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Franz Inc, AllegroGraph Java Client
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abort() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
abort() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGTransactionHandler
activateObject(PooledObject<AGRepositoryConnection>) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnFactory
add(Statement[]) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
add(Iterable<? extends Statement>, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(Iterable<? extends Statement>, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(Iteration<? extends Statement, E>, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(Iteration<? extends Statement, E>, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(File, String, RDFFormat, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from the specified file to a specific contexts in the repository.
add(File, String, RDFFormat, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from the specified file to a specific contexts in the repository.
add(URL, String, RDFFormat, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds the RDF data that can be found at the specified URL to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(URL, String, RDFFormat, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds the RDF data that can be found at the specified URL to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(InputStream, String, RDFFormat, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from an InputStream to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(InputStream, String, RDFFormat, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from an InputStream to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(Reader, String, RDFFormat, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from a Reader to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(Reader, String, RDFFormat, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds RDF data from a Reader to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds a statement with the specified subject, predicate and object to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
add(Resource, IRI, Value, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(Statement, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add(Statement, JSONObject, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
add() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection.AttributeDefinition
Pass the current attribute definition to AllegroGraph for defining.
addAttributeDefinition(String, List<String>, boolean, long, long) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
HTTP client layer function for requesting that AG define a new attribute.
addDescription(Model, Resource) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
addIndex(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
Adds the given index to the list of actively managed indices.
addIndex(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds the given index to the list of actively managed indices.
addObject() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
addRole(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds a role to this server.
addRoleAccess(String, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds to a role's access list for this server.
addRolePermission(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds to a role's permission list.
addRoleSecurityFilter(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds a security filter for a role.
addRules(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
addRules(InputStream) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
addRules(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds Prolog rules to be used on this connection.
addRules(InputStream) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds Prolog rules to be used on this connection.
addSessionLoadScript(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
Adds a 'script' for a dedicated session spawned by this instance.
addSessionLoadScript(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Adds a 'script' for a dedicated session spawned by this connection.
addStatements(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
addUser(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds a user to the server.
addUserAccess(String, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds to a user's access list for this server.
addUserPermission(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds to a user's permission list.
addUserRole(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds a role for this user.
addUserSecurityFilter(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Adds a security filter for a user.
AGAbstractRepository - Interface in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGBooleanHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGBooleanHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGBooleanHandler
AGBooleanQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame BooleanQuery interface for AllegroGraph.
AGBooleanQuery(AGRepositoryConnection, QueryLanguage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGBooleanQuery
Creates an AGBooleanQuery instance for a given connection.
AGBQRHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGBQRHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGBQRHandler
AGCapabilities - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena Capabilities interface for AllegroGraph.
AGCapabilities() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGCapabilities
AGCatalog - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Catalogs are locations on disk where AllegroGraph Server keeps its repositories.
AGCatalog(AGServer, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGCatalog
Creates an AGCatalog instance for a named catalog having catalogName in the given server.
AGCatalog(AGServer, int) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGCatalog
Creates an AGCatalog instance for a special catalog in the given server, such as the root catalog.
AGConnConfig - Class in com.franz.agraph.pool
AGConnConfig(Map<AGConnProp, String>) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
AGConnFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.pool
Adapts the AGRepositoryConnection API to the commons-pool factory interface, leaving creation of the connection (and configuration) to a subclass, defined by users of this library.
AGConnFactory(AGConnConfig) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnFactory
AGConnPool - Class in com.franz.agraph.pool
AGConnPoolJndiFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.pool
JNDI factory for AGConnPool.
AGConnPoolJndiFactory() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPoolJndiFactory
AGConnProp - Enum in com.franz.agraph.pool
Property names to open a AGRepositoryConnection.
AGConnProp.Session - Enum in com.franz.agraph.pool
Property values for AGConnProp.session.
AGCustomStoredProcException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
AGCustomStoredProcException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGCustomStoredProcException
AGCustomStoredProcException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGCustomStoredProcException
AGDecoder - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
AGDecoder() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc.AGDecoder
AGDeserializer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
AGDeserializer(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc.AGDeserializer
AGDownloadHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
A response handler that writes the returned body to a file.
AGDownloadHandler(File, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler.
AGDownloadHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler.
