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Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version


The value of this constant is a list of all vk-[name] virtual key names in alphabetical order. These are pre-defined constants corresponding to usually non-typable keys on the keyboard. When a Lisp function calls for a virtual key argument, one of the pre-defined constants is suitable as an argument value. The word after the hyphen names the key, in this case the up arrow key.

The keys are:

vk-add, vk-alt, vk-applications, vk-backquote, vk-backslash, vk-backspace, vk-backtab, vk-cancel, vk-capslock, vk-close-square-bracket, vk-comma, vk-control, vk-decimal, vk-delete, vk-divide, vk-down, vk-end, vk-enter, vk-escape, vk-f1, vk-f10, vk-f11, vk-f12, vk-f13, vk-f14, vk-f15, vk-f16, vk-f2, vk-f3, vk-f4, vk-f5, vk-f6, vk-f7, vk-f8, vk-f9, vk-home, vk-insert, vk-lbutton, vk-left, vk-left-alt, vk-left-control, vk-left-shift, vk-left-windows, vk-mbutton, vk-minus, vk-multiply, vk-numlock, vk-numpad0, vk-numpad1, vk-numpad2, vk-numpad3, vk-numpad4, vk-numpad5, vk-numpad6, vk-numpad7, vk-numpad8, vk-numpad9, vk-open-square-bracket, vk-pagedown, vk-pageup, vk-pause, vk-period, vk-plus, vk-printscrn, vk-quote, vk-rbutton, vk-return, vk-right, vk-right-alt, vk-right-control, vk-right-shift, vk-right-windows, vk-scrllock, vk-semicolon, vk-separator, vk-shift, vk-slash, vk-space, vk-subtract, vk-sysrq, vk-tab, vk-up, vk-xbutton1, vk-xbutton2.

Copyright (c) 1998-2016, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 8.1 page.
Created 2010.1.21.

Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version