Starting a server manually

The full set of command line options for starting the AllegroGraph server are described here.

Some of the Learning Center examples require a server running with non-default options. The following examples start the AllegroGraph server listening on (a non-default) port 4126 and using the specified file for eval-in-server permissions.

On Windows

To start an AllegroGraphServer in console mode, specify options at the command line:

% cd [AllegroGraphInstallation]
% .\AllegroGraphServer.exe --port 4126 --eval-in-server-file evalinserver.cfg

To start AllegroGraphServer running as a service:

% cd [AllegroGraphInstallation]
% .\AllegroGraphServer.exe --service-start

The file agraph.cfg in this directory specifies the startup options for the service. Edit the configuration in this file to specify non-default port, eval-in-server-file, or other options.

On Windows, the AllegroGraph Server is installed as a service during installation and is started by default. The Services control panel applet can also be used to start/stop/restart the service.

On Mac OS X and other Unix Platforms

To start an AllegroGraphServer running as a daemon:

$ cd [AllegroGraphInstallation]
$ ./AllegroGraphServer --port 4126 --eval-in-server-file evalinserver.cfg

The default behavior (without the --debug command line argument) is to run in the background, as a daemon. In this case, it is recommended that you use the --log-file command line argument to specify a log file for the various messages printed by the server.

For Linux installs, the server can also be started with this command:

$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/agraph start

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