AGDownloadHandler(File) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that does not specify the MIME type.
AGDownloadHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that does not specify the MIME type.
AGDownloadHandler(File, RDFFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified RDF format.
AGDownloadHandler(String, RDFFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified RDF format.
AGDownloadHandler(File, TupleQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified tuple format.
AGDownloadHandler(String, TupleQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified tuple format.
AGDownloadHandler(File, BooleanQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified boolean format.
AGDownloadHandler(String, BooleanQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGDownloadHandler
Creates a download handler that requests results in specified boolean format.
AGEncoder - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
AGEncoder() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc.AGEncoder
AGErrorHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGErrorHandler
AGFormattedNamespace - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGFormattedNamespace(String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFormattedNamespace
AGFreetextIndexConfig - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
The class of freetext index configurations.
AGFreetextQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGFreetextQuery(AGRepositoryConnection) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
AGGraph - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena Graph interface for AllegroGraph.
AGGraphMaker - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena GraphMaker interface for AllegroGraph.
AGGraphMaker(AGRepositoryConnection) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
AGGraphQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame GraphQuery interface for AllegroGraph.
AGGraphQuery(AGRepositoryConnection, QueryLanguage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGGraphQuery
Creates an AGGraphQuery instance for the given connection.
AGGraphUnion - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
AGHTTPClient - Class in com.franz.agraph.http
Class responsible for handling HTTP connections.
AGHTTPClient(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
AGHTTPClient(String, HttpConnectionManager) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
AGHTTPClient(String, HttpConnectionManagerParams) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHTTPClient
AGHttpException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
A general exception for the AllegroGraph client's HTTP layer.
AGHttpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGHttpException
AGHttpException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGHttpException
AGHttpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGHttpException
AGHttpRepoClient - Class in com.franz.agraph.http
The HTTP layer for interacting with AllegroGraph.
AGHttpRepoClient(AGAbstractRepository, AGHTTPClient, String, String, ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
AGHttpRepoClient(AGAbstractRepository, AGHTTPClient, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGHttpRepoClient
AGHttpRepoClient.CommitPhase - Enum in com.franz.agraph.http
AGInfGraph - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena InfGraph interface for AllegroGraph.
AGInfModel - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena InfModel interface for AllegroGraph.
AGInfModel(AGReasoner, AGModel) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfModel
AGJSONArrayHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGJSONArrayHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGJSONArrayHandler
AGJSONHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGJSONHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGJSONHandler
AGLongHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGLongHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGLongHandler
AGMalformedDataException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGMalformedDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedDataException
AGMalformedDataException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedDataException
AGMalformedDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedDataException
AGMalformedQueryException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGMalformedQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedQueryException
AGMalformedQueryException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedQueryException
AGMalformedQueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGMalformedQueryException
AGMaterializer - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
A materializer governs how triples are inferred and added to a repository.
AGMethodRetryHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGMethodRetryHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGMethodRetryHandler
AGModel - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena Model interface for AllegroGraph.
AGModel(AGGraph) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
AGNodeFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A utility class for creating Jena Nodes and Triples from Sesame Values and Statements.
AGNodeFactory() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeFactory
AGNodeIterator - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A utility class for iterating over Jena Nodes.
AGNodeIterator(TupleQueryResult) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeIterator
Constructs an AGNodeIterator from a TupleQueryResult.
AGPoolConfig - Class in com.franz.agraph.pool
Extension to GenericObjectPoolConfig to add more properties.
AGPoolConfig(Map<AGPoolProp, String>) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGPoolConfig
AGPoolProp - Enum in com.franz.agraph.pool
Property names for AGPoolConfig.
AGPreconditionFailedException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGPreconditionFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGPreconditionFailedException
AGPreconditionFailedException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGPreconditionFailedException
AGPreconditionFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGPreconditionFailedException
AGPrefixMapping - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena PrefixMapping interface for AllegroGraph.
AGPrefixMapping(AGGraph) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
AGProtocol - Class in com.franz.agraph.http
AGProtocol() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
AGQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
The class of queries that can be posed to AllegroGraph via Jena.
AGQuery(QueryLanguage, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuery
AGQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
An abstract query class common to Boolean, Graph and Tuple Queries.
