Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Franz Inc.  
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
# made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
# this distribution, and is available at

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from import Format

[docs]class RDFFormat(Format): """ Represents the concept of an RDF data serialization format. RDF formats are identified by a name and can have one or more associated MIME types, zero or more associated file extensions and can specify a default character encoding. Some formats are able to encode context information while others are not; this is indicated by the value of supports_contexts field. Similaraly, formats for which the supports_attributes flag is `True` are capable of encoding triple attributes. """ # A global dictionary mapping extensions to formats # Used by Format.format_for_file_name _ext_map = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, name, mime_types=None, charset="UTF-8", file_extensions=None, supports_namespaces=False, supports_contexts=False, supports_attributes=False, register=True): """ Initialize a new RDF format object. :param name: Human-readable name of the format. :param mime_types: A list of MIME types used for this format. The first element of this list will be used as the content-type header during uploads. :param charset: Character set used by the format. :param file_extensions: List of file extensions for this format. :param supports_namespaces: If true, the format supports namespaces and qualified names. This has no impact on the Python API. :param supports_contexts: If True the format can store quads (and not just triples). :param supports_attributes: If True the format can represent triple attributes. :param register: If True file extensions will be added to the map used by :meth:`Format.format_for_file_name`. """ Format.__init__(self, name, mime_types, charset, file_extensions, register) self.supports_namespaces = supports_namespaces self.supports_contexts = supports_contexts self.supports_attributes = supports_attributes
# These will be automatically converted to RDFFormat instances RDFXML = dict( name="RDF/XML", mime_types=["application/rdf+xml", "application/xml"], file_extensions=["rdf", "rdfs", "owl", "xml"], supports_namespaces=True, supports_contexts=False) NTRIPLES = dict( name="N-Triples", mime_types=["application/n-triples", "text/plain"], file_extensions=["nt", "ntriples"], supports_namespaces=False, supports_contexts=False) NQUADS = dict( name="N-Quads", mime_types=["application/n-quads"], file_extensions=["nq", "nquads"], supports_namespaces=False, supports_contexts=True) NQX = dict( name="Extended N-Quads (with attributes)", mime_types=["application/x-extended-nquads"], file_extensions=["nqx"], supports_namespaces=False, supports_contexts=True, supports_attributes=True) TURTLE = dict( name="Turtle", mime_types=["text/turtle"], file_extensions=["ttl", "turtle"], supports_namespaces=True, supports_contexts=False) TRIG = dict( name="TriG", mime_types=["application/trig"], file_extensions=["trig"], supports_namespaces=True, supports_contexts=True) TRIX = dict( name="TriX", mime_types=["application/trix"], file_extensions=["trix"], supports_namespaces=True, supports_contexts=True) TABLE = dict( name="Table", mime_types=["text/table"], file_extensions=[], supports_namespaces=False, supports_contexts=True)