Index R Main index page
The following links go to index entry pages beginning with the indicated letter. Other indexes things which are named entirely by non-alphabetic characters. Thus, for example, *all-processes* is indexed under A, ignoring the *.
Index R
+R (Windows-only command-line arguments):
see Command line arguments in
startup.html .
-r : function, package
R (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde R: Radix
R (sharpsign reader macro) [in ansi spec]: Sharpsign R
*r-ok* : Variable, excl.osi package
radial-line-box-intersection : function, cg package
radial-line-box-intersection-x-y : function, cg package
radial-line-circle-intersection : function, cg package
radial-line-circle-intersection-x-y : function, cg package
radio-button : class, cg package
radio-button-pane : class, cg package
ragged-right : Generic Function, cg package
random (function, common-lisp package): see
cl:random in
implementation.html for details of the Allegro CL
random [in ansi spec]: random
random : function, cl package
random numbers in Allegro CL : see
cl:random in
implementation.html .
random-state [in ansi spec]: random-state
*random-state* [in ansi spec]: *random-state*
random-state-p [in ansi spec]: random-state-p
range : Generic Function, cg package
range-bottom : Generic Function, cg package
range-equality-test : Generic Function, cg package
range-on-close : Generic Function, cg package
range-on-open : Generic Function, cg package
range-reader : Generic Function, cg package
range-top : Generic Function, cg package
rank [in ansi spec]: Array Rank
rapply : Function, net.rpc package
rapply-ignore : Function, net.rpc package
rapply-one-way : Function, net.rpc package
rassoc [in ansi spec]: rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not
rassoc-if [in ansi spec]: rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not
rassoc-if-not [in ansi spec]: rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not
ratio [in ansi spec]: ratio , Printing Ratios
rational [in ansi spec]: rational , rational, rationalize
rationalize [in ansi spec]: rational, rationalize
rationalp [in ansi spec]: rationalp
ratiop : Function, excl package
rc4 : Function, excl package
RC4 support
See MD*, SHA*, HMAC, and
other message digest support, and RC4 cypher functions in
miscellaneous.html .
rc4-set-key : Function, excl package
rcall : Function, net.rpc package
rcall-ignore : Function, net.rpc package
rcall-one-way : Function, net.rpc package
rclose : Function, net.rpc package
re-case : Macro, excl package
re-lambda : Macro, excl package
re-let : Macro, excl package
re-submatch : Function, excl package
read [in ansi spec]: read, read-preserving-whitespace
*read* : variable, top-level package
read-base : Generic Function, cg package
*read-base* [in ansi spec]: Sharpsign B , Sharpsign O , Sharpsign X , Sharpsign R , *read-base*
read-byte (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
read-byte [in ansi spec]: read-byte
read-byte : generic function, cl package
read-cell-value : Generic Function, cg package
read-char (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
read-char [in ansi spec]: read-char
read-char : function, cl package
read-char-no-hang (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
read-char-no-hang [in ansi spec]: read-char-no-hang
read-char-no-hang : function, cl package
*read-default-float-format* [in ansi spec]: *read-default-float-format*
read-delimited-list [in ansi spec]: read-delimited-list
*read-eval* [in ansi spec]: Sharpsign Dot , *read-eval*
read-eval-in-context-print-loop : function, debug package
read-from-string [in ansi spec]: read-from-string
read-from-string-safely : Function, cg package
*read-init-files* : variable, excl package
read-line (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
read-line [in ansi spec]: read-line
read-line : function, cl package
read-line-into : Function, excl package
read-links-file : Generic Function, cg package
read-no-hang-p : Function, excl package
read-octets : Function, excl package
read-only : Generic Function, cg package
read-preserving-whitespace [in ansi spec]: read, read-preserving-whitespace
read-safely : Function, cg package
read-sequence (function, common-lisp-package) See
Implementation of Common
Lisp Functions for simple-streams in
streams.html .
read-sequence [in ansi spec]: read-sequence
read-sequence : function, cl package
*read-suppress* [in ansi spec]: *read-suppress*
read-text : Function, cg package
read-tiny-float : Function, excl package
read-vector : Function, excl package
read-vector-database : function, gpt package
readdir : function, excl.osi package
reader macro function [in ansi spec]: Macro Characters
reader-error [in ansi spec]: reader-error
reader-method-class (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
Readers for Class Metaobjects [in MOP documentation]:
Readers for Class Metaobject
Readers for Generic Function Metaobjects [in MOP documentation]:
Readers for Generic Function Metaobjects
Readers for Method Metaobjects [in MOP documentation]:
Readers for Method Metaobjects
Readers for Slot Definition Metaobjects [in MOP documentation]:
Readers for Slot Definition Metaobjects
readlink : function, excl.osi package
readtable [in ansi spec]: Readtables , readtable
*readtable* [in ansi spec]: *readtable*
readtable-case [in ansi spec]: readtable-case
readtablep [in ansi spec]: readtablep
readtables, named : see named-readtable (function, excl
package) and also the description of Emacs file mode line
support for named readtables in
eli.html .
