • all , boolean
    If true, then all of the repositories in all of the catalogs will be returned.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] put

Creates a new, empty repository.

When a repository with the given name already exists, it is overwritten, unless a parameter override with value false is passed.


  • expectedSize , integer
    specifies the expected size of the repository
  • index , list
    Can be specified mulitple times. Should hold index names, and is used to configure the set of indices created for the store.
  • override , string (default: true)
  • restore , string
  • nocommit , boolean
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] delete

Delete the specified repository. This can fail if the repository is being accessed by another client.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / backup post

Create a backup of the repository.


  • target , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / ensureNotLingering post

To conserve resources, makes the database instance and its child processes exit if the instance is unused. Takes no arguments, returns nothing.

Normally unused database instances linger for InstanceTimeout seconds to speed up subsequent open operations.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces get

Return the currently active namespaces for the current user in this repository.

The namespaces are returned as tuples with fields prefix and namespace (the URI).

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces delete

Deletes all namespaces in this repository for the current user.


  • reset , boolean
    If specified and true, then the namespaces are reset to the default namespaces.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces / [NS] post put

Create or update a namespace.

The body of the request should contain the URI for the namespace, as plain text.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces / [NS] delete

Delete a namespace.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts get

Return the list of scripts that have been added to this repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] get

Return the contents of the script (named by path*) in this repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] put

Add or replace the script (named by path*) in this repository with the contents of the body.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] delete

Delete the script (named by path*) in this repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / session post

Starts a new session for the repository.


  • autoCommit , boolean (default: true)
    Specify whether or not the session should use transactions.
  • lifetime , integer
    The number of seconds the session can be idle before being shutdown and reclaimed.
  • loadInitFile , boolean
    If true, then the initfile will be loaded when the session starts.
  • script , list
    The name of a script file to load; may be specified multiple times.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / uuid get

Returns the repository's UUID.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby get

Returns a representation of the current standby status for repository.

Only supports an application/json accept type.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby put

Set up warm-standby on this repository.

Requires jobname, primary, primaryPort, user, and password parameters. Makes this repository start replicating the source store on the server primary:primaryPort, using the given credentials to gain access.


  • jobname , string
  • primary , string
  • primaryPort , string
  • user , string
  • password , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby delete

Stops a replication job.

This command is sent to the client.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby / startServer post

Start a warm standby server.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby / switchRole post

Sent to a repository that is currently functioning as a replication server. Causes a client (identified by the jobname parameter) to take over, making this repository a client of that new server. Takes primary, primaryPort, user, and password parameters, which specify the server on which the client repository lives, and the user account to use to access this server.

The becomeClient boolean parameter, which defaults to true, determines whether the server will start replicating its old client. The enableCommit parameter, also defaulting to true, controls whether no-commit mode will be turned off in the client.


  • jobname , string
  • becomeClient , boolean (default: true)
  • enableCommit , boolean (default: true)
  • user , string
  • password , string
configfile get

Return the AllegroGraph configuration file

googleKey get

Return the key used for the Google maps API.

googleKey put

Set the key used for the Google maps API.

initfile get

Retrieve the server's initialization file.

The initialization-file is a collection of Common Lisp code that is executed on every shared back-end when it starts (see [sessions] for more details).

initfile put

Replace the current initialization file with the body of the request.


  • restart , boolean (default: true)
    If true, then any running shared backends will be restarted. This ensures that subsequent requests will use the new initialization file.
initfile delete

Remove the server's initialization file.

jobs get

Returns lists of strings of the form ("uuid" "age" "description" [unused]), where "uuid" is the job UUID; "age" is the time since the job was created, in seconds; and "description" is the query string. Only query jobs are returned. The fourth element of the list will also be a string but is not currently used and so is not meaningful.

jobs delete

Cancels the specified job.


  • jobId , string
largeOperationWarning get

Return the text used for the large operation warnings.

largeOperationWarning put

Set the text used for the large operation warnings.

logfile get

Return the AllegroGraph log file


  • all , boolean
    If true, then the entire log file is returned. Otherwise, only the last 100 kilobytes are returned.
namespaces get

Retrieve the standard namespaces AllegroGraph uses

nd / computeSubtype get

Compute a geospatial nD-datatype specification given either a datatype or a list of ordinates.

The list of ordinates is described using $-prefixed names for each of the ordinates (in order). Each name must have a type, a minimum and maximum, a resolution and, optionally, a strip width. For example, these names must be included to describe the ordinate named test:


The REST command returns a description of the nD-geospatial subtype specified by the parameters to the query. Currently, this can either be in text/plain or application/json.


  • datatype , string
  • all-vars , vars
processes get

Returns a list of tuples describing the server's currently running processes.

Each tuple has pid (the OS process ID) and name (the process name) properties.

processes / [NAME] get

Returns stack traces for the threads in the given process.

processes / [NAME] delete

Kills the specified process.

This should only be done if absolutely necessary as it can have adverse effects on the functioning of the server.

processes / [NAME] / telnet post

Start a telnet server for the specified process.

An arbitrary port will be assigned to the server and returned as the response.

