package com.franz.agjena.examples;
import com.franz.agbase.AllegroGraph;
import com.franz.agbase.AllegroGraphConnection;
import com.franz.agbase.AllegroGraphException;
import com.franz.agbase.examples.AGPaths;
import com.franz.agjena.AllegroGraphGraphMaker;
import com.franz.agjena.AllegroGraphModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
public class AGJenaQueryAllGraphs {
* Demonstrates using the Graph of all graphs.
* @param args unused
* @throws AllegroGraphException
public static void main(String[] args) throws AllegroGraphException {
// Connect to server, which must already be running.
AllegroGraphConnection ags = new AllegroGraphConnection();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AllegroGraphException("Server connection problem", e);
// Create a fresh triple store
AllegroGraph ts = ags.renew("jenatest5", AGPaths.TRIPLE_STORES);
// Create a Graph maker for the store
AllegroGraphGraphMaker maker = new AllegroGraphGraphMaker(ts);
// Set the default graph behavior to the graph of all graphs
// Create a named graph and model
String demoNamespace = "";
String graphName1 = demoNamespace + "context1";
Graph graphOne = maker.createGraph(graphName1);
Model modelOne = new AllegroGraphModel(graphOne);
// Load some data into the named graph
String inputFileName1 = AGPaths.dataSources("vc-db-1.rdf");, "RDF/XML" );
// Query the default graph
String query = "select ?s ?p ?o where {?s ?p ?o }";
AGJenaUtils.doQuery(query, maker.getGraph());
// Set the default graph behavior to just the default graph
// Query the default graph again
query = "select ?s ?p ?o where {?s ?p ?o }";
AGJenaUtils.doQuery(query, maker.getGraph());
// Close the store and disconnect from the server
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