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  ANSI Common Lisp   17 Sequences   17.3 Dictionary of Sequences

17.3.2 copy-seq Function

copy-seq sequence    copied-sequence

Arguments and Values:
sequence - a proper sequence.

copied-sequence - a proper sequence.

Creates a copy of sequence. The elements of the new sequence are the same as the corresponding elements of the given sequence.

If sequence is a vector, the result is a fresh simple array of rank one that has the same actual array element type as sequence. If sequence is a list, the result is a fresh list.

 (setq str "a string")  "a string"
 (equalp str (copy-seq str))  true
 (eql str (copy-seq str))  false

Exceptional Situations:
Should be prepared to signal an error of type type-error if sequence is not a proper sequence.

See Also:

From a functional standpoint,
 (copy-seq x) ==(subseq x 0)
However, the programmer intent is typically very different in these two cases.

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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