Source code for

from import Format

[docs]class TupleFormat(Format): """ Serialization formats for tuples returned by queries. See :class:`.Format`. """ # Map from extensions to formats, used by Format.format_for_file_name _ext_map = {} # These will be automatically converted to TupleFormat instances SPARQL = dict( name="SPARQL XML", mime_types=["application/sparql-results+xml", "application/xml"], file_extensions=["xml", "sx"]) JSON = dict( name="SPARQL JSON", mime_types=["application/sparql-results+json", "application/json"], file_extensions=["json"]) CSV = dict( name="SPARQL CSV", mime_types=["text/csv"], file_extensions=["csv"]) TSV = dict( name="SPARQL TSV", mime_types=["text/tab-separated-values"], file_extensions=["tsv"]) TABLE = dict( name="Table", mime_types=["text/table"], file_extensions=[])