
See the document Large Language Models (LLM) and Vector Databases for general information about Large Language Model support in AllegroGraph. In this document we discuss embeddings and creating vector databases.

An embedding is a vector representation of natural language text. A vector database is a table of embeddings and the associated original text. An Allegrograph Vector Database associates embeddings with literals found in the triple objects of a graph database. This Vector Database also stores the subject and predicate of each triple whose object was embedded. This permits a mapping from literals to subject URIs in support of nearest-neighbor matching between an input string and the embedded object literals as shown in the example below.

We assume in this document that you have defined the llm namespace this way:

PREFIX llm: <> 

See Namespaces and query options for information on namespaces.

In Allegrograph the magic predicates llm:nearestNeighbor and llm:askMyDocuments utilize the vector database. A query clause of the form

(?uri ?score ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor (?text ?vector-database ?topN ?minScore) 

binds the subject ?uri of the ?topN best matching items in the vector database named by the literal bound to ?vectorDatabase, where the minimum matching score is above a float bound to ?minScore. The llm:nearestNeighbor predicate also binds the matching score ?score and the source text ?originalText.

The predicate llm:askMyDocuments implements the process of Retrieval Augmented Generation. The predicate first retrieves the nearest-neighbor matching document fragments from the vector database, then forms a larger LLM prompt that combines this background content with the original query.

(?response ?citation ?score) llm:askMyDocuments (?query ?vectorDatabase ?topN ?minScore) 

binds the ?response to the LLM's response to a big prompt that combines the ?query with the text content from the ?vectorDatabase based on the ?topN nearest neighbor matches above ?minscore. What's more, it binds ?citation to the subject URI of each matching document that contributes the response enabling the predicate to explain its response.

An LLM embed specification is a file in lineparse form that tells AllegroGraph which object strings in a repository should be converted to numerical vectors and stored in the vector database. The embedder stores that vector along with the original text and the corresponding subject URI in a vector database associated with the repo.

See the document Large Language Models for details and the document Lineparse Format for a general description of lineparse files.

A file containing the embed specification is the last argument to agtool here:

agtool llm index reponame specification-file 

In order to index strings The Large Language Model (LLM) embedder contacts an LLM API to process each text item a return a large vector of numbers (for example: a vector of 1536 element for OpenAI embeddings). The lineparse formatted specification file determines which text strings are sent to the LLM server.

Min and Max in the table below refer to the number of arguments to the named item.

Lineparse Items in specification file

item min max required
openai-api-key 1 1 yes
vector-database-name 1 1 yes
vector-database-dim 0 1 no
splitter 0 1 no
include-predicates 0 no max no
exclude-predicates 0 no max no
include-types 0 no max no
exclude-types 0 no max no
limit 0 1 no

The openai-api-key must be obtained from (Keys shown in example in the AllegroGraph documentation are not valid.)

You can choose a vector-database-name and should be a simple string that can be used as a filename.

The vector-database-dim is a property of the LLM server used. The default 1536 is size of embeddings generated by OpenAI models.

Currently only one splitter is defined (list) so that line should be omitted or the value should be list.

The strings that are processed are those found in the object position of a triple.

The embedder selects object literals for embedding. When include predicates is specified, the embedder creates vectors only for objects in triples with the included predicates. When exclude-predicates is specified, the embedder will omit processing objects in triples with those predicates.

You have the option to specify both include-predicates and exclude-predicates, only one, or neither. If the same predicate is listed in include-predicates and in exclude-predicates then the exclude-predicates takes precedence. However there's no reason for specifying both exclude-predicates and include-predicates.

The point of exclude-predicates is that you may want to include all predicates in the emedding selection, except for a short list of predicates you want to exclude. However all predicates are not considered if you have an include-predicates item as well.

You can specify more than one predicate either on the same line or different lines.

For example to include three predicates you can write it:

include-predicates <> <>  
include-predicates <>  

If you specify either include-types or exclude-types then that further refines the search for text to process. In that case only triple of the form

subject predicate text-object 

are considered if there is also a triple

subject rdf:type type 

where type is one of the included-types if there are any included types and type is not one of the excluded-types if there are any excluded types.

Also the predicate must obey the included-predicates and excluded-predicates if any are specified.

For each item indexed, the vector database stores the embedding vector along with the subject URI, the predicate URI, the original text of the object literal and optionally the object type (when include-predicates or exclude-predicates is specified).

Practical Example

Suppose we have an Allegrograph running on localhost:10035 with repository called HistoricalFigures that contains information about people from the past. For each historical person, there is a unique URI subject and predicates rdfs:label and rdf:type. The historical figures have type <>.

We write the embed specification file historicalFigures.def as follows:

  openai-api-key "sk-U01ABc2defGHIJKlmnOpQ3RstvVWxyZABcD4eFG5jiJKlmno"  
  vector-database-name "historicalFigures"  
  vector-database-dim 1536  
  limit 1000000  
  splitter list  
  include-predicates <\#label>  
  include-types <> 

This configuration tells the embedder to use OpenAI (gpt) embeddings, provides our API key (example shown is not a valid key), and sets the name of the vector database to "historicalFigures". Note that we had to escape (with a backslash) the # character in the include-predicates line (because lineparse treats # as a comment).

The vector-database-dim is 1536 for OpenAI embeddings.

The limit of 100000 is optional, in case we need to limit the size of the Vector Database.

The splitter list is the default value for text splitting (i.e., no splitting).

The include-predicates and include-types tell the embedder that we want to include triples where the subject has type <> and the predicate is rdfs:label. Note that we had to escale the '#' character in the URI of for label, because lineparse interprets '#' as a comment start character.

We now run

agtool llm index localhost:10035/HistoricalFigures historicalFigures.def 

We use the term index to refer to the embedding process because a Vector Database is essentially an index from embedding vectors to original text.

By default agtool will print the text of each literal embedded, allowing us to monitor progress. Waiting for responses from the LLM API takes the majority of time in the embedding process.

When the embedding index completes, we can execute a magic predicate that uses the vector database we created:

(?uri ?score ?originalText) llm:nearestNeighbor ("Famous Scientist" "historicalFigures" 10 0.8) 

The query binds ?uri and ?originalText to up to 10 best matches of "Famous Scientist" among the historical figures with a matching ?score above 0.8