Allegro CL version 11.0 |
This document discusses examples provided with Allegro CL. Example code, often with additional documentation, are located in the examples/ subdirectory of the Allegro CL directory. The additional documentation is typically in a file with a name like readme.txt. If no such file is present, the documentation should be found in the comments in the source files.
Examples serve various purposes. Two important purposes are (1) illustration, and (2) convenience. Examples are illustrative of the features of Allegro CL, showing how they may be used, and of proper coding practice. And examples can be useful in themselves, doing something close to what you might want to do, thus saving you the trouble to devise the algorithm and write (most of) the code for doing it. Of course, examples which do both are best, but not always the easiest to provide.
There are other sources of examples for Allegro CL, and new ones are added from time to time. Among the other sources are:
Note that the subdirectories of examples/ that are Windows-only are typically not included with the Unix distributions and those that are Unix-only are typically not included with the Windows distribution.
In general, licensed users of Allegro CL may use example code freely in their applications, so long as the source is identified.
The Examples tab of the Navigator dialog (displayed with the Help menu | (cg-menus-and-dialogs.html#help-menu-navigator) menu command when running the IDE on Windows) has a list of examples for Common Graphics and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The Interface Builder Tutorial (see the Tutorial tab of the Navigator dialog, displayed with the Help menu | (cg-menus-and-dialogs.html#help-menu-tutorial) menu command) is a worked out application that illustrates Common Graphics programming techniques.
There are cg/ and ide/ subdirectories of examples/. The code is referenced by the tools mentioned above.
The Allegro CL RPC (Remote Procedure Call) facility provides a way for two Lisp programs to communicate. See rpc.html. Examples of the facility are in examples/aclrpc/.
This application allows you to organize, view, and add captions to (whence "AddCaps") to images stored as computer files. The files are in examples/addcaps/. Note that you must be licensed to produce applications in order to use these files.
AllegroServe is a Web Server facility, as described in aserve.html. There are various examples in examples/aserve/
The utility defined in examples/checklinks/ produces an executable which checks a collection of HTML files for broken links. Note that you must be licensed to produce applications in order to use these files.
See dll.html for information on the Lisp as a DLL example (Windows only, of course) found in examples/dll/.
The jLinker facility provides a way to execute Java from Lisp. See jlinker.html. Examples of the facility are in examples/jlinker/.
The SOAP module is documented in soap.html. An example is in examples/soap/.
The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) facility is documented in Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in socket.html. examples/ssl/ has a sample pem file.
The simple network paging protocol examples in examples/snpp/ produces a program which will produce an executable which can be used to page over the network. There are two Lisp source files (snpp.cl and deliver.cl) and a Makefile. Note that you must be licensed to produce applications in order to use these files.
The examples in acl-examples/streams/ illustrate the use of encapsulating streams. They are described in Examples of stream encapsulations in streams.html.
The files in the examples/testapp/ directory make a skeleton application using generate-application, the application building function in Allegro CL. The files show how you can automate the application generation procedure, and provides a sample makefile. Note that you must be licensed to produce applications in order to use these files.
This example is for Unix only. If you arrange to have a running Lisp application set up a server process to listen for telnet connections via the socket interface, you can then telnet into the running Lisp, usually for debugging but also for other purposes. The code in telnet-server.cl shows you how to do this.
See unix-shared-library.html for information on the Lisp as a Unix Shared Library example (Unix only, of course) found in examples/unix-shared-library/.
The new Allegro CL XML-RPC utility implements classes and functions to support the XML-RPC protocol for remote function calls through HTTP connections. Th directory examples/xml-rpc/ contains an example using XML-RPC. See xml-rpc.html. The examples are fairly elementary and are designed to show how the facility works.
Copyright (c) 2023, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Allegro CL version 11.0 |