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Franz Inc, AllegroGraph Java Client
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parse(Model, Resource) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
password - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositorySchema
performAdd(Triple) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraph
performDelete(Triple) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraph
ping() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
PING - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Relative location of the session ping service.
ping() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Instructs the server to extend the life of this connection's dedicated session, if it is using one.
PLANNER_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Parameter name for the 'planner' to use during a query
POINT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Parameter name for the 'point' of a polygon
POLYGON - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Relative location of the Geo Polygon registration service.
POLYGON_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Parameter name for the 'polygon' being referenced
post(String, Header[], NameValuePair[], HttpEntity, AGResponseHandler) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGErrorHandler
PREDICATES - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
PREFIX_FOR_EXTERNAL_BNODES - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
prepare() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfGraph
prepare() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfModel
prepare(Xid) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGXAResource
Ask the resource manager to prepare for a transaction commit of the transaction specified in xid.
prepareBooleanQuery(QueryLanguage, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareBooleanQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareCommit(Xid) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Asks the server to prepare a commit for later finalization/rollback.
prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareHttpRepoClient() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
This is the method to call, in this or other classes, if you want to do HTTP interaction with the repository.
prepareQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Prepares a AGQuery for evaluation on this repository.
prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareUpdate(QueryLanguage, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
prepareUpdate(QueryLanguage, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
PROCESSES - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Relative location of the processes service.
PROLOG - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQueryLanguage
The Prolog Select query language for AllegroGraph.
PROP_ADD_STATEMENT_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
PROP_HTTP_NUM_RETRIES - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
Number of times an HTTP GET request is automatically retried, not counting the initial (failed) attempt, in case of errors caused by a connection timeout.
PROP_OVERRIDE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
The name of the system property used to toggle context overriding behaviour.
PROP_STREAM_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
PROP_USE_ADD_STATEMENT_BUFFER - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
put(String, Header[], NameValuePair[], HttpEntity, AGResponseHandler) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
putCatalog(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
putRepository(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
putSpinFunction(AGSpinFunction) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
putSpinFunction(AGSpinFunction) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
putSpinMagicProperty(AGSpinMagicProperty) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
putSpinMagicProperty(AGSpinMagicProperty) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
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