Security Note: any process on the same machine as the AllegroGraph server will be able to connect to the telnet server.

protocol get

Returns the protocol version of the Sesame interface. The protocol described in this document is 4.

queryPlanners get

Return the planners that can be used to reorder Basic Graph patterns in a query.

reconfigure post

Posting to this URL will cause the server to re-read its configuration file, and update itself to reflect the new configuration.

reopenLog post

Causes the server to re-open its log file. This is useful for log rotation.

repositories get

Return a list of repositories available in the catalog.


  • all , boolean
    If true, then all of the repositories in all of the catalogs will be returned.
repositories / [REPOSITORY] put

Creates a new, empty repository.

When a repository with the given name already exists, it is overwritten, unless a parameter override with value false is passed.


  • expectedSize , integer
    specifies the expected size of the repository
  • index , list
    Can be specified mulitple times. Should hold index names, and is used to configure the set of indices created for the store.
  • override , string (default: true)
  • restore , string
  • nocommit , boolean
repositories / [REPOSITORY] delete

Delete the specified repository. This can fail if the repository is being accessed by another client.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / backup post

Create a backup of the repository.


  • target , string
repositories / [REPOSITORY] / ensureNotLingering post

To conserve resources, makes the database instance and its child processes exit if the instance is unused. Takes no arguments, returns nothing.

Normally unused database instances linger for InstanceTimeout seconds to speed up subsequent open operations.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces get

Return the currently active namespaces for the current user in this repository.

The namespaces are returned as tuples with fields prefix and namespace (the URI).

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces delete

Deletes all namespaces in this repository for the current user.


  • reset , boolean
    If specified and true, then the namespaces are reset to the default namespaces.
repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces / [NS] post put

Create or update a namespace.

The body of the request should contain the URI for the namespace, as plain text.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / namespaces / [NS] delete

Delete a namespace.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts get

Return the list of scripts that have been added to this repository.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] get

Return the contents of the script (named by path*) in this repository.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] put

Add or replace the script (named by path*) in this repository with the contents of the body.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / scripts / [PATH*] delete

Delete the script (named by path*) in this repository.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / session post

Starts a new session for the repository.


  • autoCommit , boolean (default: true)
    Specify whether or not the session should use transactions.
  • lifetime , integer
    The number of seconds the session can be idle before being shutdown and reclaimed.
  • loadInitFile , boolean
    If true, then the initfile will be loaded when the session starts.
  • script , list
    The name of a script file to load; may be specified multiple times.
repositories / [REPOSITORY] / uuid get

Returns the repository's UUID.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby get

Returns a representation of the current standby status for repository.

Only supports an application/json accept type.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby put

Set up warm-standby on this repository.

Requires jobname, primary, primaryPort, user, and password parameters. Makes this repository start replicating the source store on the server primary:primaryPort, using the given credentials to gain access.


  • jobname , string
  • primary , string
  • primaryPort , string
  • user , string
  • password , string
repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby delete

Stops a replication job.

This command is sent to the client.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby / startServer post

Start a warm standby server.

repositories / [REPOSITORY] / warmstandby / switchRole post

Sent to a repository that is currently functioning as a replication server. Causes a client (identified by the jobname parameter) to take over, making this repository a client of that new server. Takes primary, primaryPort, user, and password parameters, which specify the server on which the client repository lives, and the user account to use to access this server.

The becomeClient boolean parameter, which defaults to true, determines whether the server will start replicating its old client. The enableCommit parameter, also defaulting to true, controls whether no-commit mode will be turned off in the client.


  • jobname , string
  • becomeClient , boolean (default: true)
  • enableCommit , boolean (default: true)
  • user , string
  • password , string
roles get

Return a list of the roles defined on the server.

roles / [NAME] put

Add a new role to the server.

roles / [NAME] delete

Remove the role named name from the server.

roles / [NAME] / access get

Retrieve the read/write access for a user.

This returns a result set, each element of which has a read, write, catalog, and repository component. The first two are booleans, the latter two strings. For permissions granted globally, catalog and repository will have a value of "*", for those granted per-catalog, only repository will be "*". catalog normally contains the catalog name, but "/" is used for the root catalog.

For example, read access to all repositories in the public catalog is specified (in JSON format) by:

{read: true, write: false, catalog: "public, repository: "*"} 

Whereas read/write access to repository scratch in the root catalog would be:

{read: true, write: true, catalog: "/", repository: "scratch"} 


roles / [NAME] / access put

Modify the read/write access of a user or role.


  • read , boolean
    Whether to grant read access.
  • write , boolean
    Whether to grant write access
  • catalog , string (default: *)
    Which catalog to grant the access on. Leave off or use * to grant access on all catalogs; use / for the root catalog.
  • repository , string (default: *)
    Specifies the repository that access is granted on. Passing * or leaving the parameter off is used to change access for all of the repositories in a catalog.
roles / [NAME] / access delete

Similar to PUT Access but this deletes the read/write access of a user or role.


  • read , boolean
    Whether to grant read access.
  • write , boolean
    Whether to grant write access
  • catalog , string (default: *)
    Which catalog to grant the access on. Leave off or use * to grant access on all catalogs; use / for the root catalog.
  • repository , string (default: *)
    Specifies the repository that access is granted on. Passing * or leaving the parameter off is used to change access for all of the repositories in a catalog.
roles / [NAME] / permissions get

Return a list of permissions flags that have been assigned to a user or role.

