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Franz Inc, AllegroGraph
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callStoredProc(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
The stored proc feature and API are experimental, and subject to change in a future release.
catalog - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
CATALOGID - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositorySchema
changeUserPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
clear() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
clear(Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Removes all statement(s) within the specified contexts.
clearMappings() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Deletes all user-defined predicate and datatype mappings for this connection, and reestablishes the automatic mappings for primitive datatypes.
clearMappings(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Deletes all predicate and user-defined datatype mappings for this connection.
clearNamespaces() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfGraph
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGNodeIterator
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReifier
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGTripleIterator
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGTripleIteratorGQ
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
Calls Sesame method RepositoryBase.shutDown().
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Closes the session if there is one started.
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Close the HTTP connection resources to the AllegroGraph server.
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGVirtualRepository
Calls Sesame method RepositoryBase.shutDown().
close() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.UserAttributesContext
restore, via conn.setUserAttributes() the user attributes that were defined on the AGRepositoryConnection object passed to the constructor of this instance.
close() - Method in interface com.franz.util.Closeable
Releases system resources associated with the object.
close() - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Must be called in a finally block, to close all resources added with closeLater().
close(Obj) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close an object immediately, will not be closed "later".
close(CloseableType) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(CloseableType) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(SimpleHttpConnectionManager) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(CloseableIteration<Elem, Exc>) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(Model) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(CloseableType) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(CloseableType) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(SimpleHttpConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(CloseableIteration<Elem, Exc>) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(Model) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close(Obj) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Closer
close(CloseableType) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Util
in v4.4 use Closer
close(CloseableType) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Util
in v4.4 use Closer
close(MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Util
in v4.4 use Closer
close(CloseableIteration<Elem, Exc>) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Util
in v4.4 use Closer
close(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class com.franz.util.Util
in v4.4 use Closer
Closeable - Interface in com.franz.util
Similar to Closeable, but close throws Exception so it can be used with extentions of third-party classes (for example, Sesame and Jena) that define a close method without implementing Closeable and with a different checked exception.
closeAll(Collection) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Close all objects immediately, will not be closed "later".
closeLater(Obj) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
Add a resource to be closed with Closer.close().
Closer - Class in com.franz.util
Use or extend this class to add easy ability to safely close various resources.
Closer() - Constructor for class com.franz.util.Closer
closeReflection(Obj) - Method in class com.franz.util.Closer
com.franz.agraph.jena - package com.franz.agraph.jena
Implementation of the Jena RDF API 2.11.1 with extensions for AllegroGraph features.
com.franz.agraph.pool - package com.franz.agraph.pool
Connection pool implementation for AllegroGraph.
com.franz.agraph.repository - package com.franz.agraph.repository
Implementation of the OpenRDF Sesame API 2.7.11 with extensions for AllegroGraph features.
com.franz.agraph.repository.config - package com.franz.agraph.repository.config
Repository creation and configuration for AllegroGraph. - package
Parser and writer for RDF in N-Quads format.
com.franz.util - package com.franz.util
commit() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGTransactionHandler
commit() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Commit the current transaction.
conn - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.UserAttributesContext
contains(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuerySolution
count() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGGraphQuery
Evaluates the query and returns only the number of results to the client (counting is done on the server, the results are not returned).
count() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGTupleQuery
Evaluates the query and returns only the number of results to the client (counting is done on the server, the results are not returned).
countConstruct() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
countSelect() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
create(AGQuery, AGModel) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecutionFactory
create(AGQuery, AGModel, QuerySolution) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecutionFactory
create(String) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryFactory
create(QueryLanguage, String) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryFactory
create(AGConnFactory, AGPoolConfig) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
A GenericObjectPool is used.
create(Map<AGConnProp, String>, Map<AGPoolProp, String>) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
Create a pool from configuration properties.
create(Object...) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
Create a pool from configuration properties.
createBNode(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
Returns a new blank node with the given id.
createBNode() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
Returns a new blank node.
createCatalog(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Returns an AGCatalog instance for the given catalogID.
createFreetextIndex(String, AGFreetextIndexConfig) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Creates a freetext index with the given name and configuration.
createFreetextIndex(String, URI[]) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
createGraph() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
createGraph(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
createGraph(String, boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
createReifiedStatement() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGStatement
create a ReifiedStatement corresponding to this Statement
createRepository(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGCatalog
Returns an uninitialized AGRepository instance for the given repository id.
createRepository(String, boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGCatalog
Returns an uninitialized AGRepository instance for the given repository id.
createRepository(String, AGCatalog, boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepository(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepository(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepository(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the root catalog.
createRepository(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepositoryConnection(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepositoryConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Creates or opens a repository in the specified catalog.
createRepositoryResult(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Creates a RepositoryResult for the supplied element set.
createResource() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
Returns a new blank node with an AG-allocated id.
createResource(AnonId) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
Returns a new blank node with the given (a.k.a "external") id.
createStatement(Resource, Property, RDFNode) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGModel
createUnion(AGGraph...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGGraphMaker
Returns a graph that is the union of specified graphs.
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