Franz Inc, AllegroGraph

Package com.franz.agraph.jena

Implementation of the Jena RDF API 2.6.2 with extensions for AllegroGraph features.


Class Summary
AGBulkUpdateHandler Implements the Jena BulkUpdateHandler interface for AllegroGraph.
AGCapabilities Implements the Jena Capabilities interface for AllegroGraph.
AGGraph Implements the Jena Graph interface for AllegroGraph.
AGGraphMaker Implements the Jena GraphMaker interface for AllegroGraph.
AGInfGraph Implements the Jena InfGraph interface for AllegroGraph.
AGInfModel Implements the Jena InfModel interface for AllegroGraph.
AGModel Implements the Jena Model interface for AllegroGraph.
AGNodeFactory A utility class for creating Jena Nodes and Triples from Sesame Values and Statements.
AGNodeIterator A utility class for iterating over Jena Nodes.
AGPrefixMapping Implements the Jena PrefixMapping interface for AllegroGraph.
AGQuery The class of queries that can be posed to AllegroGraph via Jena.
AGQueryExecution Implements the Jena QueryExecution interface for AllegroGraph.
AGQueryExecutionFactory A class for creating QueryExecution instances.
AGQueryFactory A class for creating AGQuery instances.
AGQuerySolution Implements the Jena QuerySolution interface for AllegroGraph.
AGReasoner Implements the Jena Reasoner interface for AllegroGraph.
AGResultSet Implements the Jena ResultSet interface for AllegroGraph.
AGTransactionHandler Implements the Jena TransactionHandler interface for AllegroGraph.
AGTripleIterator A utility class for iterating over Jena Triples.
AGTripleIteratorGQ A utility class for iterating over Jena Triples.

Package com.franz.agraph.jena Description

Implementation of the Jena RDF API 2.6.2 with extensions for AllegroGraph features.

See also:


Copyright © 2008-2012 Franz Inc.