Example flags include super, eval, session.

roles / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] get

Return the value of the permission type for a user or role.

roles / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] put

Assigns the given permission to this user. type should be super, eval, session or one of the other defined permission flags.

roles / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] delete

Revokes the given permission for this user.

roles / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] get

Get list of security filters for a user.

Type may be allow or disallow. The returned items have keys s, p, o, and g as per the parameters for POST security-filters.

roles / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] post

Create security-filter for the user or role.

type should be allow or disallow. The subject, predicate, object and graph fields are all optional. See the Security filters Documentation for more details.


  • s , string
    The subject for the filter
  • p , string
    The predicate for the filter
  • o , string
    The object for the filter
  • g , string
    The graph for the filter
roles / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] delete

Delete a security-filter for the user or role.

type should be allow or disallow. The subject, predicate, object and graph fields are all optional. See the Security filters Documentation for more details.


  • s , string
    The subject for the filter
  • p , string
    The predicate for the filter
  • o , string
    The object for the filter
  • g , string
    The graph for the filter
scripts get

Return a list of the names of the scripts stored on the server.

scripts / [PATH*] get

Return the script found at path*

scripts / [PATH*] put

Put a new script in path*.

The body of the request should contain the new script. Scripts whose name ends in .fasl are assumed to be compiled Lisp code (you are responsible for ensuring that it is compatible with the server), anything else is assumed to be raw Common Lisp code, which the server will compile.

scripts / [PATH*] delete

Delete the script at path*.

serverWarnings get

Retrieve any operational warnings from the AllegroGraph server as tuples consisting of a warning identifier tag and descriptive text.

serverWarnings delete

Dismiss the server warning identified by tag.

Only a user with superuser access may dismiss warnings.


  • tag , string
session get

Retrieve information about the currently running sessions.

session post

Starts a new session.

The minilanguage used by the store parameter works as follows:

Indicates the triple store named "store1" in the root catalog.
The triple store "store2" in the "catalog1" catalog.
A remote store, by URL. If the URL points to the server itself, the store will be opened locally.
<a> + <b>
The federation of stores "a" and "b".
The store "a", with rdfs++ reasoning applied (restriction is also supported as a reasoner type). You can specify the context that inferred triples get using this syntax: <a>[rdfs++#<>]
<a>{null <>}
Store "a", filtered to only contain the triples in the default graph (null) and the graph named Any number of graphs can be given between the braces.

This syntax can be composed to created federations of filtered and reasoning stores, for example <http://somehost:10035/repositories/<a>{null} + <b>[rdfs++].

The service returns the URL of the new session. Any sub-URLs that were valid under a repository's URL will also work under this session URL. For example, if http://localhost:55555/sessions/7e8df8cd-26b8-26e4-4e83-0015588336ea is returned, you can use http://localhost:55555/sessions/7e8df8cd-26b8-26e4-4e83-0015588336ea/statements to retrieve the statements in the session.


  • store , string
    A session specification describing the store to open.
  • autoCommit , boolean (default: true)
    Specify whether or not the session should use transactions.
  • lifetime , integer
    The number of seconds the session can be idle before being shutdown and reclaimed.
  • loadInitFile , boolean
    If true, then the initfile will be loaded when the session starts.
  • script , list
    The name of a script file to load; may be specified multiple times.
users get

Returns a list of defined user names.

users / [NAME] put

Create a new user.


  • password , string
    specifies the user's password (can be left off when creating the anonymous user).
users / [NAME] delete

Delete the user identified by name.

users / [NAME] / access get

Retrieve the read/write access for a user.

This returns a result set, each element of which has a read, write, catalog, and repository component. The first two are booleans, the latter two strings. For permissions granted globally, catalog and repository will have a value of "*", for those granted per-catalog, only repository will be "*". catalog normally contains the catalog name, but "/" is used for the root catalog.

For example, read access to all repositories in the public catalog is specified (in JSON format) by:

{read: true, write: false, catalog: "public, repository: "*"} 

Whereas read/write access to repository scratch in the root catalog would be:

{read: true, write: true, catalog: "/", repository: "scratch"} 


users / [NAME] / access put

Modify the read/write access of a user or role.


  • read , boolean
    Whether to grant read access.
  • write , boolean
    Whether to grant write access
  • catalog , string (default: *)
    Which catalog to grant the access on. Leave off or use * to grant access on all catalogs; use / for the root catalog.
  • repository , string (default: *)
    Specifies the repository that access is granted on. Passing * or leaving the parameter off is used to change access for all of the repositories in a catalog.
users / [NAME] / access delete

Similar to PUT Access but this deletes the read/write access of a user or role.


  • read , boolean
    Whether to grant read access.
  • write , boolean
    Whether to grant write access
  • catalog , string (default: *)
    Which catalog to grant the access on. Leave off or use * to grant access on all catalogs; use / for the root catalog.
  • repository , string (default: *)
    Specifies the repository that access is granted on. Passing * or leaving the parameter off is used to change access for all of the repositories in a catalog.
users / [NAME] / data get

Each user has a simple key-value store associated with it. This is mostly used by WebView to save settings, but can be useful in other applications.

This service returns a result set containing id and uri fields, listing the keys stored for this user, and the URL under which their data can be found (see below).


