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Allegro CL version 10.1
Unrevised from 10.0 to 10.1.
10.0 version


Arguments: pathname

The behavior of this function depends on whether "/tmp_mnt" appears at the beginning of pathname. If it does, this function removes "/tmp_mnt" from the head of pathname and returns a modified pathname object. If "/tmp_mnt" is not there, this function returns nil.

Therefore, the correct way to use this function is as in the following form:

(or (sys:tmp-mnt-frobber <pathname>) <pathname>)

A "/tmp_mnt" head is typically an artifact of the NFS automounter.

Copyright (c) 1998-2022, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 10.0 page.
Created 2019.8.20.

Allegro CL version 10.1
Unrevised from 10.0 to 10.1.
10.0 version