remark -- indent-tabs-mode: nil; -- }

The Purpose of Keyword Syntax

Keyword syntax offers an elegant way to write queries with Allegrograph Magic Predicates, when the predicate has a large and unwieldy number of variables, while maintaining compatibility with standard SPARQL syntax.

Currently only three LLM magic predicates accept keyword syntax: llm:nearestNeighbor, llm:askMyDocuments and llm:chatState.

For example, the only syntax provided by the magic predicate llm:nearestNeigbor was

(?uri ?score ?originalText ?pred ?type) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text ?vectorRepoSpec ?topN ?minScore ?selector) 

In this form, the variables are called positional because the values must appear in the specified position, e.g. ?uri in the first position, ?score in the second, and so on. Any optional variables may be omitted, but processing any one of them requires specifying all the variables to the left of it.

We know from the (documentation)[nearestNeighbor] that only two of the input variables (on the right) and one of the output variables (on the left) are required and the rest are optional. The minimal form for this predicate is:

?uri llm:nearestNeighbor (?text ?vectorDatabase) 

This form is fine if we only care about the required variables. However suppose we only care about the setting the optional input ?selector and the reading optional output ?originalText. The positional syntax required a query to use an expression like

(?uri ?score ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text ?vectorRepoSpec ?topN ?minScore ?selector) 

where all the positional arguments, up to the ones we care about, must be specified in order, even if we are willing to leave those values (?score in output and ?topN and ?minScore in input) unspecified.

The new keyword syntax allows us to write

(?uri :originalText ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text :selector ?selector :vectorRepoSpec ?vectorRepoSpec) 

thus ignoring the output variable ?score and accepting the default values of ?topN and ?minScore. Note also that the keyword syntax permits the arguments to appear in any order.

How Keyword Syntax Works

When Allegrograph evaluates a magic predicate within a SPARQL query, the input variables are evaluated and the output variables are bound

Whether bound or evaluated, the keyword-enabled magic predicates process variables in the same order: from left to right, treating each as a positional variable until a keyword is found. Once the left-to-right process finds a keyword, the remaining variables are expected to be given in keyword syntax. Thus, to continue with the nearestNeighbor example, in the expression

(?uri :originalText ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text :vectorRepoSpec ?vectorRepoSpec :selector ?selector) 

the process detects ?uri and ?text as positional syntax, and ?originalText, ?vectorRepoSpec and ?selector as keyword syntax.

However the following form is invalid:

(?uri :originalText ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text :vectorRepoSpec ?vectorRepoSpec ?topN ?minScore ?selector) 

because after the process identifies ?vectorRepoSpec as keyword syntax, it expects the remaining variables on the right be to in keyword syntax.

A Note on Namespaces

One detail we've glossed over so far, is the way SPARQL interprets a keyword like :key. In order to make the token :key compatible with SPARQL syntax, we have to bind the empty namespace : to a special keyword namespace, as in the SPARQL statement

PREFIX : <> 

In Allegrograph, the default value of the empty namespace is <>, so in most cases a keyword can be abbreviated like :kw. But if the environment binds the empty namespace to something else (which is actually not uncommon) then users wanting to use the keyword syntax should bind a different prefix, such as key, as follows:

PREFIX kw: <> 

and then you can write the example above as:

(?uri kw:text ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text kw:vectorRepoSpec ?vectorRepoSpec kw:selector ?selector) 

Examples Using Keyword Syntax

Some examples may help explain the keyword syntax.

In these examples, assume we have a vector store historicalVec containing an indexed embeddings of names of famous historical figures.

Suppose we are interested in the matching original text, but not the score:

SELECT * {  
  (?uri :originalText ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor ("Abraham Lincoln" "historicalVec" 10 0.0)  

Here we set the minimum matching score, but accept the default value for the top N matches:

SELECT * {  
  (?uri :originalText ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor ("Abraham Lincoln" "historicalVec" :minScore 0.8)  

In this case we specify all the optional input variables using keyword syntax:

SELECT * {  
  (?uri ?score ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor ("Abraham Lincoln" "historicalVec" :topN 10 :minScore 0.0 :selector "{?id rdf:type <>}")  

It is even possible to place required positional arguments out-of-order using keyword syntax, as in this example where we reverse the order of the output arguments:

SELECT * {  
  (:originalText ?originalText :score ?score :uri ?uri) llm:nearestNeighbor ("Abraham Lincoln" "historicalVec")  

For completeness, this last example illustrates using keyword syntax with every variable:

PREFIX llm: <>  
SELECT * {  
  (:uri ?uri :score ?score :originalText ?text :pred ?pred :type ?type)  
  (:text "Abraham Lincoln" :vectorRepoSpec "historicalVec" :topN 10 :minScore 0.8 :selector "{?id rdf:type <>.}")  

Predicates Accepting Keyword Syntax

In addition to llm:nearestNeighbor, two other predicates accept keyword syntax: llm:askMyDocuments and llm:chatState.

The following table summarizes all the keyword argumennts for all three predicates.

Variable Role nearestNeighbor Keyword Optional Variable? nearestNeighbor Variable Description askMyDocuments Keyword Optional Variable? askMyDocuments Variable Description chatState Keyword Optional Variable? chatState Variable Description
Output Variables: :response No LLM Response text :response No LLM Response text
:score Yes Match score :score No Match score :score No Match score
:uri No ID of matching text :citationId Yes ID of matching text :citationId Yes ID of matching text
:originalText Yes Matching text :citedText Yes Matching text :citedText Yes Matching text
:pred Yes Predicate associated with embedded object
:type Yes Type of subject associated with embedded object
:citationSource Yes Source vector store of match
:feed Yes Recent dialog exchanges
:story Yes Statement about feed
:expertiseMatchString Yes Match string for Expertise repo
:expertiseMatches Yes Matching Expertise embeddings and IDs
:expertiseHints Yes Statement about matching expertise
:historyMatchString Yes Match string for History repo
:historyMatches Yes Matching history embeddings and IDs
:historyHints Yes Statement about matching history
:prompt Yes Prompt for LLM
Input Variables: :text No Input text string :text No Input text string :text No Input text string
:vectorRepoSpec No Vector store Repo spec :vectorRepoSpec No Vector store repo spec :expertiseRepoSpec No Expertise vector repo spec
:topN Yes Maximum number of matches :topN Yes Maximum number of matches :expertiseTopN Yes Maximum number of Expertise matches
:minScore Yes Minimum score for matches :minScore Yes Minimum score for matches :expertiseMinScore Yes Minimum score for Expertise matches
:selector Yes Selects subsets of vector repo :selector Yes Selects subsets of vector repo
:historyTopN Yes Maximum number of History matches
:historyMinScore Yes Minimum score for History matches
:botId Yes ID of bot
:historyRepoSpec Yes History vector repo spec