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Allegro CL version 11.0

Date-time classes


Class, package

The class of a date-time object. date-time instances are created with the function date-time. The function merge-date-times also can create date-time objects. The values in the slots of a date-time object are immutable. The slot readers for the date-time class are:

See also the functions decode-date-time, date-time-year, and date-time-zone and the classes duration and time-interval.

See date-time.html for information on support in Allegro CL for parsing and generating time expressions using the ISO 8601 standard.


Class, package

The class of a duration object. The function duration creates duration objects.

A duration is a length of time, without a specified beginning or end. The time-interval class has a duration object as one of its slot values, and also a start and an end.

The readers for duration are:

See also the functions time-interval, add-duration, and subtract-duration.

See date-time.html for information on support in Allegro CL for parsing and generating time expressions using the ISO 8601 standard. See particularly the section Adding/Subtracting Durations.


Class, package

This is the class of time-interval objects, which (when fully specified) have a start, an end, a duration, and a number of recurrences. time-intervals are created with the time-interval function.

Time intervals have four slots:

See date-time.html for information on support in Allegro CL for parsing and generating time expressions using the ISO 8601 standard.

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Allegro CL version 11.0