  • prefix , string
users / [NAME] / data / [KEY] get

Fetches the user-data under key. Returns a string.

users / [NAME] / data / [KEY] put

Stores data in a user's key-value store. The request body should contain the data to store.

users / [NAME] / data / [KEY] delete

Deletes data from a user's key-value store.

users / [NAME] / effectiveAccess get

Similar to access, but also includes the access granted to any of the user's roles.

users / [NAME] / effectivePermissions get

Return a list of permissions flags that have been assigned to a user or any of its roles.

Example flags include super, eval, session.

users / [NAME] / password post

Update the password of the user name.

The password must be included in the body of the HTTP request.

users / [NAME] / permissions get

Return a list of permissions flags that have been assigned to a user or role.

Example flags include super, eval, session.

users / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] get

Return the value of the permission type for a user or role.

users / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] put

Assigns the given permission to this user. type should be super, eval, session or one of the other defined permission flags.

users / [NAME] / permissions / [TYPE] delete

Revokes the given permission for this user.

users / [NAME] / roles get

Return a list of the user's roles

users / [NAME] / roles / [ROLE] put

Add a role to a user.

users / [NAME] / roles / [ROLE] delete

Remove a role from a user.

users / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] get

Get list of security filters for a user.

Type may be allow or disallow. The returned items have keys s, p, o, and g as per the parameters for POST security-filters.

users / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] post

Create security-filter for the user or role.

type should be allow or disallow. The subject, predicate, object and graph fields are all optional. See the Security filters Documentation for more details.


  • s , string
    The subject for the filter
  • p , string
    The predicate for the filter
  • o , string
    The object for the filter
  • g , string
    The graph for the filter
users / [NAME] / security-filters / [TYPE] delete

Delete a security-filter for the user or role.

type should be allow or disallow. The subject, predicate, object and graph fields are all optional. See the Security filters Documentation for more details.


  • s , string
    The subject for the filter
  • p , string
    The predicate for the filter
  • o , string
    The object for the filter
  • g , string
    The graph for the filter
uuids get

Return all of the UUIDs of the repositories in all the catalogs

version get

Returns the version of the AllegroGraph server, as a string. For example 4.0.

version / date get

Return the date on which the server was built.

version / info get

Return detailed information about the server.

version / revision get

Return the git hash of the revision that the server was built from.

Back end

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] get post

Execute a SPARQL or Prolog select query


  • query , string
    The query to evaluate
  • update , string
    The update command to evaluate (POST requests only)
  • queryLn , string (default: sparql)
    The query language to use (may be sparql or prolog)
  • infer , string
    The inference mode to use if any
  • limit , integer
  • offset , integer
  • timeout , integer
  • context , list
  • namedContext , list
  • defaultGraphName , list
  • remove-graph-uri , list
  • insert-graph-uri , string
  • using-graph-uri , list
  • using-named-graph-uri , list
  • default-graph-uri , list
  • named-graph-uri , list
  • uri , string
  • baseURI , string
  • bound , vars
  • planner , string
  • checkVariables , string (default: default)
    If yes, then query warnings will cause the query to stop executing and fail.
  • save , string
  • analyzeIndicesUsed , boolean
  • queryAnalysisTimeout , float
  • queryAnalysisTechnique , string
  • engine , string
  • normalizeResult , boolean (default: true)
  • logQuery , string
  • returnPlan , boolean
  • uuid , string
  • returnQueryMetadata , boolean
    If true, an additional HTTP header named x-query-info is returned. The header contains a JSON encoding of query related metadata.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / access get

Return the access permissions the current user has for this repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / begin post

Begin a transaction

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / blankNodes post

Return one or more blank nodes.


  • amount , integer (default: 1)
    The number of blank nodes to return.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / bulkMode get

Returns whether or not bulk-load mode is enabled for the repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / bulkMode put

Enable bulk-load mode for the repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / bulkMode delete

Disable bulk-load mode for the repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / callimachus post

Convert the store into one that supports Callimachus trigger behavior

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / commit post

Commit the current transaction


  • leaveAutoCommitAlone , boolean
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / contexts get

Fetches a list of named graphs in the store.

Returns a set of tuples, each of which only has a contextID field, which is an N-triples string that names the graph.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / createSecondaryIndices get

Return whether or not the store should create secondary indices (UPI-maps) at query time.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / createSecondaryIndices put

Update the automatic secondary indices creation (UPI-maps) setting.


  • type , string (default: true)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / createSecondaryIndices delete

Turn off automatic secondary indices creation (UPI-maps).

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds post

Return the next amount encoded IDs for prefix


  • prefix , string
  • amount , integer (default: 1)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes get

Return information on any registered encoded IDs.

Returns a set of tuples with keys: prefix, format, and id.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes post

Register encoded IDs for the repository.

Use either the prefix and format arguments to specify a single encoded ID or encode a collection of registrations into a JSON array of form and include this in the body of the request.


  • prefix , string
  • format , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes delete

Removes the encoded ID associated with prefix.

Note that it is an error if the encoded ID has been already been used in the triple-store.


  • prefix , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes / hasAny get

Returns whether or not the repository has any encoded IDs registered.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes / isInUse get

Returns whether or not any triples have been added using the encoded ID associated with prefix.