real [in ansi spec]: real
real-char-code-limit : variable, excl package
realize-palette : Generic Function, cg package
realP : a jlinker Java method, see Dynamic Linkage Java
Reference in jlinker.html .
realp [in ansi spec]: realp
realpart [in ansi spec]: realpart, imagpart
realpath : function, excl.osi package
reap-os-subprocess : Function, system package
receive-advice : Generic Function, dde package
receive-from : generic function, acl-socket package
receive-value : Generic Function, dde package
recent : Generic Function, ide package
Recent Menu : cg-menu
recent-limit : Generic Function, ide package
recessed : Generic Function, cg package
record-code-vectors : Macro, system package
record-source-file : Function, excl package
*record-source-file-info* : variable, excl package
record-strings : Macro, system package
*record-xref-info* : variable, excl package
recording : function, mplog package
recreation-code : Generic Function, cg package
red : Variable, cg package
redefinition [in ansi spec]: Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package for Conforming Programs
Redefinition warnings : see
Redefinition warnings in
source-file-recording.html .
*redefinition-pathname-comparison-hook* : variable, excl package
*redefinition-warnings* : variable, excl package
redisplay-event : Generic Function, cg package
redisplay-outline-item-value : Generic Function, cg package
redisplay-window : Generic Function, cg package
redo-command : Generic Function, cg package
redraw-delayed : Generic Function, cg package
reduce [in ansi spec]: reduce
reflect-pixmap-in-x : Generic Function, cg package
reflect-pixmap-in-y : Generic Function, cg package
*regard-package-names-as-flat* : variable, excl package
regexp2 module : a new regular expression
handler, see The new
regexp2 module in regexp.html .
region-box : Generic Function, cg package
:register : tpl-command
register-assert-enable : Function, excl package
register-client-lisp : Generic Function, net.rpc package
register-foreign-callable : function, foreign-functions package
register-function : function, foreign-functions package
register-lisp-value : function, foreign-functions package
register-touch-window : Generic Function, cg package
register-tracked-object : Function, gcpath package
register-value : function, foreign-functions package
regression-line-colors : Generic Function, cg package
regression-line-dashings : Generic Function, cg package
regression-line-widths : Generic Function, cg package
regular expression handling : see
regexp.html .
reindent-region : Generic Function, cg package
reindent-single-line : Generic Function, cg package
reinitialize-instance [in ansi spec]: reinitialize-instance
:relative : :zoom
keyword argument.
:relative [in ansi spec]: Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Directory Component
relative-package-name-to-package : Function, excl package
Release Notes : see release-notes.html
release-dumplisp-virtual-image : Function, excl package
release-mouse : Generic Function, cg package
RelNotes (in the navigation bar at the top
and bottom of each documentation page): a link to
release-notes.html ; see Documentation
introduction in index.html .
rem [in ansi spec]: mod, rem
remake : Generic Function, cg package
remf [in ansi spec]: remf
remhash [in ansi spec]: remhash
Remote Procedure Call support See
rpc.html .