AGQuery(AGRepositoryConnection, QueryLanguage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
AGQueryExecution - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena QueryExecution interface for AllegroGraph.
AGQueryExecution(AGQuery, AGModel) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
AGQueryExecutionFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A class for creating QueryExecution instances.
AGQueryExecutionFactory() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecutionFactory
AGQueryFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A class for creating AGQuery instances.
AGQueryFactory() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryFactory
AGQueryLanguage - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Extends the Sesame QueryLanguage class for AllegroGraph languages.
AGQueryLanguage(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQueryLanguage
AGQuerySolution - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena QuerySolution interface for AllegroGraph.
AGQuerySolution(BindingSet, AGModel) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuerySolution
AGQueryTimeoutException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGQueryTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGQueryTimeoutException
AGQueryTimeoutException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGQueryTimeoutException
AGQueryTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGQueryTimeoutException
AGRawStreamer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
A handler that allows access to raw response stream.
AGRawStreamer(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRawStreamer
Creates a streaming handler.
AGRawStreamer() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRawStreamer
Creates a streaming handler that does not specify the MIME type.
AGRawStreamer(RDFFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRawStreamer
Creates a streaming handler that requests results in specified RDF format.
AGRawStreamer(TupleQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRawStreamer
Creates a streaming handler that requests results in specified tuple format.
AGRawStreamer(BooleanQueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRawStreamer
Creates a streaming handler that requests results in specified boolean format.
AGRDFFormat - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGRDFFormat(String, String, Charset, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRDFFormat
AGRDFHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGRDFHandler(RDFFormat, RDFHandler, AGValueFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGRDFHandler
AGReasoner - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena Reasoner interface for AllegroGraph.
AGReasoner() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
Creates a new reasoner, using RDFS++ entailment.
AGReasoner(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
Creates a new reasoner, using the specified entailmentRegime.
AGReifier - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
AGRepository - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the RDF4J Repository interface for AllegroGraph, representing triple-stores on the server.
AGRepository(AGCatalog, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
Creates an AGRepository instance for a repository having the given repository id in the given catalog.
AGRepositoryConfig - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository.config
Configuration for an AllegroGraph Repository.
AGRepositoryConfig() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
AGRepositoryConfig(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
AGRepositoryConnection - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame RepositoryConnection interface for AllegroGraph.
AGRepositoryConnection(AGRepository, AGHttpRepoClient) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
AGRepositoryConnection(AGVirtualRepository, AGHttpRepoClient) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
AGRepositoryConnection.AttributeDefinition - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Builder class for defining a new attribute definition.
AGRepositoryFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository.config
A RepositoryFactory that creates AGRepositorys based on RDF configuration data.
AGRepositoryFactory() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryFactory
AGRepositorySchema - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository.config
Defines constants for the AGRepository schema which is used by AGRepositoryFactorys to initialize AGRepositorys.
AGRepositorySchema() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositorySchema
AGResponseHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGResponseHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGResponseHandler
AGResultSet - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena ResultSet interface for AllegroGraph.
AGResultSet(TupleQueryResult, AGModel) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGResultSet
AGSerializer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
AGSerializer() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.storedproc.AGSerializer
AGServer - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
The starting point for interacting with an AllegroGraph server.
AGServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates an instance for interacting with an AllegroGraph server.
AGServer(String, String, AGHTTPClient) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates an instance for interacting with an AllegroGraph server.
AGServer(AGHTTPClient) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates an instance for interacting with an AllegroGraph server.
AGServer(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates an instance for interacting with an AllegroGraph server.
AGServerVersion - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AllegroGraph server version number.
AGServerVersion(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServerVersion
Parses a version string and constructs a version object.
AGSpinFunction - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Represents a SPIN function.
AGSpinFunction(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGSpinFunction
AGSpinFunction(BindingSet) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGSpinFunction
AGSpinMagicProperty - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Represents a SPIN magic property.
AGSpinMagicProperty(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGSpinMagicProperty
AGSpinMagicProperty(BindingSet) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGSpinMagicProperty
AGStatement - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
AGStatement(Resource, Property, RDFNode) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGStatement
AGStatement(Resource, Property, RDFNode, AGModel) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGStatement
AGStreamTupleQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Wraps an AGTupleQuery to provide streaming results.
