Downloading the software

The AllegroGraph Java examples and supporting data sets are bundled for download here. A few of the larger data sets are not bundled for download at this time. You can download to any convenient directory on your system. One of the following AllegroGraph Java editions will also be needed to run the examples. Please download one if you do not already have one.

Downloading the Free Java Edition

You can download the Free Java Edition from: here

You will be asked to fill in some contact information, then asked to accept the license agreement, then you will be taken to the AllegroGraph Free Java Edition Download Center where you can download the software for your desired platform.

For Windows users, you can follow the instructions from the download page to do the installation.

For Linux and Unix users, there are a couple of extra steps to installation. Proceed to the Installing the Software section on the Learning Center page or by clicking here.

Downloading the Developer or Enterprise Java Edition

When you have purchased either the Developer or Enterprise Edition of AllegroGraph Java Edition, you will be provided with ftp instructions for downloading the software. If you have special evaluation requirements that cannot be met with the Free Java Edition, please contact

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