CG tab on Options dialog

This tab of the Options dialog groups together the
options that affect not only the IDE, as the options on all of the
tabs do, but also affect standalone Common Graphics applications. (In
addition to the options on this tab, the two buttons on the Fonts tab for
fixed-font and
can affect Common Graphics apps as well.) In a standalone Common
Graphics app, you would use an expression such as:
(setf (show-tooltips (configuration *system*)) nil)
to turn off all tooltips in your application entirely, for example.
(To change a different property, replace show-tooltips with the desired
property generic function.)
The Default Window Sizes Group. The options here allow you to
specify the sizes used when a window is created without specified
Width Factor: if checked, a positive real value can be
specified in the editable-text box to the right. The width of the new
window will be this fraction of the width of its parent. Ignored if a
is specified for Width
below. See default-width-factor.
Height Factor: if checked, a positive real value can be
specified in the editable-text box to the right. The height of the new
window will be this fraction of the height of its parent. Ignored if a
is specified for Height
below. See default-height-factor.
Width: if checked, a positive integer can be specified in the
editable-text box to the right. The width of the new window will be
this number of pixels. See default-width.
Height: if checked, a positive integer can be specified in the
editable-text box to the right. The height of the new window will be
this number of pixels. See default-height.
The Tooltips Group. The options here allow you to
specify tooltip behavior.
Show Tooltips: if checked, tooltips will be used. See show-tooltips.
Tooltip Delay: the value in the editable-text box to the right
is the number of milliseconds before a tooltip is displayed. See
Tooltip Vertical Offset: the value in the editable-text box to
the right is the number of pixels a tooltip is offset in the vertical
direction from the object being described. See tooltip-vertical-offset.
Menu Tooltip Delay: the value in the editable-text box to the
right is the number of milliseconds before a tooltip for a menu-item
is displayed. (Menu-item help-strings are displayed as tooltips if the
property of a pull-down menu is true.) See menu-tooltip-delay.
The other items on the dialog are:
Offset from Selected Window: if checked, a new window is
created by default with its top-left corner near the top-left corner
of the window that is currently selected on the owner window (or
screen) of the new window. If there is no such selected window, then
the upper left corner of the owner window (or screen) is used. See
Center All Modal Dialogs on Screen: Changes the value of
Modal Dialog Margin: the offset from the top-left of the inner
box of the window active when a modal dialog is displayed, if
Center All Modal Dialogs on Screen is
. See modal-dialog-margin.
Multipic Scroll Interval: the number of milliseconds between
successive scroll increments of a
as the mouse
button is held down after clicking a multi-picture-button scroll
arrow. See multi-picture-button-scroll-interval.
Custom Tooltip Font: allows choosing a custom-tooltip-font. The default
for that property is
. If the value has
been changed to a font object, clicking on the button will first
display a dialog asking if you want to revert to the default, and only
display a font choice dialog if you answer no.
Custom Status Bar Font: allows choosing a custom-status-bar-font. The default
for that property is
. If the value has
been changed to a font object, clicking on the button will first
display a dialog asking if you want to revert to the default, and only
display a font choice dialog if you answer no.
Copyright (c) 1998-2019, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 9.0 page.
Created 2015.5.21.