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Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version


Arguments: object

Returns true if object is an instance of the screen class, and returns nil otherwise. This may be useful for determining whether the owner or parent of a window is the screen rather than a window, for example.

Currently there is only a single screen object, but a possible future enhancement would be the support of multiple monitors, where there is a screen object for each monitor. In that situation, calling screenp would be preferable to an expression such as (eq my-stream (screen *system*)) (see screen and *system*).

See also windowp.

Copyright (c) 1998-2019, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 8.2 page.
Created 2012.5.30.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version