Index N
Main index page
The following links go to index entry pages beginning with the indicated letter. Other indexes things which are named entirely by non-alphabetic characters. Thus, for example, *all-processes* is indexed under A, ignoring the *.
- name [in ansi spec]: Font Key
- name: Generic Function, cg package
- name-char [in ansi spec]: name-char
- name-string: Generic Function, cg package
- named readtables: see named-readtable (function, excl
package) and also the description of Emacs file mode line
support for named readtables in
- named-function: Macro, excl package
- named-gradient: Generic Function, cg package
- named-module-groups: generic function, defsystem package
- named-readtable: Function, excl package
- *nameservers*: variable, acl-socket type= package
- namespaces [in ansi spec]: Introduction to Environments
- namestring (function, common-lisp package): see
cl:random in
implementation.html for details of the Allegro CL
- namestring [in ansi spec]: Namestrings as Filenames, namestring, file-namestring, directory-namestring, host-namestring, enough-namestring
- namestring: function, common-lisp package
- *nan-double*: variable, excl package
- *nan-single*: variable, excl package
- nanp: Function, excl package
- nat and unsigned-nat types see
The :nat and :unsigned-nat types
in implementation.html
- native-character-sizeof: Function, excl package
- native-string-sizeof: Function, excl package
- native-to-mb: Function, excl package
- native-to-octets: Function, excl package
- native-to-string: Function, excl package
- Navigator Dialog: cg-dialog
- nbox-move: Function, cg package
- nbutlast [in ansi spec]: butlast, nbutlast
- nc-event: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-double-click: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-double-click: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-down: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-left-double-click: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-left-down: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-left-down: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-left-up: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-left-up: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-double-click: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-double-click: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-down: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-down: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-up: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-middle-up: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-moved: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-moved: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-double-click: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-double-click: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-down: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-down: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-up: Constant, cg package
- nc-mouse-right-up: Generic Function, cg package
- nc-mouse-up: Constant, cg package
- ncaret-position: Function, cg package
- *nccs*: Variable, excl.osi package
- nclipping-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nconc [in ansi spec]: Built-in Method Combination Types, nconc
- ncopy-box: Function, cg package
- ncopy-position: Function, cg package
- ncurrent-position: Generic Function, cg package
- ncursor-position: Generic Function, cg package
- NDBM support see ndbm.html
- *negative-infinity-double*: variable, excl package
- *negative-infinity-single*: variable, excl package
- net.mail package see
The net.mail interface for parsing and validating
email addresses in imap.html
- netent-addrtype: function, excl.osi package
- netent-aliases: function, excl.osi package
- netent-name: function, excl.osi package
- netent-net: function, excl.osi package
- netent-p: function, excl.osi package
- network-machines: Function, windows package
- network-shares: Function, windows package
- New Form Dialog: cg-dialog
- New Project Directory Dialog: cg-dialog
- new-page: Function, cg package
- new-project-create-form: Generic Function, ide package
- new-project-show-editor: Generic Function, ide package
- new-project-show-form: Generic Function, ide package
- new-project-show-project-manager: Generic Function, ide package
- new-servlet: Function, net.jlinker package
- new-space-size: Generic Function, ide package
- new-start-emacs-lisp-interface: Function, excl package
- new-text-editor: Generic Function, cg package
- newDistOb: a jlinker Java method, see Dynamic Linkage Java
Reference in jlinker.html.
- newDistSym: a jlinker Java method, see Dynamic Linkage Java
Reference in jlinker.html.
- :newest (search list keyword):
see Search lists
and its subsections in
- :newest-ask-compile (search list keyword):
see Search lists
and its subsections in
- newest-break-frame: function, debug package
- :newest-do-compile (search list keyword):
see Search lists and its subsections in
- newest-frame: function, debug package
- Newline (format directive) [in ansi spec]: Tilde Newline: Ignored Newline
- newlines in text See
#newline Discussion in
- newspace: passim in gc.html,
defined and discussed
in section Garbage collection introduction
and its
subsections in that document.
- next method [in ansi spec]: Applying method combination to the sorted list of applicable methods
- :next-gc-is-global (gsgc switch):
Gsgc switches
in gc.html.
