
This document lists all changes in the current release, which is 8.1.0.

See the Recent Release Notes documents for the release notes for versions 8.0.0/8.0.1/8.0.2 and 7.3.1/7.3.0 and some earlier releases.

Change History repeats the list of user-visible modifications for this release and includes similar lists for all earlier releases.

Release 8.1.0

This release contains fixes and enhancements as described below. There are no programmer or admin notes.

New in Release 8.1.0

Release 8.1.0 is a major release with important new features.

Database internal format is unchanged from version the previous version (8.0.x)

Release 6.4.6 had a different internal format. All releases since then have the same internal format. This means version 6.5.0 through 8.0.1 repositories can be directly loaded into version 8.1.0 without upgrading. Note that backing up repositories before loading them into a new version is always recommended. Once a database has been used in a later release, it cannot be used in an earlier release regardless of whether or not the database format is the same. Upgrading is discussed in the Repository Upgrading document.

Version 8.1.0 Admin notes

There are no Admin notes for version 8.1.0.

Version 8.1.0 Programmer notes

This section notes changes which may affect how certain code or operations work compared to earlier releases. These are emphasized here because the changes may be unexpected. The complete list of user-visible changes below also mentions these changes in a shorter format.

AllegroGraph Server: General Changes

No significant changes.

HTTP Client

No significant changes.


No significant changes.


Option to stay logged in in New WebView

On the New WebView login dialog (shown at the beginning of the New WebView document) there is a Stay logged in checkbox which keeps you logged in for 30 days. Without checking that box, you are logged out after 30 minutes of idle time.

New WebView page now lists regular repos and vector repos

See the example images in the New WebView document.

Links in New WebView rearranged

To reduce clutter, some links on the left side of the New WebView page, such as Documentation and Examples have been combined under the heading Learning Resources.

Large Language Model changes.

Vector database are now backed up when their associated repo is backed up

You can create a vector database either explicitly with create-triple-store or by creating embedding vectors for text in a triple store. See the LLM Embed Specification document. Vector triple stores can also be backed up just like normal triple stores. Note however that vector triple stores can't be serialized to a text file.

Lineparse changes

Lineparse is a file format used in various places in AllegroGraph. See the Lineparse document.

Carriage returns are ignored in Lineparse files

Linefeeds (or EOFs) indicate line endings. Should a file have lines that end in CR LF (the Windows standard) the CR's will be ignored when read by the lineparse parser. Previously the CR's would cause an error to be signaled.

Changes to the Lisp API

No significant changes


No significant changes.


New LLM Split document

See LLM Split Specification

Distributed AllegroGraph

No significant changes.

User-visible changes in earlier releases

See Release Notes for Recent Versions for changes in recent release and Change History for user-visible changes to all earlier releases.