For Immediate Release
Lisa Fettner
Marketing Director
[email protected]
(510) 548-3600, x138

Franz Inc. Sets Standard for CORBA's Lisp Interfaces and ORBS.

OMG approves IDL mapping with high praise.

Berkeley, CA, February 8, 2000-Franz Inc. announced it had received approval of its Lisp-IDL specifications by the Object Management Group (

Franz Inc. developed the mapping in support of its CORBA-compliant Lisp ORB, Allegro ORBLink. Allegro ORBLink allows Lisp users to develop large scale distributed applications that smoothly interface with other languages.

"We're thrilled that our mapping has become the Lisp standard," says Fritz Kunze, CEO of Franz Inc. "Our Allegro ORBLink product has been quite successful in expanding the use of Lisp in mission-critical, multi-language Enterprise applications. The mapping approval means that we can continue to enhance and grow Lisp's usage."

"Now Allegro ORBLink customers can leverage their knowledge, experience and the power of Lisp, while taking advantage of the newest technologies such as Java," adds Richard Barber, Franz Inc.'s Vice President of Technology.

Franz Inc. introduced Allegro ORBLink in 1997 to take advantage of the potential for Lisp that CORBA provided. Whereas before it was difficult to port to applications written in other languages, CORBA gives developers a standardized system in which to do so.

Allegro ORBLink is used by key Franz customers including Boeing, MITRE, Knowledge Technologies Inc. (ICAD), Performigence (Knowledge Management), and Synquiry (Web Filter/Data Mining).

Franz Inc. is the world's leading vendor of dynamic object-oriented development tools featuring Allegro CL® and CLOS. Franz Inc.'s products enable software developers to build complex, flexible, and scalable applications quickly and cost-effectively.

For more information about Franz Inc.'s products and services, call 1-888-CLOS NOW, email: [email protected] or see our website:

Allegro CL and Allegro ORBLink are trademarks of Franz Inc. CORBA is a registered trademark of the OMG.

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