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Franz Inc, AllegroGraph
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samePrefixMappingAs(PrefixMapping) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
sendRDFTransaction(InputStream) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Executes an application/x-rdftransaction.
sendRDFTransaction(InputStream, JSONObject) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
send an RDFTransaction, including attributes.
serverUrl - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
SERVERURL - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositorySchema
session - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
sessionLifetime - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnConfig
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
As of release 2.7.0, use begin() instead.
setBlankNodesPerRequest(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGValueFactory
Sets the number of blank nodes to fetch per request.
setBulkMode(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
Sets the repository's bulkMode (defaults to false).
setCatalogId(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
setCheckVariables(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuery
A boolean that defaults to false, indicating whether an error should be raised when a SPARQL query selects variables that are not mentioned in the query body.
setCheckVariables(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
A boolean that defaults to false, indicating whether an error should be raised when a SPARQL query selects variables that are not mentioned in the query body.
setCommitPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGMaterializer
Sets the commit period for materialized triples.
setConnPool(AGConnPool) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
Sets the connection pool to use with this repository.
setDataDir(File) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
not applicable to AllegroGraph
setDataDir(File) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGVirtualRepository
not applicable to AllegroGraph
setDerivationLogging(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfGraph
setDerivationLogging(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGInfModel
setDerivationLogging(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
setDuplicateSuppressionPolicy(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepository
Sets the repository's duplicate suppression policy.
setEngine(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
internal use only
setEntailmentRegime(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the entailment regime to use when including inferences with this query.
setExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGServer
Changes the default executor object that will be used by connections to schedule maintenance operations.
setExpression(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setFactory(PoolableObjectFactory) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGConnPool
setFileManager(FileManager) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setIncludeInferred(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Determine whether evaluation results of this query should include inferred statements (if any inferred statements are present in the repository).
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setIndexLiterals(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
See documentation for freetext index parameters.
setIndexResources(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
See documentation for freetext index parameters.
setInitialBinding(QuerySolution) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setLimit(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuery
Sets the limit on the number of solutions for this query.
setLimit(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setLimit(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the limit on the number of solutions for this query.
setLoggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the loggingEnabled parameter for this query.
setMasqueradeAsUser(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Sets the AG user for X-Masquerade-As-User requests.
setMinimumWordSize(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
See documentation for freetext index parameters.
setNamespace(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
setNsPrefix(String, String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
setNsPrefixes(PrefixMapping) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
setNsPrefixes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
setOffset(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQuery
Sets the offset, the number of solutions to skip for this query.
setOffset(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setOffset(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the offset, the number of solutions to skip for this query.
setParameter(Property, Object) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setPlanner(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the query planner to use when processing the query.
setPrepared(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the prepared flag for the query.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
setSaveName(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
Sets the name to use when saving this query with the server's saved query service.
setServerUrl(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
setSessionLifetime(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Sets the 'lifetime' for a dedicated session spawned by this connection.
setSessionLoadInitFile(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Sets the 'loadInitFile' for a dedicated session spawned by this connection.
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextQuery
setStaticAttributeFilter(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Establish a static attribute filter on the current repository.
setStreamResults(boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
setTimeout(long) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setTimeout(long, long) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGQueryExecution
setTokenizer(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
See documentation for freetext index parameters.
setUploadCommitPeriod(int) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
Sets the commit period to use within large add/load operations.
setUserAttributes(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
setUserAttributes(JSONObject) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.config.AGRepositoryConfig
setUseTypeSubproperty(Boolean) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGMaterializer
Sets the useTypeSubproperty flag.
shortForm(String) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGPrefixMapping
shutdownHook - Variable in class com.franz.agraph.pool.AGPoolConfig
size() - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReifier
size(Resource...) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGRepositoryConnection
SPARQL_COVERAGE_PLANNER - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
The default query planner for SPARQL.
SPARQL_IDENTITY_PLANNER - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGQuery
A query planner for SPARQL that processes queries without doing any reordering of clauses or optimization, useful if the user knows the best order for processing the query.
startRDF() - Method in class
STOP_WORDS - Static variable in class com.franz.agraph.repository.AGFreetextIndexConfig
supportsProperty(Property) - Method in class com.franz.agraph.jena.AGReasoner
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