

Python versions >=3.8,<=3.12 are supported. The installation method described here uses the pip package manager. On some systems this might require installing an additional package (e.g. python-pip on RHEL/CentOS systems). All third-party libraries used by the Python client will be downloaded automatically during installation.



It is highly recommended to perform the install in a virtualenv environment.

The client can be installed from PyPI using the pip package manager:

pip install agraph-python

Alternatively, a distribution archive can be obtained from and installed using pip:

pip install agraph-python-<VERSION>.tar.gz

Offline installation

If it is not possible to access PyPI from the target machine, the following steps should be taken:

  • In a compatible environment with unrestricted network access run:

    pip wheel agraph-python
  • This will generate a number of .whl files in the current directory. These files must be transferred to the target machine.

  • On the target machine use this command to install:

    pip install --no-index --find-links=<DIR> agraph-python

    where <DIR> is the directory containing the .whl files generated in the previous step.

Install by conda

Using conda to install agraph-python is also supported:

conda create -n myenv python=3.10
conda activate myenv
conda install -y -c conda-forge -c franzinc agraph-python


To validate the installation make sure that you have access to an AllegroGraph server and run the following Python script:

from franz.openrdf.connect import ag_connect
with ag_connect('repo', host='HOST', port='PORT',
                user='USER', password='PASS') as conn:
    print (conn.size())

Substitute appropriate values for the HOST/PORT/USER/PASS placeholders. If the script runs successfully a new repository named repo will be created.

Proxy setup

It is possible to configure the AllegroGraph Python client to use a proxy for all its connection to the server. This can be achieved by setting the AGRAPH_PROXY environment variable, as in the following example:

# Create a SOCKS proxy for tunneling to an internal network
ssh -fN -D 1080
# Configure agraph-python to use this proxy
export AGRAPH_PROXY=socks://localhost:1080

The format of the AGRAPH_PROXY value is TYPE://HOST:PORT, where TYPE can be either http, socks4, socks5 or socks (a synonym for socks5). Note that if a SOCKS proxy is used, DNS lookups will be performed by the proxy server.

Unit tests

The Python client includes a suite of unit tests that can be run after installation. The tests are executed using the pytest framework and also use a few utilities from nose, so these two packages have to be installed. We also need the pytest-mock plugin:

pip install -e ".[test]"

The tests require a running AllegroGraph server instance. The configuration of this server is passed to the tests through environment variables:

# Host and port where the server can be reached. These values are the
# default, it is only necessary to define the variables below if your
# setup is different
export AGRAPH_HOST=localhost
export AGRAPH_PORT=10035

# Tests will create repositories in this catalog.
# It must exist on the server. Use "/" for the root catalog.
export AGRAPH_CATALOG=tests

# Login credentials for the AG server.
# The user must have superuser privileges.
export AGRAPH_USER=test

# Use a prompt to read the password
read -s -r -p "Password for user ${AGRAPH_USER}: " AGRAPH_PASSWORD

To run the tests, type:

pytest --pyargs franz.openrdf.tests.tests --pyargs franz.openrdf.tests.newtests