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Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version


An object-editor is a specialized dialog subclass that makes it easier to create dialogs that edit instances of classes. Rather than creating individual widgets and giving them on-change functions and adding them to a dialog, you instead specify a single expression that parametrically describes the slots to be edited, and then the object-editor will automatically create widgets for those slots and arrange them on the dialog. An object-editor also offers a set of standard command buttons for viewing other instances, reverting the current changes, and so on.

Creating an object-editor dialog interactively is described in the document for the IDE's Class Interface Editor dialog. An extended programmatic example can be found in the essay Creating an Object-Editor Dialog or Class-Grid Programmatically.

Using an Object-Editor

To use an object-editor, there are three main properties that you need to set:

An object-editor will sort its edited-instances by the primary-name-slot and secondary-name-slot of the edited-class, if any, or else by the usual print names of the instances. It will display the first instance in the sorted listed automatically. The user may then use the command-buttons on the dialog to display and edit various instances, or the application can call display-instance in some other way.

How Slot Values Are Read and Written

When reading and writing slot values, an object-editor will call reader and writer functions of any direct slots that have reader and writer functions, and otherwise will call slot-value and (setf slot-value). Using reader and writer functions allows applications to perform their usual side effects as an object-editor accesses the slots. This is not done for non-direct slots, though, because it is not straightforward to find the reader and writer functions.)

Automatic Saving of User Edits

An object-editor will save changes to the currently displayed instance whenever a different instance is displayed or when object-editor-save is called. It will also do a save when a different window is selected if the save-on-clear-focus property is true, and do a save whenever an individual widget's value is changed if the save-on-new-widget-value property is true.

Finding the Object-Editor that a Widget Is On

If you add custom widgets to an object-editor form window in an IDE project, and an on-change function of a custom widget needs to find the object-editor itself, then note that this will be the parent of the parent of the widget. The widget's parent will be an object-editor-pane, and it is the parent of that pane that would be the proper argument for functions that take an object-editor argument.

Other Object-Editor Functionality

To customize the spacing of widgets on the dialog, create an instance of the layout-spacing class, specifying some of its spacing properties, and pass it as the value of the layout-spacing initarg when creating the object-editor.

See command-buttons for the list of standard command buttons that are available on an object-editor, and the exported functions that they call.

The function current-instance returns the instance that is currently being displayed.

A special table of all instances is included on the dialog if the include-table-of-all-instances property is true.

Copyright (c) 1998-2016, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 8.1 page.
Created 2010.1.21.

Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version