Source code for franz.openrdf.query.dataset

# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Franz Inc.  
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
# made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
# this distribution, and is available at
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from builtins import object
from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from past.builtins import unicode


[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class Dataset(object): """ Records a set of default and named graphs that can restrict the scope of a query. """
[docs] def __init__(self, contexts=None): self.defaultGraphs = set([]) self.namedGraphs = set([]) if contexts: self.namedGraphs = set([cxt for cxt in contexts])
[docs] def getDefaultGraphs(self): if not self.defaultGraphs: return ALL_CONTEXTS else: return [g for g in self.defaultGraphs]
[docs] def addDefaultGraph(self, uri): self.defaultGraphs.add(uri)
[docs] def removeDefaultGraph(self, uri): self.defaultGraphs.remove(uri)
[docs] def getNamedGraphs(self): if not self.namedGraphs: return ALL_CONTEXTS else: return [g for g in self.namedGraphs]
[docs] def addNamedGraph(self, uri): self.namedGraphs.add(uri)
[docs] def removeNamedGraph(self, uri): self.namedGraphs.remove(uri)
[docs] def clear(self): self.defaultGraphs = set([]) self.namedGraphs = set([])
[docs] def asQuery(self, excludeNullContext): if not self.defaultGraphs and not self.namedGraphs: if excludeNullContext: return '' else: return "## empty dataset ##" sb = [] for uri in self.defaultGraphs: if uri is None and excludeNullContext: continue sb.append("FROM ") self._append_uri(sb, uri) sb.append(" ") for uri in self.namedGraphs: if uri is None and excludeNullContext: continue ## null context should not appear here sb.append("FROM NAMED ") self._append_uri(sb, uri) sb.append(" ") return ''.join(sb)
def __str__(self): self.asQuery(False) def _append_uri(self, sb, uri): try: uriString = uri.uri except AttributeError: uriString = unicode(uri) if len(uriString) > 50: sb.append("<" + uriString[:19] + "..") sb.append(uriString[len(uriString) - 29:] + ">/n") else: sb.append("<") sb.append(uriString) sb.append(">")