  • prefix , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / encodedIds / prefixes / isRegistered get

Returns whether or not a prefix is registered as an encoded ID.


  • prefix , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / eval post

Evaluates the request body in the server.

By default, it is evaluated as Common Lisp code, with *package* set to the db.agraph.user package. If you specify a Content-Type of text/javascript, however, the code will be interpreted as JavaScript.

Makes an attempt to return the result in a sensible format, falling back to printing it (as per prin1) and returning it as a string.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext get post

Query the repository using a free-text index


  • pattern , string
  • expression , string
  • index , string
  • limit , integer
  • offset , integer
  • sorted , boolean
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices get

Return a list of freetext indices defined on the store

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] get

Return information on the freetext-index named indexName.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] post

Modify the freetext-index named indexName.


  • predicate , list
  • indexLiterals , boolean (default: true)
  • indexLiteralType , list
  • indexResources , string (default: null)
  • indexField , list
  • minimumWordSize , integer (default: null)
  • stopWord , list
  • wordFilter , list
  • reIndex , boolean (default: true)
  • innerChars , list
  • borderChars , list
  • tokenizer , string (default: default)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] put

Create or modify a freetext-index named indexName.


  • predicate , list
  • indexLiterals , boolean (default: true)
  • indexLiteralType , list
  • indexResources , string (default: false)
  • indexField , list
  • minimumWordSize , integer (default: 3)
  • stopWord , list
  • wordFilter , list
  • innerChars , list
  • borderChars , list
  • tokenizer , string (default: default)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] delete

Delete the free-text index indexName.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / borderChars get

Return the border characters for the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / indexFields get

Return the triple-fields that the index indexes

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / indexLiterals get

Return whether or not the index indexes literals

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / indexResources get

Return whether or not the index indexes resources

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / innerChars get

Return the inner characters for the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / minimumWordSize get

Return the minimum word size of the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / predicates get

Return the predicates on which the text index is defined

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / stopWords get

Return the stop words defined for the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / tokenizer get

Return the tokenizer for the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / freetext / indices / [INDEXNAME] / wordFilters get

Return the word filters specified for the text index

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / functor post

Define one or more Prolog functors.

The body should contain the functors to be defined.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / box get

Fetch all triples with a given predicate whose object is a geospatial value inside the given box.


  • type , string
    Specifies a geospatial sub-type
  • predicate , string
    Specifies a predicate for the query
  • xmin , float
    Specifies the left-most coordinate of the box
  • ymin , float
    Specifies the bottom coordinate of the box
  • xmax , float
    Specifies the right-most coordinate of the box
  • ymax , float
    Specifies the top coordinate of the box
  • infer , string
    Specifies the inference mode, if any
  • limit , integer
    Specifies a maximum number of triples to return
  • offset , integer
    Specifies how many triples should be skipped over
  • useContext , boolean
    When true, the context (graph) field of triples is used as the geospatial value to match, rather than the object.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / circle get

Retrieve triples whose object falls inside a circle.


  • type , string
    Specifies a geospatial sub-type
  • predicate , string
    Specifies a predicate for the query
  • x , float
    Specifies the x-coordinate of the circle
  • y , float
    Specifies the y-coordinate of the circle
  • radius , float (default: Specifies the radius of the circle)
  • infer , string
    Specifies the inference mode, if any
  • limit , integer
    Specifies a maximum number of triples to return
  • offset , integer
    Specifies how many triples should be skipped over
  • useContext , boolean
    When true, search using the context (graph) of the triple rather than its object
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / haversine get

Retrieve triples whose object lies within a circle in a spherical system.


  • type , string
    Specifies a geospatial sub-type
  • predicate , string
    Specifies a predicate for the query
  • lat , float
    Specifies the latitude of the center of the circle
  • long , float
    Specifies the longitude of the center of the circle
  • radius , float
    Specifies the radius of the circle
  • unit , string (default: km)
    Specifies the unit in which the radius is given (km or mile)
  • infer , string
    Specifies the inference mode, if any
  • limit , integer
    Specifies a maximum number of triples to return
  • offset , integer
    Specifies how many triples should be skipped over
  • useContext , boolean
    When true, use the context (graph) field of the triple instead of its object
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / polygon get

Retrieve triples whose object lies inside a polygon.


  • type , string
    Specifies a geospatial sub-type
  • predicate , string
    Specifies a predicate for the query
  • polygon , string
    The name of a polygon
  • infer , string
    Specifies the inference mode, if any
  • limit , integer
    Specifies a maximum number of triples to return
  • offset , integer
    Specifies how many triples should be skipped over
  • useContext , boolean
    When true, use the context (graph) field of the triple instead of its object
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / polygon put

Add a new polygon to the repository.


  • resource , string
    The name (URI) of the polygon to add.
  • point , list
    A list of points represented as AllegroGraph geospatial objects.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / types get

Retrieve a list of geospatial types defined in the store.


  • uuids , boolean
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / types post

Add a new geospatial sub-type to the triple-store.


  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / types / cartesian post

Define a new Cartesian geospatial type.

Returns the type resource which can be used as the type argument in other geospatial services. The xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax arguments determine the size of the Cartesian plane that is modelled by this type.


