1.2: ACL-related communication

Q 1.2-1) How should I report bugs?
Q 1.2-2) dribble-bug output seems to lag behind Lisp I/O.
Q 1.2-3) Sometimes CL output is not logged in the dribble-bug file. What do I do about this?
Q 1.2-4) Is there a mailing list for Allegro CL? How do I sign up?

Go to main FAQ page.

Q 1.2-1) How should I report bugs?

A 1.2-1) Use dribble-bug, documented in the section on Reporting Bugs in <Allegro directory>/doc/introduction.htm and in <Allegro directory>/doc/operators/excl/dribble-bug.htm.

Q 1.2-2) dribble-bug output seems to lag behind Lisp I/O.

A 1.2-2) dribble-bug always catches up with the Lisp I/O (which is stored in a buffer before it goes into the dribble file).

        (force-output excl::*dribble-stream*)

Will cause all buffered output to be written to the file.

Q 1.2-3) Sometimes CL output is not logged in the dribble-bug file. What do I do about this?

A 1.2-3) dribble-bug should only miss output produced when using the foreign-function interface or running a shell function with run-shell-command and friends, or (because it is produced by C code) information printed by the garbage collector during a garbage collection. Some messages from foreign code may be written directly to Unix stdout or stderr, bypassing Lisp entirely. To circumvent this problem, you can either use an Emacs buffer or the Unix utility "script" to save the entire transaction record.

Q 1.2-4) Is there a mailing list for Allegro CL? How do I sign up?

A 1.2-4) Yes, there is a mailing list for Allegro CL users. It is accessed through the address [email protected]. To be added to or deleted from this list, send mail to [email protected]. Franz periodically makes announcements on this mailing list, but its main purpose is to allow users of Allegro CL (both Unix and Windows) to communicate with each other, sharing ideas, complaints and code.

Note that the mailing list address used to be [email protected] (and requests went to [email protected]). The host has been changed to franz.com for technical reasons. Please note that except for spam filtering (which was in place even when the host was cs.berkeley.edu), the list is uncensored and membership is open to all. Further note that the accuracy of postings made to the list is not guaranteed.

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