
We offer a Jupyter notebook which provides an interative introduction to the AllegroGraph Python client.

Setup and Installation

The following instructions assume that you have access to an x86-64 Linux system.

Download and install miniconda:

Miniconda is a Python distribution. Download and install it using the following commands:

curl -O -f  
bash -b  
rm -f 

Download and AllegroGraph

Use the following commands to download AllegroGraph and to install into the /tmp/ag704 directory.

curl -O -f  
tar xf agraph-7.0.4-linuxamd64.64.tar.gz  
rm -fr /tmp/ag704  
agraph-7.0.4/install-agraph /tmp/ag704 -- --non-interactive --super-user test --super-password xyzzy  
rm -fr agraph-7.0.4 agraph-7.0.4-linuxamd64.64.tar.gz 

Start AG server

/tmp/ag704/bin/agraph-control --config /tmp/ag704/lib/agraph.cfg start 

Download the notebook

curl -O -f  
tar xf ag-jupyter.tar.gz  
rm -f ag-jupyter.tar.gz 

Set up environment for notebook

The following commands assume you are in a bash shell.

Use the following command to prepare an Python environment for the Jupyter notebook software. Note that this command takes a while to operate.

~/miniconda3/bin/conda create -n ag-notebook -y -c franzinc -c conda-forge jupyter agraph-python ipyleaflet 

Activate the environment

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate ag-notebook 

Start Jupyter Notebook

cd ag-jupyter && jupyter notebook 

A browser window will automatically be launched. If that does not work, visit the URL presented on the terminal.

In the browser, click on tutorial.ipynb

When done, terminate the notebook server by hitting control-C.