  • stripWidth , float
    A floating-point number that determines the granularity of the strip.
  • xmin , float
  • ymin , float
  • xmax , float
  • ymax , float
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / types / id get

Returns the geospatial subtype based on its UUID.


  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / geo / types / spherical post

Define a spherical geospatial type.

Returns the type resource which can be used as the type argument in other geospatial services. The latmin, longmin, latmax, and longmax can be used to limit the size of the region modelled by this type. The default is to span the entire sphere.


  • stripWidth , float
    A floating-point number that determines the granularity of the strip.
  • unit , string (default: degree)
    The unit in which stripWidth is specified. It can be degree, km, radian or mile.
  • latmin , float
  • longmin , float
  • latmax , float
  • longmax , float
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / indices get

Return a list of indices defined on the triple-store


  • listValid , boolean
    If true, then all possible index flavors are returned rather than just the ones that are currently defined.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / indices / [TYPE] put

Add an index of type to the triple-store.


  • style , integer (default: 0)
    Specifies the chunk style of the new index. Can be 0, 1 or 2
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / indices / [TYPE] delete

Drop the index type from the triple-store.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / indices / optimize post

Optimize the triple-store indices


  • level , integer
    Optimization level; use 2 for a complete optimization
  • wait , boolean
    If true, then the service does not return until the optimization is complete
  • index , list
    The name of the index to operate on; this can be specified multiple times.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / jobs get

Returns job information for the current store.

Returns lists of strings of the form ("uuid" "age" "description" [unused]), where "uuid" is the job UUID; "age" is the number of seconds since the job was created; and "description" is the query string. Only query jobs are returned. The fourth element of the list will also be a string but is not currently used and so is not meaningful.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / jobs / [JOB-ID] delete

Cancels the specified job for the current store.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / jobs / purge-deleted-triples post

Schedules a background operation to purge deleted triples from the specified indices.


  • index , list
    The name of an index. This can be specified multiple times. If unspecified, the operation will be performed on all indices
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / jobs / purge-deleted-triples delete

Cancels purge deleted triple job for the specified indices.


  • index , list
    The name of an index. This can be specified multiple times. If unspecified, the purge operation will be stopped for all indices
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping get

Return the datatype and predicate mappings for the repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping delete

Remove any user-defined datatype and predicate mappings.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / all delete

Remove all datatype and predicate mappings (included the default ones).

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / predicate post put

Add a new predicate mapping between predicate and encoding.


  • predicate , string
  • encoding , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / predicate delete

Remove any predicate mapping on predicate.


  • predicate , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / predicate / cartesian post

Define a Cartesian type-mapping between predicate and the geospatial subtype specified by uuid.


  • predicate , string
  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / predicate / spherical post

Define a spherical type-mapping between predicate and the geospatial subtype specified by uuid.


  • predicate , string
  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / type post put

Add a new datatype mapping between type and encoding.


  • type , string
  • encoding , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / type delete

Remove the datatype mapping between type and encoding.


  • type , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / type / cartesian post

Define a Cartesian datatype mapping between the datatype type and the geospatial subtype specified by uuid.


  • type , string
  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mapping / type / spherical post

Define a spherical datatype mapping between the datatype type and the geospatial subtype specified by uuid.


  • type , string
  • uuid , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / materializeEntailed put

Use materialization to add inferred triples to the store.


  • with , list
  • without , list
  • useTypeSubproperty , boolean
  • inferredGraph , string
  • commit , integer
  • verbose , boolean
    Write additional information to the log
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / materializeEntailed delete

Delete any materialized triples


  • inferredGraph , string
    Specifies the graph from which inferred triple will be deleted. Leave unspecified to use the default materialized triple graph.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mongoParameters get

Return the mongoDB settings for the repository.

The settings include:

  • server - server name where MongoDB is running
  • port - port to use to communicate with MongoDB
  • database - name of the database to use when querying MongoDB
  • collection - name of the collection to use when querying MongoDB
  • user - used to authenticate to the Mongo DB server

Note, the mongoDB password is not returned. Use the POST request to change the parameters.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / mongoParameters post

Update the triple-store's MongoDB setting. See MongoDB interface for additional details.


  • server , string
    The server name where MongoDB is running.
  • port , string
    The port on which MongoDB is running.
  • database , string
    The name of the MongoDB database.
  • collection , string
    The name of the MongoDB collection to query (must be non-empty)
  • user , string
    The username used to authenticate with the MongoDB server.
  • password , string
    The password used to authenticate with the MongoDB server.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / namespaces get

Return the currently active namespaces for your user in this repository

Namespaces are returned as tuples with prefix and namespace (the URI) fields.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / namespaces delete

Deletes all namespaces in this repository for the current user.


  • reset , boolean
    If true, the user's namespaces are reset to the default set of namespaces.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / namespaces / [PREFIX] post put

Associate prefix with the uri as a namespace abbreviation.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / namespaces / [PREFIX] delete

Remove any namespace abbreviation associated with prefix.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / nd / geospatialDatatypeAutomation get

Returns whether or not automatic geospatial datatype recognition is enabled for this store.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / nd / geospatialDatatypeAutomation put

Turns on automatic geospatial datatype recognition so that 2, 3 and n-dimensional data can be easily loaded.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / nd / geospatialDatatypeAutomation delete

Turns off automatic geospatial datatype recognition.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / needsCommit get

Returns whether or not the whether the current transaction has any changes that require a commit.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / neighborMatrices / [NAME] put

Create a neighbor-matrix, which is a pre-computed generator.