AGStreamTupleQuery(AGTupleQuery) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGStreamTupleQuery
Wraps a query with this object that will stream the response.
AGStringHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGStringHandler() - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGStringHandler
AGTQRHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGTQRHandler(TupleQueryResultFormat, TupleQueryResultHandler, AGValueFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGTQRHandler
AGTQRJSONStreamer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
Similar to SPARQLResultsXMLParser but uses rdf4j-like JSON parsing instead of SAXParser so the results streaming in the http response can be processed in a TupleQueryResult pulling from the JSON stream.
AGTQRJSONStreamer(AGValueFactory) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGTQRJSONStreamer
AGTQRStreamer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
AGTQRStreamer(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGTQRStreamer
AGTQRTSVStreamer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
Similar to SPARQLResultsXMLParser but uses rdf4j-like TSV parsing instead of SAXParser so the results streaming in the http response can be processed in a TupleQueryResult pulling from the TSV stream.
AGTQRTSVStreamer(AGValueFactory) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGTQRTSVStreamer
AGTQRXMLStreamer - Class in com.franz.agraph.http.handler
Similar to SPARQLResultsXMLParser but uses XMLStreamReader instead of SAXParser so the results streaming in the http response can be processed in a TupleQueryResult pulling from the stream.
AGTQRXMLStreamer(AGValueFactory) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.http.handler.AGTQRXMLStreamer
AGTransactionalResource - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGTransactionalResource(AGRepository) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGTransactionalResource
AGTransactionHandler - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
Implements the Jena TransactionHandler interface for AllegroGraph.
AGTripleIterator - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A utility class for iterating over Jena Triples.
AGTripleIteratorGQ - Class in com.franz.agraph.jena
A utility class for iterating over Jena Triples.
AGTupleQuery - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame TupleQuery interface for AllegroGraph.
AGTupleQuery(AGRepositoryConnection, QueryLanguage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGTupleQuery
AGUnsupportedFileFormatException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGUnsupportedFileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedFileFormatException
AGUnsupportedFileFormatException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedFileFormatException
AGUnsupportedFileFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedFileFormatException
AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException - Exception in com.franz.agraph.http.exception
AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException(String) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException
AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException
AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.franz.agraph.http.exception.AGUnsupportedQueryLanguageException
AGUpdate - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame Update interface for AllegroGraph.
AGUpdate(AGRepositoryConnection, QueryLanguage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGUpdate
Creates an AGUpdate instance for a given connection.
AGValueFactory - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
Implements the Sesame ValueFactory interface for AllegroGraph.
AGValueFactory(AGRepository) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
AGValueFactory(AGRepository, AGRepositoryConnection) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
AGVirtualRepository - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
A class for virtual repositories, used for working with federations, graph-filtered stores, reasoning stores, and compositions thereof.
AGVirtualRepository(AGServer, String, AGRepository) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGVirtualRepository
Applications normally create a virtual repository via an AGServer instance.
AGXAResource - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
AGXAResource(AGRepositoryConnection) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGXAResource
AGXid - Class in com.franz.agraph.repository
This class provides an AllegroGraph-compatible implementation of the Xid interface.
AGXid(int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGXid
AGXid(Xid) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGXid
AGXidFromString(String) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGXid
allNodes() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReifier
allNodes(Triple) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReifier
ALLOWED_VALUE_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
attribute definition request parameters
allowedValue(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection.AttributeDefinition
Add an allowed value to the current list of allowed values for this attribute definition
allowedValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection.AttributeDefinition
Overwrite current setting of allowedValues with the argument List.
AMOUNT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Parameter name for the 'amount' parameter of blank node service.
analyze() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Returns the query analysis for the query.
asNode(Value) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeFactory
asQuad(Statement) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeFactory
asResource(Node) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
asStatement(Triple) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
asTriple(Statement) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeFactory
asURI(Node) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
asValue(Node) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
Creates an OpenRDF Value from a concrete Jena Node.
AttributeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection.AttributeDefinition
ATTRIBUTES_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Used by the /statements service
AUTOCOMMIT - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Relative location of the autocommit service.
AUTOCOMMIT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.http.AGProtocol
Parameter name for the 'autoCommit' parameter for sessions.
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