remote-filename : generic function, acl-socket package
remote-host : generic function, acl-socket package
remote-port : generic function, acl-socket package
remove [in ansi spec]: remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, delete-if-not
remove-alias : function, top-level package
remove-application-window : Generic Function, cg package
remove-column : Generic Function, cg package
remove-component : Generic Function, cg package
remove-component-from-tab : Generic Function, cg package
remove-dependent (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
remove-direct-method (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
remove-direct-subclass (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
remove-duplicates [in ansi spec]: remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates
remove-entry-point : function, foreign-functions package
remove-extern-code-address : function, foreign-functions package
remove-extern-data-address : function, foreign-functions package
remove-from-component-toolbar : Function, ide package
remove-from-menu : Generic Function, cg package
remove-global-keyboard-accelerator : Function, cg package
remove-header : Generic Function, cg package
remove-hotspot : Generic Function, cg package
remove-if [in ansi spec]: remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, delete-if-not
remove-if-not [in ansi spec]: remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, delete-if-not
remove-item : Generic Function, cg package
remove-method [in ansi spec]: remove-method
remove-method (Generic Function) [in MOP documentation]:
remove-outline-item : Generic Function, cg package
remove-outline-item-value : Generic Function, cg package
remove-package-local-nickname : Function, excl package
remove-sigio-handler : Function, system package
remove-signal-handler : Function, excl package
remove-status-bar : Generic Function, cg package
remove-stream-instance-flags : Macro, excl package
remove-tab : Generic Function, cg package
remove-toolbar : Generic Function, cg package
remove-tray-item : Generic Function, cg package
remove-typep-transformer : Function, excl package
removed-status-bars : Function, cg package
removed-toolbars : Function, cg package
remprop [in ansi spec]: remprop
rename : function, excl.osi package
rename-file [in ansi spec]: rename-file
rename-file-acl6.1 : Function, excl package
rename-file-raw : Function, excl package
rename-mailbox : Generic Function, package
rename-package [in ansi spec]: rename-package
render-uri : Function, net.uri package
reorder-folded-constants-switch : variable, compiler package
repertoire [in ansi spec]: Character Repertoires
replace [in ansi spec]: replace
Replace Dialog : cg-dialog
replace-outline-item-value : Generic Function, cg package
replace-re : Function, excl package
replace-regexp : Function, excl package
replicate-pixmap : Generic Function, cg package
report message [in ansi spec]: Printing Conditions
report-unexpected-error-and-exit : function, cg package
reporting bugs : see Reporting bugs
in index.html .
request-a-dummy-reply-from-web-browser : Function, cg package
require [in ansi spec]: provide, require
require : function, common-lisp package
require-cg-acache : Function, cg package
*require-search-list* : Variable, system package
required-thread-binding : function, excl package
*required-thread-bindings* : variable, excl package
required-top-level-binding : Macro, excl package
*required-top-level-bindings* : variable, excl package
reserve-righthand-alt-key : Generic Function, cg package
:reset : tpl-command
*reset-hook* : variable, top-level package
reset-mailbox : Generic Function, package
reset-profiler-display-defaults : function, profiler package
resident-function : Function, excl package
resizable : Generic Function, cg package
resize-areas : Function, system package
resize-window : Generic Function, cg package
&rest [in ansi spec]: A specifier for a rest parameter
rest [in ansi spec]: rest
Restart [in ansi spec]: abort , continue , muffle-warning , store-value , use-value
restart [in ansi spec]: restart
:restart : tpl-command
:restart vs :return : see
:return and :restart
in debugging.html .
*restart-actions* : variable, excl package
*restart-app-function* : variable, excl package
restart-bind [in ansi spec]: restart-bind
restart-case [in ansi spec]: restart-case
*restart-init-function* : variable, excl package
restart-name [in ansi spec]: restart-name
restore-file-positions : Function, excl package
restore-pixmaps : Function, cg package
restore-right-margin : Generic Function, cg package
restore-tab : Generic Function, cg package
restore-window-configuration : Generic Function, ide package
restoring-graphics-context : Macro, cg package
result-columns-count : function, package
resume-redraw : Generic Function, cg package
retain-scroll-arrows-always : Generic Function, cg package
retain-scrollbars : Generic Function, cg package
return [in ansi spec]: return
:return : tpl-command
:return and :restart : see :return and :restart in
debugging.html .
return-from [in ansi spec]: return-from
return-nil-from-pop-up-dialog : Function, cg package
return-t-from-pop-up-dialog : Function, cg package
revappend [in ansi spec]: revappend, nreconc
reverse [in ansi spec]: reverse, nreverse
rgb : class, cg package
rgb-blue : Function, cg package
rgb-equal : Function, cg package
rgb-green : Function, cg package
rgb-p : Function, cg package
rgb-red : Function, cg package
rgb-to-hls : Function, cg package
rich text editing in common graphics
See cg-rich-text.html
rich-edit : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit : class, cg package
rich-edit-combo-box : class, cg package
rich-edit-dialog : class, cg package
rich-edit-get-color : Function, cg package
rich-edit-get-font : Function, cg package
rich-edit-menubar : Function, cg package
rich-edit-multipic : class, cg package
rich-edit-new : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-open : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-pane : class, cg package
rich-edit-print : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-range : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-ruler : class, cg package
rich-edit-ruler-pane : class, cg package
rich-edit-save : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-save-as : Generic Function, cg package
rich-edit-selected-range : Generic Function, cg package
rich-text : Generic Function, cg package
rich-to-plain-text : Function, cg package
right : Generic Function, cg package
right-attachment : Generic Function, cg package
Right-Brace (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde Right-Brace: End of Iteration
Right-Bracket (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde Right-Bracket: End of Conditional Expression
right-indentation : Generic Function, cg package
right-justification-width : Generic Function, cg package
right-justify : Function, cg package
right-margin : Generic Function, cg package
right-mouse-button : Constant, cg package
Right-Paren (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde Right-Paren: End of Case Conversion
Right-Parenthesis (reader macro) [in ansi spec]: Right-Parenthesis
rm : function, package
rmd160-file : Function, excl package
rmd160-final : Function, excl package
rmd160-init : Function, excl package
rmd160-string : Function, excl package
rmd160-update : Function, excl package
rmdir : function, excl.osi package
room [in ansi spec]: room
room : function, common-lisp package
room (function, common-lisp package):
details of the Allegro CL implementation: see Getting information on memory management
in gc.html .
