Q 1.3-1) Is there a public patch directory you maintain for incremental patches to ACL? If so, how do I get to it?
Q 1.3-2) Why are there patches on the ftp site with date stamps that are still in the future?
Q 1.3-3) Is there a list of available patches for ACL 8.0?
Q 1.3-1) Is there a public patch directory you maintain for incremental patches to ACL? If so, how do I get to it?
A 1.3-1) Yes. See ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/patches/8.0/. See ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/patches/8.0/README for an explanation on how to find and load the patches for your version of Allegro CL. As patches become available, the files in this directory will be updated, so it is a good idea to periodically check the particular subdirectories you may be interested in for changes.
Downloading patches while running Allegro CL: You can download patches while running Allegro CL (on a machine connected to the internet) by calling sys:update-allegro.
General information about the available patches and how to get them is is the file README in the main version 8.0 patch directory.
This example shows how to access the README file in the patch directory using FTP:
% ftp ftp.franz.com Name: ftp Password: <your email address> ftp> cd /pub/patches/8.0 ftp> get README
For patches for earlier Allegro CL releases, replace 8.0 with the release number in the above URLs (for example, ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/patches/7.0/).
As said above, README can also be viewed by looking at ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/patches/8.0/README.
Q 1.3-2) Why are there patches on the ftp site with date stamps that are still in the future?
A 1.3-2) This problem appears to be specific to the MS Internet Explorer. The dates can be viewed correctly by accessing our ftp via a different browser, or via an ftp client.
Q 1.3-3) Is there a list of available patches for ACL 8.0?
A 1.3-3) Yes. ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/patches/8.0/LOG. In fact, even if you are using sys:update-allegro to download patches, we highly recommend viewing this file periodically so that you are aware of what each patch being downloaded is affecting.
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Previous FAQ topic: 1.2. ACL-related communication
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