  • group , list
    A set of N-Triples terms (can be passed multiple times) which serve as start nodes for building up the matrix.
  • depth , integer (default: 1)
    Specifies the maximum depth to which to compute the matrix..
  • generator , string
    The generator to use to find neighbors, by name.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / noCommit get

Return whether this repository is currently in no-commit mode.

When this mode is active, all commits from any clients will return an error which effectively prevents writing to the store. This is used by warm standby clients, and can also be used to enforce read-only stores.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / noCommit put

Turns on no-commit mode.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / noCommit delete

Turns off no-commit mode.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / queries / [NAME] get post

Execute a saved query


  • bound , vars
  • limit , integer
  • offset , integer
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / queries / [NAME] delete

Remove a prepared query

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / rollback post

Roll back the current transaction (discard all changes made since since the beginning of the current transaction) and then roll forward to the latest database state.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / autoCommit get

Return whether or not auto-commit is currently active for this session.

Deprecated with Sesame 2.7; see isActive instead.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / autoCommit post

Change the auto-commit behavior for the session.


  • on , boolean
    If true, the autoCommit is turned on
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / close post

Stop a session.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / description get

Return a description of the session.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / isActive get

Return whether or not there is an open transaction.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / session / ping get

Send a message to a session in order to keep it alive.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / settings / purge-rate-limit get

Returns the deleted triple purge operation rate limit (read IOs per second). 0 means no limit.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / settings / purge-rate-limit post

Sets the deleted triple purge operation rate limit (read IOs per second). Note that this setting is not persistent. It will revert to 0 the next time the database instance is started.


  • rate , integer
    Sets the purge rate limit to rate. 0 means no limit. The maximum limit is 4,294,967,295.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / size get

Returns the number of statements in the repository, as an integer.


  • context , list
    if supplied, the count is only for the specified named graphs
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / snaGenerators / [NAME] put

Creates a new SNA generator under the given name.


  • subjectOf , list (default: Like objectOf, but follow edges from object to subject.)
  • objectOf , list
    A predicate. Accepted multiple times. Causes the new generator to follow edges with the given predicate.
  • undirected , list
    Like objectOf or subjectOf, but follow edges in both directions.
  • query , list
    A Prolog query, in which the variable ?node can be used to refer to the 'start' node, and whose results will be used as 'resulting' nodes. User namespaces may be used in this query.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / solrParameters get

Return the Solr settings for the repository.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / solrParameters post

Set the Solr settings for the repository


  • endpoint , string
  • idfield , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / sparql get post

Execute a SPARQL or Prolog select query


  • query , string
    The query to evaluate
  • update , string
    The update command to evaluate (POST requests only)
  • queryLn , string (default: sparql)
    The query language to use (may be sparql or prolog)
  • infer , string
    The inference mode to use if any
  • limit , integer
  • offset , integer
  • timeout , integer
  • context , list
  • namedContext , list
  • defaultGraphName , list
  • remove-graph-uri , list
  • insert-graph-uri , string
  • using-graph-uri , list
  • using-named-graph-uri , list
  • default-graph-uri , list
  • named-graph-uri , list
  • uri , string
  • baseURI , string
  • bound , vars
  • planner , string
  • checkVariables , string (default: default)
    If yes, then query warnings will cause the query to stop executing and fail.
  • save , string
  • analyzeIndicesUsed , boolean
  • queryAnalysisTimeout , float
  • queryAnalysisTechnique , string
  • engine , string
  • normalizeResult , boolean (default: true)
  • logQuery , string
  • returnPlan , boolean
  • uuid , string
  • returnQueryMetadata , boolean
    If true, an additional HTTP header named x-query-info is returned. The header contains a JSON encoding of query related metadata.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / function get

Return information about any defined SPIN functions

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / function / [URI] get

Return information about the SPIN function associated with uri.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / function / [URI] put

Associate a SPIN function with uri.


  • query , string
  • arguments , list
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / function / [URI] delete

Remove the SPIN function associated with uri.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / magicproperty get

Return a list of SPIN magic properties defined for the store.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / magicproperty / [URI] get

Return information about the SPIN magic property associated with uri.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / magicproperty / [URI] put

Associate a SPIN magic property with uri.


  • query , string
  • arguments , list
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / spin / magicproperty / [URI] delete

Remove the SPIN magic property associated with uri.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statement put

Add a triple to the repository.


  • subj , string
  • pred , string
  • obj , string
  • context , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements post put

Add triples to the triple-store.

This service can add triples in several ways:

  • Via a SPARQL Update command. To do this use the update parameter. The baseURI, context, remove-graph-uri, insert-graph-uri, using-graph-uri, using-named-graph-uri and infer parameters are all used in this case.

  • Via AllegroGraph's bulk-load tool agload. In this case, the file or url parameters specify the location of the data to be loaded. The bulkLoad, bulkLoaders, externalReferences, baseURI and context parameters are used as parameters to agload.

