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  ANSI Common Lisp   23 Reader   23.2 Dictionary of Reader

23.2.17 *readtable* Variable

Value Type:
a readtable.

Initial Value:
A readtable that conforms to the description of Common Lisp syntax in Chapter 2 Syntax.

The value of *readtable* is called the current readtable. It controls the parsing behavior of the Lisp reader, and can also influence the Lisp printer (e.g., see the function readtable-case).

 (readtablep *readtable*)  true
 (setq zvar 123)  123
 (set-syntax-from-char #\z #\' (setq table2 (copy-readtable)))   T
 zvar  123
 (setq *readtable* table2)  #<READTABLE>
 zvar   VAR
 (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil))  #<READTABLE>
 zvar  123

Affected By:
compile-file, load

See Also:
compile-file, load, readtable, Section The Current Readtable

Allegro CL Implementation Details:
See The standard readtable is read-only, affect on with-standard-io-syntax and modifying the readtable in init files and with -e in implementation.htm for information on the implementation of *readtable*. Note the links are to the documentation for the current Allegro CL version. Replace /current/ in the URL with the Allegro CL version number to see similar documentation is earlier releases.

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