Find the ego group of a node.

For example, the pattern

  ?group sna:egoGroup ( ex:namedGenerator ?node 2 ) . 

Will bind ?group to a representation of the ego group of ?node going out to a depth of 2 (i.e., ?node's friends and the friends of ?node'? friends). This uses the generator ex:namedGenerator and assumes that this generator has been defined.

The bindings to ?group will act like blank nodes in that they have meaning only in the context of the current query and can be used in other places in the query to find bindings for members and so forth.

There is also a functional form for egoGroup which can be used in an expression. For example:

  BIND( sna:egoGroup ( ex:namedGenerator, ?startnode, 2 ) AS ?group ) 


The following namespace abbreviations are used:

The SPARQL magic properties reference has additional information on using AllegroGraph magic properties and functions.