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Allegro CL version 10.1
Unrevised from 10.0 to 10.1.
10.0 version



Returns a list of information about all of the monitors that are present. This includes the coordinate range of each monitor, which can be useful for positioning windows within particular monitors in a multiple-monitor system.

Each element of the list describes one monitor, and so the length of the list indicates the number of monitors.

The element for each monitor is itself a list. The first element of that list on either Windows or GTK is a box that specifies the coordinate range of that monitor. For the primary monitor, this will be the same box that is returned by (exterior (screen *system*)).

On GTK, that box is the only element in the list for a monitor. On Windows there are three additional values. On Windows the four values are:

  1. a box for the exterior of the monitor
  2. a box for the interior of the monitor
  3. a boolean value for whether this monitor is the primary one
  4. a string for the name of the monitor

The exterior covers the entire monitor, while the interior is the portion that applications can use, which basically means that the interior excludes the Windows task bar when there is one on that monitor.

;; Here are example on Windows and Linux where there are two monitors.
;; On Windows, the output is a list of three element lists:
((#<box 0 0 1600 900> #<box 0 0 1600 860> t "\\\\.\\DISPLAY1")
 (#<box -2400 -300 0 1200> #<box -2400 -300 0 1200> nil "\\\\.\\DISPLAY2"))

;; On GTK, each list has just one element:
((#<box 0 0 1600 900>)(#<box -2400 -300 0 1200>))

Copyright (c) 1998-2022, Franz Inc. Lafayette, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page was not revised from the 10.0 page.
Created 2019.8.20.

Allegro CL version 10.1
Unrevised from 10.0 to 10.1.
10.0 version