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  ANSI Common Lisp   14 Conses   14.2 Dictionary of Conses

14.2.14 copy-list Function

copy-list list    copy

Arguments and Values:
list - a proper list or a dotted list.

copy - a list.

Returns a copy of list. If list is a dotted list, the resulting list will also be a dotted list.

Only the list structure of list is copied; the elements of the resulting list are the same as the corresponding elements of the given list.

 (setq lst (list 1 (list 2 3)))  (1 (2 3))
 (setq slst lst)  (1 (2 3))
 (setq clst (copy-list lst))  (1 (2 3))
 (eq slst lst)  true
 (eq clst lst)  false
 (equal clst lst)  true
 (rplaca lst "one")  ("one" (2 3))
 slst  ("one" (2 3))
 clst  (1 (2 3))
 (setf (caadr lst) "two")  "two"
 lst  ("one" ("two" 3))
 slst  ("one" ("two" 3))
 clst  (1 ("two" 3))

Exceptional Situations:
The consequences are undefined if list is a circular list.

See Also:
copy-alist, copy-seq, copy-tree

The copy created is equal to list, but not eq.

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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