  • Via AllegroGraph's direct load facility. In this case, the context-type header is used to specify the type of the data in file or located at url. You can use continueOnError, commit, context, baseURI and externalReferences parameters to control the load.

Small data sources are best loaded via the direct facility whereas large data sources should be loaded via agload.


  • baseURI , string
  • file , string
  • url , string
  • context , string
  • type , string
  • commit , integer
  • continueOnError , boolean
  • useAgload , boolean
  • bulkLoad , boolean
  • bulkLoaders , integer
  • externalReferences , boolean
  • relaxSyntax , boolean
    If true, then less validation is done for the N-Triples and N-Quads formats
  • update , string
  • remove-graph-uri , list
  • insert-graph-uri , string
  • using-graph-uri , list
  • using-named-graph-uri , list
  • infer , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements delete

Delete statements (triples) by matching against their components.

All parameters are optional -- when none are given, every statement in the store is deleted. The patterns to match come in pairs for subject, predicate, object, and graph. When given, they should be specified in N-triples notation.The subjEnd, predEnd, objEnd and contextEnd can only by specified if their matching entries is also supplied. At most one end parameter may be supplied.


  • subj , string
  • pred , string
  • obj , string
  • context , string
  • subjEnd , string
  • predEnd , string
  • objEnd , string
  • contextEnd , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements / delete post

Delete a set of triples from the store.

Expects a JSON-encoded array of triples as the posted data, and deletes each statements listed.

The Content-Type must be application/json.


  • ids , boolean
    If true, then the request body must contain a JSON-encoded list of triple-ids, instead of actual triples.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements / duplicates get

Return duplicate triples from the repository


  • mode , string (default: spog)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements / duplicates delete

Remove duplicate triples from the repository

Commit defaults to true if the connection has autocommit mode on.


  • mode , string (default: spog)
  • commit , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements / id get

Return triples by their triple IDs


  • id , list
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / statements / query get post

Retrieves statements (triples) by matching against their components.

All parameters are optional -- when none are given, every statement in the store is returned. The patterns to match come in pairs for subject, predicate, object, and graph. When given, they should be specified in N-triples notation. subj, pred, obj and context can be given multiple times. The subjEnd, predEnd, objEnd and contextEnd can only by specified if exactly one of their matching entries is supplied. At most one end parameter may be supplied.


  • subj , list
  • subjEnd , string
  • pred , list
  • predEnd , string
  • obj , list
  • objEnd , string
  • context , list
  • contextEnd , string
  • infer , string (default: false)
    Specifies the kind of inference to use for this query. Valid values are false, rdfs++, and hasvalue.
  • limit , integer
    Specifies the maximum number of triples to return.
  • offset , integer
    Specifies the number of triples to skip before results are returned
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / storeID get

Return the triple-store ID.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / suppressDuplicates get

Returns the store's current duplicate suppression strategy.

Duplicate suppression controls if and how AllegroGraph checks triples that are about to be committed against triples that already exist in the triple-store.

It can be:

* `false` - no duplicate suppression is in effect,  
* `spog` - on commit, do not add triples that match some existing triple on  
subject, predicate, object and graph, or 
  • spo - on commit, do not add triples that match some existing triple on subject, predicate, and object.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / suppressDuplicates put

Sets the duplicate suppression strategy for the store.


  • type , string (default: spog)
    This can be one of:
    • false - turn off duplicate suppression,
    • spog - on commit, suppress the addition of triples with matching subject, predicate, object and graph, or
    • spo - on commit, suppress the addition of triples with matching subject, predicate, and object
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / suppressDuplicates delete

Disable duplicate suppression for the store.

This is the equivalent of using PUT /repositories/(name)/suppressDuplicates with false as the type argument.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / tripleCache get

Returns the size of the triple-cache (SPOGI cache).

Returns zero if the cache is disabled.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / tripleCache put

Sets the size of the triple-cache (SPOGI cache).


  • size , integer
    The size to use for the cache. If left unspecified, then the default cache size is used.
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / tripleCache delete

Disable the triple-cache (SPOGI cache).

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / unique / [COLUMN] get post

Return the unique values for the specified column.

column must be one of:

  • subject, subj or s to return unique subjects,
  • predicate, pred or p to return unique predicates,
  • object, obj or o to return unique objects, or
  • graph, g, context or c to return unique graphs (contexts).

Use the subj, pred, obj and context arguments to limit the triples that are examined.

This can be very expensive in time and space on a large triple-store.


  • subj , string
  • pred , string
  • obj , string
  • context , string
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / useSecondaryIndices get

Return whether or not the store should use secondary indices (UPI-maps).

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / useSecondaryIndices put

Change the secondary indices (UPI-maps) usage setting.


  • type , string (default: true)
catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / useSecondaryIndices delete

Turn off secondary indices (UPI-maps) usage.

catalogs / [CATNAME] / repositories / [REPONAME] / warmup put

Bring as much as possible of the triple-store's internal data-structures into memory.


  • includeStrings , boolean (default: true)
  • includeTriples , boolean (default: true)
close post

Tell the server to close a triple-store


  • catalog , string
  • repository , string