Allegro CL version 11.0 |
class, dde package
The class of all DDE ports for implementing a DDE client in lisp.
You can create a client-port by calling make-instance on the client-port
class, and then open it by calling open-port on the client-port instance.
It may be useful to create and use a subclass of the client-port
class in order to specialize a dde-message method on that subclass.
See dde.html for information about DDE support.
Class, dde package
The class of dde-info objects. The function dde-info returns the single dde-info instance for a process that might use the Allegro DDE facility. The dde-info object holds information about the general state of the DDE facility within a particular process.
See dde.html for information about DDE support.
class, dde package
The class of all DDE ports for implementing either a DDE client or a DDE server. See client-port and server-port for more information.
class, dde package
The class of all DDE ports for implementing a DDE server in Lisp.
An application does not instantiate this class directly. Instead, an instance is created internally if the Lisp application has called open-server and then some other program connects to the Lisp DDE server as a client.
It may be useful to create a subclass of server-port in order to specialize a dde-message method on the subclass. The subclass name may be passed as the server-port-class argument to open-server to establish it as the server-port class that will be instantiated.
See dde.html for information about DDE support.
Copyright (c) 2023, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Allegro CL version 11.0 |