ropen : Function, net.rpc package
rotate-pixmap : Generic Function, cg package
rotate-texture : Generic Function, cg package
rotatef [in ansi spec]: rotatef
round [in ansi spec]: floor, ffloor, ceiling, fceiling, truncate, ftruncate, round, fround
row-count : Generic Function, cg package
row-defaults : class, cg package
row-header-cells : Generic Function, cg package
row-header-column : class, cg package
row-header-defaults : Generic Function, cg package
row-header-defaults : class, cg package
row-header-font : Generic Function, cg package
row-header-justification : Generic Function, cg package
row-header-value-type : Generic Function, cg package
row-header-width : Generic Function, cg package
row-label-margin : Generic Function, cg package
row-label-offset : Generic Function, cg package
row-label-side : Generic Function, cg package
row-labels : Generic Function, cg package
row-major-aref [in ansi spec]: row-major-aref
row-padding : Generic Function, cg package
row-section : Function, cg package
row-section-with-sort-gadget-mixin : class, cg package
row-sections : Generic Function, cg package
row-selecting-column-mixin : class, cg package
row-sizing-column-mixin : class, cg package
rows-are-movable : Generic Function, cg package
rows-are-resizable : Generic Function, cg package
rows-are-selectable : Generic Function, cg package
rows-height : Generic Function, cg package
rpc support See
rpc.html .
rpc-begin : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-close : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-datagram-port : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-datagram-server : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-do-invoke : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-do-request : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-enable-client : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-enable-port : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-get : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-invoke : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-local-host : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-local-port : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-message : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-open-client : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-open-listener : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-open-p : Function, net.rpc package
rpc-open-server : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-port : Class, net.rpc package
*rpc-port* : Variable, net.rpc package
rpc-port-server : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-process-pool : Function, net.rpc package
rpc-process-pool : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-query : Function, net.rpc package
rpc-ref : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-remote-host : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-remote-port : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpc-remote-ref : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-send-request : Generic Function, net.rpc package
*rpc-shared-quantum* : Variable, net.rpc package
rpc-socket-port : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-socket-port-with-enabler : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-socket-server : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-socket-server-with-enabler : Class, net.rpc package
rpc-version : Function, net.rpc package
rpc-wait : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rplaca [in ansi spec]: rplaca, rplacd
rplacd [in ansi spec]: rplaca, rplacd
rpp-passcode : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rpp-tester : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rps-buffer-name : Function, net.rpc package
+RR (Windows-only command-line arguments):
see Command line arguments in
startup.html .
rr-base : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rr-home : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rr-sql : Function, dbi package
rr-type : Generic Function, net.rpc package
rref : Function, net.rpc package
rsa encryption support See Support for rsa
encryption in miscellaneous.html .
rsa-decrypt : Function, excl package
rsa-encrypt : Function, excl package
rthrow : Function, net.rpc package
ruler : Generic Function, cg package
Run Menu : cg-menu
run time [in ansi spec]: Compiler Terminology
run-as-web-browser-server : Generic Function, ide package
run-in-web-browser : Generic Function, ide package
run-other-client : Function, net.rpc package
run-other-lisp : Function, net.rpc package
run-prepared-sql : function, package
run-prepared-sql : function, package
run-prepared-sql : Function, dbi package
run-project-action : Generic Function, ide package
run-shell-command : Function, excl package
run-time compiler [in ansi spec]: Compiler Terminology
run-time definition [in ansi spec]: Compiler Terminology
run-time environment [in ansi spec]: Compiler Terminology
run-with-console : Generic Function, cg package
running-form : Generic Function, ide package
running-in-event-handler-on-gtk : macro, cg package
running-window : Generic Function, ide package
runtime (the Allegro Runtime product):
see runtime.html .
runtime analyzer : see
runtime-analyzer.html .
Runtime Analyzer Control Dialog : cg-dialog
Runtime Analyzer Results Dialog : cg-dialog
runtime-build-option : Generic Function, ide package
runtime-modules : Generic Function, ide package
Copyright (c) Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL 11.0