Recent changes to the ACL FAQ

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Go to main FAQ page. (Note the filename of the main page is now index.htm.)

Each item in the FAQ has a date indicating the last significant modification. (A modification is significant if new or different information is provided. A modification that simply fixes trivial and obvious errors, such as spelling errors, or simply updates the version number is not considered significant.) Items that are new or substantially changed for Allegro CL 8.0 have a date 12/1/05 or later. Items with earlier dates are not changed significantly for release 8.0.

Q 1.6-1) How do I install the License File into Allegro CL? (Updated 2/28/06)
Q 4.6-3) Why is there only one image with Trial (ANSI with the IDE)? How do I make other images? (Created 11/4/04)
Q 1.7-1) How do I know if Allegro CL will run on my operating system version? (Created 10/12/04)
Q 1.7-2) What is the best question to ask of Franz Inc as to my particular operating system and Allegro CL? (Created 10/12/04)
Q 2.4-2) Why do foreign loads sometimes cause Lisp to die on HP/UX 11.00? (Created 12/4/03)
Q 1.6-10) [Trial Users Only] When I try to run Allegro CL, a message says my license has expired, but when I run newlicense, it says it is too early to renew. Why might this happen? (Created 10/21/03)

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