- next-method-p [in ansi spec]: next-method-p
- next-newer-frame: function, debug package
- next-older-frame: function, debug package
- next-section: Generic Function, cg package
- next-subsection: Function, cg package
- next-window: Generic Function, cg package
- nexterior: Generic Function, cg package
- nexterior-top-left: Function, cg package
- nfill-texture-origin: Generic Function, cg package
- nfontmetrics: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-fixed-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-line: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-position: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-shape-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-shape-fixed-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nget-shape-line: Generic Function, cg package
- nice-signal-name: Function, excl package
- nicknames of packages: see
Package nicknames in
- nil [in ansi spec]: NIL, nil, nil
- ninterior: Generic Function, cg package
- ninterior-top-left: Function, cg package
- nintersection [in ansi spec]: intersection, nintersection
- ninth [in ansi spec]: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
- *nl0*: Variable, excl.osi package
- *nl1*: Variable, excl.osi package
- *nldly*: Variable, excl.osi package
- nmake-box: Function, cg package
- nmake-box-from-corners: Function, cg package
- nmake-box-relative: Function, cg package
- nmake-box-relative-from-corner: Function, cg package
- nmake-position: Function, cg package
- nn: function, gpt package
- no-applicable-method [in ansi spec]: no-applicable-method
- no-drop-cursor: Variable, cg package
- no-drop-cursor: Generic Function, cg package
- no-external-format-error: Class, excl package
- no-focus-box: Generic Function, cg package
- no-next-method [in ansi spec]: no-next-method
- no-pointer: Generic Function, cg package
- node-pane-mixin: class, cg package
- *noflsh*: Variable, excl.osi package
- non-event-properties: Generic Function, cg package
- non-graphic [in ansi spec]: Graphic Characters
- non-refreshing-pane: class, cg package
- non-refreshing-window: class, cg package
- non-terminating [in ansi spec]: Macro Characters
- none-p: function, debug package
- noop: Generic Function, package
- normal-exterior: function, cg package
- normalize-direct-slots: Generic Function, excl package
- normalize-type: Function, excl package
- not [in ansi spec]: not, not
- notany [in ansi spec]: every, some, notevery, notany
- notation [in ansi spec]: Notational Conventions
- notation-name: Function, net.xml.sax package
- notation-public: Function, net.xml.sax package
- notation-system: Function, net.xml.sax package
- notevery [in ansi spec]: every, some, notevery, notany
- notify-when-selection-changed: Generic Function, cg package
- notinline (declaration): see
Other declarations and optimizations
in compiling.html.
- notinline [in ansi spec]: Minimal Declaration Processing Requirements, inline, notinline
- now-dragging: Generic Function, cg package
- now-under-mouse: Generic Function, cg package
- npage-box: Function, cg package
- nposition*: Function, cg package
- nposition+: Function, cg package
- nposition-: Function, cg package
- nposition-rotate: Function, cg package
- nposition-transform: Function, cg package
- nreconc [in ansi spec]: revappend, nreconc
- nreverse [in ansi spec]: reverse, nreverse
- nscroll-position: Generic Function, cg package
- nset-difference [in ansi spec]: set-difference, nset-difference
- nset-exclusive-or [in ansi spec]: set-exclusive-or, nset-exclusive-or
- nstream-origin: Generic Function, cg package
- nstream-string-corners: Generic Function, cg package
- nstream-string-size: Generic Function, cg package
- nstring-capitalize [in ansi spec]: string-upcase, ..., nstring-capitalize
- nstring-downcase [in ansi spec]: string-upcase, ..., nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize
- nstring-upcase [in ansi spec]: string-upcase, ..., nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize
- nsublis [in ansi spec]: sublis, nsublis
- nsubst [in ansi spec]: subst, subst-if, subst-if-not, nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
- nsubst-if [in ansi spec]: subst, subst-if, subst-if-not, nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
- nsubst-if-not [in ansi spec]: subst, subst-if, subst-if-not, nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
- nsubstitute [in ansi spec]: substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not
- nsubstitute-if [in ansi spec]: substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not
- nsubstitute-if-not [in ansi spec]: substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not
- nth [in ansi spec]: nth
- nth-value [in ansi spec]: nth-value
- nth-window: Function, cg package
- nthcdr [in ansi spec]: nthcdr
- ntohl: function, excl.osi package
- ntohs: function, excl.osi package
- ntservice support see
Turning your
application into a Windows Service in
- null [in ansi spec]: Character Attributes, null, null
- null lexical environment [in ansi spec]: The Null Lexical Environment
- *null*: Variable, dbi.mysql package
- null-simple-stream: Class, excl package
- null-string-if-nil: function, cg package
- *null-value*: Variable, package
- *null-value*: variable, dbi package
- nullDistOb: a jlinker Java method, see Dynamic Linkage Java
Reference in jlinker.html.
- nullP: a jlinker Java method, see Dynamic Linkage Java
Reference in jlinker.html.
- number [in ansi spec]: number
- number-of-text-lines: Generic Function, cg package
- numbering-style: Generic Function, cg package
- numberp [in ansi spec]: numberp
- numerator [in ansi spec]: numerator, denominator
- numeric-string-p: Function, cg package
- nunion [in ansi spec]: union, nunion
- nvirtual-exterior: Generic Function, cg package
- nvisible-box: Generic Function, cg package
- nvisible-box-top-left: Function, cg package
Copyright (c) 2022, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL 11.0