FunctionPackage: profToCDocOverviewCGDocRelNotesFAQIndexPermutedIndex
Allegro CL version 10.1
The object described on this page has been modified in the 10.1 release; see the Release Notes.
10.0 version


Arguments: &key name stream profile verbose current-profile

This function prints a call-graph for the profile data collected to the stream specified by the stream keyword argument. The default value of the :stream argument is *standard-output*.

The name keyword argument, if provided, specifies the function for which information is requested. If the name keyword argument is not specified or is specified nil, information on all functions will be printed. The value of the name keyword argument should be a symbol (that is the argument must evaluate to a symbol) or a compiled function object if you want information on a Lisp function. The value should be a string if you want information on a C function or a Lisp runtime system function.

The profile keyword argument specifies the profile to examine. Its value must be a name of a profile (see save-named-profile) or a profile object (see find-named-profile). The value :current is also accepted and is the default. It indicates the current profile (the most recent run and stopped but not yet saved and named profile).

The verbose keyword argument controls whether or not messages about the progress of the analysis are printed to *standard-output*. The messages will be printed if the value is true and they will not be printed if the value is nil. The value defaults to nil. (Note that in the default, both the messages and the result are printed to *standard-output* so if you rebind *standard-output* to be a stream open to a file, the messages will be printed to the file as well.)

Use of the current-profile keyword argument is deprecated and will cause a warning to be signaled. Use profile instead. If supplied, its value must be a profile saved by save-named-profile or the name of such a profile (see find-named-profile). Profiles saved by the deprecated function save-current-profile will also work).

This function returns no value.

If the profiler is still running when this function is called, then profiling will be stopped and analysis and display of the results will occur. The status of that profile (as returned by profiler-status) will then be :analyzed.

See runtime-analyzer.htm for general information on profiling and the runtime analyzer.

Copyright (c) 1998-2022, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 10.0 page.
Created 2019.8.20.

Allegro CL version 10.1
The object described on this page has been modified in the 10.1 release; see the Release Notes.
10.0 version