Source code for franz.openrdf.query.repositoryresult

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Franz Inc.  
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
# made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
# this distribution, and is available at

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import next, object
from past.builtins import unicode

from ..model import Statement, Value

[docs]class RepositoryResult(object): """An iterable collection of statements. A RepositoryResult is a result collection of objects (for example :class:`org.openrdf.model.Statement`, :class:`org.openrdf.model.Namespace`, or :class:`org.openrdf.model.Resource` objects) that can be iterated over. It keeps an open connection to the backend for lazy retrieval of individual results. Additionally it has some utility methods to fetch all results and add them to a collection. By default, a RepositoryResult is not necessarily a (mathematical) set: it may contain duplicate objects. Duplicate filtering can be {{@link #enableDuplicateFilter() switched on}, but this should not be used lightly as the filtering mechanism is potentially memory-intensive. A RepositoryResult needs to be {@link #close() closed} after use to free up any resources (open connections, read locks, etc.) it has on the underlying repository. """
[docs] def __init__(self, string_tuples, subjectFilter=None, tripleIDs=False): self.string_tuples = string_tuples self.cursor = 0 self.nonDuplicateSet = None #self.limit = limit self.subjectFilter = subjectFilter self.triple_ids = tripleIDs
def _createStatement(self, string_tuple): """ Allocate a Statement and fill it in from 'string_tuple'. """ return Statement(*string_tuple) def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def close(self): """ Shut down the iterator to be sure the resources are freed up. It is safe to call this method multiple times. """ pass
def __next__(self): """ Return the next Statement in the answer, if there is one. Otherwise raise StopIteration exception. :return: The next statement. :raises StopIteration: If there are no more statements. """ if self.nonDuplicateSet is not None: try: savedNonDuplicateSet = self.nonDuplicateSet self.nonDuplicateSet = None while (True): stmt = next(self) if not stmt in savedNonDuplicateSet: savedNonDuplicateSet.add(stmt) return stmt finally: self.nonDuplicateSet = savedNonDuplicateSet # elif self.limit and self.cursor >= self.limit: # raise StopIteration elif self.cursor < len(self.string_tuples): stringTuple = self.string_tuples[self.cursor] if self.triple_ids: stringTuple = RepositoryResult.normalize_quint(stringTuple) self.cursor += 1 if self.subjectFilter and not stringTuple[0] == self.subjectFilter: return next(self) return self._createStatement(stringTuple); else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def enableDuplicateFilter(self): """ Switch on duplicate filtering while iterating over objects. The RepositoryResult will keep track of the previously returned objects in a set and on calling next() will ignore any objects that already occur in this set. Caution: use of this filtering mechanism is potentially memory-intensive. """ self.nonDuplicateSet = set([])
[docs] def asList(self): """ Returns a list containing all objects of this RepositoryResult in order of iteration. The RepositoryResult is fully consumed and automatically closed by this operation. :return: List of statements. :rtype: list[Statement] """ result = [] self.addTo(result) return result
[docs] def addTo(self, collection): """ Add all objects of this RepositoryResult to the supplied collection. The RepositoryResult is fully consumed and automatically closed by this operation. :param collection: The collection to add the results to. It can be a list or a set. :type collection: set|list """ isList = isinstance(collection, list) for stmt in self: if isList: collection.append(stmt) else: collection.add(stmt)
def __len__(self): return len(self.string_tuples) # Python-future breaks truth testing - length is not checked... def __bool__(self): return len(self) > 0
[docs] def rowCount(self): """ Get the number of statements in this result object. :return: The number of results in this iterator. """ return len(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_quint(stringTuple): st = stringTuple return (st[1], st[2], st[3], None if len(st) == 4 else st[4], unicode(st[0]))
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_quad(stringTuple): st = stringTuple if len(st) == 3: return (st[0], st[1], st[2], None) return st
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): del exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb self.close() def __del__(self): self.close()