AllegroGraph Python client release history

Release 100.1.0

Triple attributes

Added support for triple attributes (requires AG >= 6.1). Specifically it is now possible to:

  • Set and retrieve the static attribute filter using conn.setAttributeFilter() and conn.getAttributeFilter()
  • Set and retrieve user attributes (that will be sent with each request) using conn.setUserAttributes() and conn.getUserAttributes().
  • Manage attribute definitions using various methods in the connection class..
  • Add triples with attributes - a new keyword parameter named ‘attributes’ has been added to methods that add triples, such as addData(). It is also possible to pass five-element tuples to addTriples(), where the fifth element is a dictionary of attribute values.

Distributed transaction settings

It is now possible to configure distributed transaction parameters in multiple ways:

  • By passing arguments to the commit() method
  • By calling setTransactionSettings() on the connection object.
  • By using a context manager returned by the temporaryTransactionSettings() method.

In all cases the settings can be passed either in a single TransactionSettings object or as individual keyword arguments.

Enhanced namespace objects

Namespace objects can now create URIs when indexed or called like a function. This makes it easier to create URIs where the local name is not a valid attribute name:

>>> from franz.openrdf.connect import ag_connect
>>> conn = ag_connect('repo')
>>> ex = conn.namespace('')
>>> ex('is')
>>> ex['def']

Release 100.0.4

Jupyter-friendly stdout

The output_to context manager (used internally when writing output to stdout) has been modified to work better in environments that hijack the sys.stdout value, such as Jupyter notebooks or IDLE.

Release 100.0.3

Resolved issues with running unit tests from a wheel

Some unit tests used to fail when the module was installed from a binary wheel. This has been corrected.

bug25081: The ‘context’ argument to addTriples() is broken

Using the addTriples() method with the context parameter set to a non-default value used to produce errors:

>>> conn.addTriples([(s, p, o)], context=g)
400 MALFORMED DATA: Invalid graph name: (<ex://g>)

This has been corrected. Context can now be set to a single URI or a list of URIs. Both URI objects and strings are supported.

bug25079: Statement objects not created from strings are broken

Statement objects that were created in user code were not fully functional. In particular attempts to convert such statements to strings or to pass them to addTriples() would fail.

This has been corrected.

Namespace objects

Namespace objects can be used to create URIs, as in the following example:

>>> from franz.openrdf.connect import ag_connect
>>> conn = ag_connect('repo')
>>> ex = conn.namespace('')

Release 100.0.2

New query methods

Four new methods have been added to the RepositoryConnection class:

  • executeTupleQuery()
  • executeGraphQuery()
  • executeBooleanQuery()
  • executeUpdate()

These can be used to prepare and evaluate a SPARQL query in a single call.

New tutorial

The tutorial has been updated and restyled using Sphinx.

Finalizers for query results

All result objects are now closed automatically when garbage collected. This makes it possible to write simple loops like the one below:

for stmt in conn.executeTupleQuery('...'):

without having to use the with statement, since reference counting will ensure that the query result is closed at the right time. Note that this should not be relied upon in more complex scenarios, where circular references might occur and prevent the result object from being closed.

Connection parameters can now be passed in environment variables

The following environment variables are now used when connecting to the server:

  • AGRAPH_HOST - server address, the default is ‘’
  • AGRAPH_PORT - port number (default: 10035 for HTTP connections,
    10036 for HTTPS).
  • AGRAPH_USER - Username, no default.
  • AGRAPH_PASSWORD - Password, no default.

Note that parameters passed to ag_connect() or AllegroGraphServer() will override these variables.

Release 100.0.1

bug24892: Time parsing fixes

The Python client used to fail when trying to retrieve a datetimeValue() of a literal that contained time zone information. This has been corrected.

All datetime objects created by the Python API are now timezone-aware.

rfe15005: duplicate suppression control API

It is now possible to set and query the duplicate suppression policy of a repository from Python, using three new methods of the connection object:

  • getDuplicateSuppressionPolicy()
  • setDuplicateSuppressionPolicy()
  • disableDuplicateSuppression()

New export methods

A new mechanism for exporting data has been added. It utilizes a new output parameter that has been added to the following methods:

  • RepositoryConnection.getStatements()
  • RepositoryConnection.getStatementsById()
  • TupleQuery.evaluate()
  • GraphQuery.evaluate()

Setting the new parameter to a file name or a file-like object will cause the data that would normally be returned by the call to be saved to the specified file instead. Serialization format can be controlled by setting another new parameter, output_format.

Release 100.0.0

New versioning scheme

Client versions no longer match the server version. Major version number has been bumped to 100 to avoid confusion.

bug24819: Circular import

Importing com.franz.openrdf.query.query failed due to a circular import. Thanks to Maximilien de Bayser for reporting this.

bug24826: removeStatement uses context instead of object

The removeStatement method of RepositoryConnection was broken. Patch by Maximilien de Bayser.


bug24728: Incorrect conversion between boolean literals and Python values

The booleanValue() method of the Literal class used to work incorrectly. It would return True for any literal that is not empty, including the “false”^^xsd:boolean literal. This has been corrected - the function will now return expected values for literals of type xsd:boolean. Result for other types remains undefined.


bug24680: to_native_string is broken on Python 2

The Python client sometimes failed while processing values with non-ascii characters, showing the following error message:

UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position ??: ordinal not in range(128)

This has been corrected.


Released with AllegroGraph 6.2.2. Change log for this and all previous Python client releases can be found in AllegroGraph release notes: